Chapter 532
Xie Li took a look.

Bai Qi Yijing rushed over quickly.

The Thousand Xuanjia Army behind them also killed them.

And the two thousand Xuanjia troops in front also pressed over.

The clan soldiers retreated in defeat.

Xieli hesitated for a moment, struggling a little inwardly.

Gritting his teeth for the last time, he said, "Withdraw!"

The biggest variable today is the Xuanjia Army of the Great Zhou.

This kind of heavy armored cavalry who can't be pierced by arrows, can't be cut by knives, and can't be beaten is really annoying.

At this time, Xie Li Yi Jing knew why Bai Qi wanted to fight.

It is relying on the presence of such a tyrannical force as the Xuanjia Army.

This kind of army makes people jealous, but it also makes people crazy.

Dazhou is one of the dynasties of the Central Plains, and being rich means being generous.

As soon as Xie Li escaped, Bai Qi was even more overjoyed.

Continue to chase with all the troops.

The Turks fled to the camp like crazy.

"The Xuanjia army returns to the city, change to the city defenders and follow me to pursue!"

Bai Qi didn't miss this opportunity, and continued to chase towards the Turkic camp with Xue Rengui and others.

The Xuanjia army can't run fast, and they can't fight for a long time.

So they all retreated to the city and took off their armor.

The great Zhou soldiers guarding the city had long been excited and impulsive.

They all rushed out of the city.

The camps of the Turks were no better than the camps of the Zhou army.

Therefore, the Turks who hurriedly withdrew could not hold the camp at all.

Bai Qi charged in and destroyed the simple gate of the camp.

Only then did the two-handed sword dance.

Sword Qi swept across like blades.

Kill the Turkic people on the left and right, or destroy their camps.

"General Zhou, don't be arrogant, watch me Zavi kill you!"

One of Xie Li's bodyguards, a fourth-rank martial artist, jumped up, with two round blades in his hands cutting towards Bai Qi.

Bai Qi blocked it lightly.

Opposition is not a stab at the past.

The other party took advantage of his strength to leap high, and Bai Qi got up behind him.

Bai Qi's backhand is to push back with a sword.

Zavi, who had just circled behind Bai Qi, hurriedly raised the round blade to block it.


Bai Qi's sword directly smashed Zawi's weapon, and then rushed in.

Horror flashed in Zavi's eyes.

Looking frightened.

He hurriedly stepped on it lightly, and retreated.

But at this time, Bai Qi also turned over, jumped up, and rushed down with a straight thrust.

Zavi dodged Bai Qi's sword at the beginning, but he couldn't dodge this one anyway.


Bai Qi's sword was precise and powerful, piercing directly from Zavi's Baihui point.

When the Turkic people around saw this, they were so frightened that their trousers were all over the ground.

So strong, so scary.

The sword pierces the skull, and Baihui enters.

In an instant, a fourth-rank master died.

This Han will be too strong.

I'm afraid it's not just the fourth grade.

"Withdraw! Withdraw north immediately, don't delay!"

In the camp, Xie Li also gasped.

Originally thought that Bai Qi was just a fourth-rank warrior, and he also had fourth-rank warriors who could win a gamble.

Unexpectedly, the opponent was a fifth-rank general.

This kind of strength can compete with a sixth-rank martial arts.

Such a general can run wild in the army, or take the head of a general among thousands of troops.

How could Xieli not be afraid.

How dare he gather soldiers and horses to fight Bai Qi.

Why is Da Zhou always a master?

None of the dynasties in the Central Plains was simple.

With a large population base, there will inevitably be countless masters.

It's really enviable and helpless.


Bai Qi's move inspired the soldiers on his side even more. The Xuanwu guards who were a little tired at first seemed to be pumped with chicken blood, output crazily, and kept rushing forward.

Soon the Turkic camp was captured by Bai Qi and others, and all the things that the Turkic people took away in a hurry became trophies.

But Bai Qi still didn't stop, and led his men on horses to chase him down.

It didn't stop until the curtain ended.

This battle is fought from morning to night.

Except for the fighting generals at the beginning, almost all Zhou Jun was chasing the Turkic people.

Fight and kill all the way.

I don't know how many Turks were beheaded.

"Have you counted it? How many Turkic people have we killed today?" Bai Qi asked after returning to the city.

Xue Rengui stood up and replied: "About [-] to [-] to [-], many of them are too far away and there is no statistics."

"In this way, Xie Li has lost half of his people, but there are still [-] people who escaped." Bai Qi thought for a while, touched his chin and walked around:
"Order, let the Xuanjia army rest well tonight, go into battle tomorrow with light clothing, don't wear armor, and pursue normally, don't give Xie Li time to stop and train the troops."

"The next step is to see if Luo Chengbu can succeed. I hope he and the guerrilla army led by Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry can make great contributions and kill Xie Li."

The next morning!
Bai Qiqin was leading Yu Chigong, Qin Qiong and the disarmed Xuanjia army out of the city to chase north.

Xie Li was in a state of shock, rested all night, and returned to the north slowly the next day.

But the tail whistle behind him caught up.

"The sweat is not good, Zhou Jun's coach is here."

"What?" Xie Li was shocked: "What are they using to chase us?"

Lai rode back and said, "Khan, they have removed all their heavy armor, those tall horses run like crazy, they are too fast."

"Damn it, General Zhou is deceiving people too much this time. He took off his heavy armor and came after us. Isn't he afraid that I'll turn around and come back to fight with him?" Xieli whipped his horsewhip hard, then glanced at the group of subordinates.

Seeing that no one responded proactively, they went home one by one.

The words that came to his mouth were swallowed again.

"Forget it, let them go today, we are Hui!"

Xie Li was also a bit vain. Although the opponent's cavalry had been disarmed, he didn't dare to gamble on the combat effectiveness.

Because Bai Qi's personal martial arts are too strong.

"Khan, next time we go south, we should invite the shaman. With the shaman here, we will definitely be able to kill this General Zhou!" someone suggested.

Many people were moved.

But Xieli glared at him fiercely.

He didn't answer the call, but just walked away.

Please shamans above the sixth-rank realm, not to mention the promise of benefits, but to give more power to the shaman.

It's because you really used it, what about Zhouren.

Zhou people will also use the sixth-grade realm to fight.

At that time, people with the strength of the sixth rank will form an army, and they will really be able to take the head of the people from them.

The two sides broke the tacit understanding, but he was the most dangerous.

So this is not a good suggestion, but a bad idea.

Xieli would not answer.

The Turkic army rushed all the way, trying to keep the distance from Baiqi's army as far as possible.

After running for a day, I still haven't gotten rid of it in vain.

Bai Qi seems to have some secret to always find him.

This made Xieli a little confused.

"General Zhou, we will leave the prairie in a short time. If you have the ability, keep chasing him. Don't think that Ben Khan will kill you too, heh heh..."

Just after Xie Li finished speaking, and within ten miles, suddenly a cavalry appeared at the mouth of the valley where there was a valley between two mountains.

This cavalry is mainly black.

From the general to the soldiers, they are almost all dressed in black.

Even weapons can be as black as possible.

Looking at the flag, it is also dominated by black.

Luo and Yanyun are embroidered in the middle of the flag.

"That's... the cold-faced general, Yan Yunyouqi!"

"Why are they here?"

Someone asked in a trembling voice.

(End of this chapter)

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