I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 533 Despicable Luo Cheng, evil death

Chapter 533 Despicable Luo Cheng, evil death

Cold-faced General, Yanyun Roaming!

Why are these guys here.

"Kill them, crash them to death!"

A fierce gleam flashed in Xie Li's eyes.

Life and death, not to mention cold-faced generals, Yan Yunyouqi, even the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, can kill without fail.


The Turks uttered a final cry, all waving their horsewhips, speeding up the charge.

The [-] army is already exhausted, and if they can't make it through at once during the accelerated impact, they will all be finished.

Taniguchi, with a cold face and a cold spear, the cold light in his eyes is even more intense.

There was a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth.

They have been waiting here for Xieli for a long time.

If you dare to violate the territory of the Great Zhou, this time there will be no return.

Luo Changchang pointed his gun at the sky and roared, "Let's go!"

All the cavalry followed him and turned to the right, left the original Taniguchi, and attacked the Turkic army from the flank.

Xieli and the others were taken aback.

Immediately, his face turned pale, and his eyes were cold.

Luo Cheng is too cunning.

Instead of being tough from the front, just choose to harass from the side and eat his troops by biting.

This is a shrewd cavalry general.

Even more cunning than their Turks.

Attacking from the front, it was difficult for Luo Cheng to stop the [-] Turkic cavalry who were eager to return.

Because the Turkic people will work hard to die
Even if Luo Cheng was able to intercept many Turkic people, Luo Cheng's headquarters was also abolished.

Avoid the main force of the Turks and attack in one direction from the side.

In this way, frontal conflicts are reduced and the contact surface is small.

You can better save yourself and kill the enemy.

Sure enough, as soon as Luo Cheng turned around, the Turkic people on the right began to involuntarily move closer to the left.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

A few people are exempt.

So the Turkic team began to crowd to the side, and the outermost one on the left began to rush to the hillside.

He knew that Luo Cheng was playing tricks, but it was a conspiracy, and Xie Li and the Turkic people had nothing to do, or they didn't have time to figure it out.

Now they have only one thought, to rush through the valley and get rid of Zhou Qi's entanglement.

The Turkic cavalry who rushed to the front suddenly fell down one after another.

It turned out that the ground was strewn with barbed thorns by Luo Cheng and others.

How did the Turkic people think that Luo Cheng carried so many of these gadgets.

And I rushed just now, so I didn't have time to take a closer look.

Just in time, now that I know there is such a thing,
They had no choice but to use their lives and horses to clean up.

Turkic cavalrymen kept falling down, but more Turkic people stepped on the corpses of their companions and rushed over.


Suddenly, another piece of Turkic cavalry fell down.

It turned out that Luo Cheng dug a trap at the mouth of the valley.

The big one directly trapped the war horse.

The small one is a small hole,
Wood chips were buried in the pit.

These wood chips are used to tie horseshoes.

The horses of the Turkic cavalry did not have horseshoes.

So horse legs were stabbed.

The war horses were carried down again.

Suddenly, countless Turkic cavalry were killed or injured.

"Damn it, this cold-faced general is too treacherous!"

"It's not the first time you've heard of him. This man has done everything he can to deal with us. He doesn't even spare our herding people. He kills, burns, and loots everything he goes. He does everything. "

"Save your energy and rush over quickly."

The immediate difficulties are something they cannot change.

These traps designed by Luo Cheng are intended to trap them, but what can they do, stop and clear the traps?

They are out of time.

Moreover, the army has been running for so long, and the men and horses are exhausted. Once they stop, they can't run anymore.

Isn't he going to die at the hands of the cold-faced general, Yan Yun Youqi?

Why don't you just give it a shot, in case you are lucky enough to make it through.

The entire valley mouth, so that it extends to the inside, is full of traps, especially on the left side, where there are the most traps.

"Lean to the right, the right side is safe." Suddenly, Xie Li's mind brightened, thinking of the formation of Luo Cheng's army at Taniguchi.

They are all on the right side, and there is a reason for that.

"Go, go to the right!"

Hula, all the Turkic cavalry began to move closer to the right again.

At this moment, Luo Cheng, who was behind him, ended up being harassed by the flanks.

A longbow shot, combined with a collision and fight, took away three or four thousand Turkic people.

Then he turned around and chased him from behind.

Kill the Turks who are behind one by one.

Because the Turkic people waded through all the traps.

Therefore, Luo Cheng's troops could chase and kill them without any restraint.

Three thousand rangers chase and bite like tigers and leopards.

After chasing into the valley, Luo Cheng and others slowed down, and the team began to move forward in parallel small groups of three cavalry.

"Boom...!" When it was about to leave the valley, suddenly another collapse ahead, and countless Turkic cavalry fell into the trap.

It turns out that Luo Cheng set up a turning road here, sealing off the right side, and there are all traps ahead.

So suddenly, many Turkic cavalry were fooled again.

Impatient, Xie Li had no choice but to turn to the left and leave the valley with the people.

Those who didn't respond in a hurry at the back turned sharply and could only hit the left and right traps again.

So the speed slowed down again.

Luo Bao calmly shot and chased behind him.

Bite the Turkic soldiers one by one.


Suddenly there was another trap ahead.

Turkic is so angry that he is going crazy, this Luo Cheng is too despicable.

When Xie Li turned to the left, suddenly the front leg of the horse stepped on the ground, and even carried him in.

Fortunately, Xie Li has martial arts skills, so he immediately loosened his legs that were tightly clamping the horse's belly.

Jumped not far away.

But as soon as he landed, the pain was so painful that he wanted to scream.

It turned out that there were rows of wooden thorns buried on the ground.

As soon as he landed, he was stabbed, not only his hands, but even his thighs were pierced with dozens of small roots.

"Damn cold-faced general, you are forced to do nothing. Ben Khan swears that he will kill you!"

Several masters jumped over and lifted Xie Li up.

Then hastily mounted his horse and headed north into the prairie.

But at this moment, Luo Cheng chased him out with scriptures, and Cui Ma charged at Xie Li.

"Khan, let's go, let's deal with the cold-faced General!"

Xieli's loyal subordinate slapped the horse's butt and urged the horse to run away with Xieli on its back.

"court death!"

When Luo Changchang's spear fell, the five tigers broke the door with marksmanship, and one man fought against two cavalry.

Within three strokes, the two of them were beheaded.

At this time, I was chasing, only to hear the sound of flying, and a figure floated past from behind.

This person did not ride a horse, jumped out of the safe area, and then walked vigorously on the grass, chasing after the evil horse.

Xie Li turned around and saw that Bai Qi was chasing him, and he was frightened out of his wits.

At this moment, he has no military generals by his side, and no masters of third or fourth rank who can delay his life.

So I can only pray silently.

But soon Bai Qi Yungong caught up, jumped up, kicked a Turkic soldier away, then stretched out his hand into a claw, and pushed towards Xie Li.

Xieli wanted to turn sideways, but a huge suction pulled him away.

The next moment his neck was grabbed by Bai Qi's right hand.

Gently pinch and twist harder.

"Crack!" Xieli tilted his head, without any vitality...

A generation of prairie sweats died just like that.

(End of this chapter)

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