I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 534? Bai Qi's arrangement

Chapter 534 Bai Qi's Arrangement

"The sweat is dead!"

Xieli's death was like a plague, infecting all Turkic cavalry.

They stared at each other.

Sure enough, Xie Li's figure was next to Bai Qi, who was picked up by Bai Qi.


The next second, Bai Qi roared, drew his sword and chopped off Xie Li's head.

The Turkic people were even more terrified when they saw it, and fled even more frantically.

Bai Qi also chased after him, holding Xie Li's head back to the cause.

Luo Cheng and the others pursued closely, attacking non-stop.

After dark, all soldiers returned.

"Luo Cheng pays his respects to the general!"

After returning, Luo Cheng brought Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry to meet Bai Qi.

Bai Qi looked at Luo Cheng, then looked at the Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry in the same attire, nodded with a smile and said: "There is no need to be too polite, you can intercept this battle, and you can kill Xie Li in one fell swoop and destroy more than 4 of them. Raise the prestige of our Great Zhou, and solidify our territory."

The cold-faced general, eighteen all first-rank generals, no wonder he made such a big name at the border with a mere three thousand riders.

No wonder Ye Qing trusted them so much.

"Great General, you're amazing. The General commanded well and chased the enemy in time. This is the chance for our rangers to bite down the evil Turkic remnant!" Luo Cheng didn't know the number of Bai Qi's route, so he was quite concerned. humble.

Originally he was an arrogant person.

But Bai Qi's force is there.

Can't be ignored.

Bai Qi said: "Everyone has contributed to this battle. With a force of more than [-] people, we have defeated [-] Turks and killed them profusely. When the news of victory comes back, the pressure on Your Majesty will be reduced a lot. We can deal with all countries with ease.”

"Report back to Chang'an according to the merits of each ministry!"


The generals are overjoyed.

Xue Rengui said: "General, now that Xie Li is dead, the northern border of our Great Zhou will be stable and peaceful for a period of time, what shall we do next?"

"Qin Qiong led three thousand Xuanjia troops to garrison Gaonu City. Luo Cheng led the headquarters into the prairie, penetrated into the enemy's territory, and carried out raids. The main purpose was to destroy the Turkic grasslands and herdsmen. There was no need to love fighting. Guerrilla attacks disturbed the Turkic interior. In terms of injustice, Dazhou is not their back garden, it is not a place where they can come and go when they want, and if they dare to invade my Dazhou, they will have to pay a price."


Both Luo Cheng and Qin Qiong took orders.

Then Bai Qi said again: "You two, Yuchi Jingde and Xue Rengui, will follow me in Xihe County. From now on, we will establish a defense system based on Xihe County, and use it as the basis to extend northward, expand the territory, and spread the rich The Hetao area will be eaten."

"General, Your Majesty means that we should stick to the border and stabilize the border. If we extend to the north, will it violate His Majesty's grand strategic plan?" Xue Rengui worried.

Bai Qi said: "Attack is the best defense. Taking advantage of Xie Li's death, the internal instability of the Turks, and the opportunity to compete with each other, we should advance northward and occupy as much as we can, so as to increase the depth."

"Your Majesty also said that your Xuanwu Guard will expand into the Xuanwu Army in the future, so do it boldly, and we will soon have a source of troops to do great things."



Tai Chi Palace!
"Good! Bai Qi, Xue Rengui, Luo Cheng and others have done a good job."

Ye Qing received the battle report from the north, stood up excitedly, and read it again with the battle report.

"Come here, let the good news out. I want the people in Chang'an to know the good news, and I want the people in the states and counties of Da Zhou to know the good news."

Now Cao Zhengchun went down to make arrangements.

After reading the battle report, Ye Qing picked up Bai Qi's proposal and read it slowly.

Finally, a word can be mentioned on it!
Wuguan Yijing has been brought back, and the war with Chuyue Kingdom is about to come to an end.

Both countries need to recuperate.

Chuyue Kingdom is only superficially tough, and it is impossible to use heavy troops to attack Wuguan in reality.

Therefore, the energy of the master of Dazhou can be put back on Qiqiang and Turks.

"Hanzhong... Zhang family, it's time to take action against you."

Ye Qing walked to the huge sand table in the hall and looked down at the position of Hanzhong County, his expression gradually became sharper.

"Come here, deliver the decree, order Li to draft a rebellion document, declare the Zhang family a traitor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, cut Donghou Hou Yejin into a commoner, remove his name from the royal family, and relegate Concubine Zhang to Yeting."

"Department of Order and Punishment, confiscated the Zhang family's grain stores in Chang'an and various places in Dazhou, searched their mansions and fields, and strictly investigated all people related to the Zhang family."

"Order the Ministry of Agriculture to immediately mobilize crops such as grain and potatoes from the east of the river, and carry out nationwide promotion and planting, so as to ensure my self-sufficiency in summer harvest and autumn harvest."

"Order the Ministry of Industry to speed up the construction and operation of cement plants, glass plants, steel plants, and paper mills. Within three months, every county must have these supporting plants. At the same time, it is necessary to promote red brick technology nationwide, build factories and build medicines."

"Order the Ministry of Medicine and Health to gather doctors from all over the country, conduct training, and compile the Great Zhou Medical Code, so that the people of the Great Zhou who love medicine can learn from it."

"That's right! Let the cabinet discuss the planning of the Propaganda Department. The Propaganda Department will mainly focus on printing factories, supplemented by bookstores, to print, sell and publicize official newspapers, as well as publish our great Zhou classics."

Orders were issued one by one, and the eunuchs in the palace quickly recorded
Then pass on Ye Qing's will.

Some are directly sent to the yamen of various ministries, and some are sent to the cabinet, which is dispatched under the overall planning of the cabinet.

Done with these things.

At this time, someone came to report: "Your Majesty, Li Ru and Liu Buren are seeking to see each other!"

"Let them in!"

Soon the two came in.

The door of the hall was closed, and there were only three people left in the hall.

Liu Buren said: "Your Majesty, this is the list of all the shadow guards."

Liu Buren handed over the box.

Put it in front of the imperial case.

Ye Qing opened it and saw countless list books stacked inside.

Taking a random copy, Ye Qing looked at it slowly.

Li Ru and Liu Buren waited below.

After reading all the lists, Ye Qing closed his eyes and recalled.

Then he said: "Wenyou, you accept the things. From now on, the Shadow Guard will be merged into Jinyiwei, which belongs to a department of Jinyiwei, but will not have any contact with other departments of Jinyiwei."

"No!" Li Ru stepped forward to take over the list.

"At the same time, the shadow guards will be trained once, and there must be spies from the enemy country, or people who have infiltrated from other forces. Liu Buren, you assist Wen You to screen and screen. I don't want to see what happened to the late emperor again!" Ye Qing looked at Staring at Liu Buren scorchingly.

Liu Buren said: "Your Majesty, I will do my best to do this well."

"Information is the eyes of the empire, and it is the most important thing. You tell the people below that I will not treat any Jinyiwei or anyone who has made contributions to the empire. In the current Great Zhou, the capable will go up and the mediocre will go down. As long as If you have the ability, as long as you are loyal, you will definitely have the opportunity to make contributions and enjoy the dividends brought by the development of the empire." Ye Qing waved and said:
"Okay, let's go down, if you need any talents, you can ask me, and I will give you priority!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Ru and Liu Buren both retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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