I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 535 Shang Yang Reform

Chapter 535 Shang Yang Reform

Received a message from Chang'an.

Zhang Qiu and the others were dumbfounded.

"The Great Zhou army not only wiped out the 70 Chuyue army, but also captured Wuguan. Chuyue stopped increasing troops to Wuguan according to the scriptures. It seems that the war is about to cease!"

"Even if Chuyue Kingdom and Dazhou are not repaired, there will be no war in a short time."

Listening to his subordinates' analysis, Zhang Qiu clenched his hands into fists and stared at the map.

His eyes are full of unwillingness.

Ye Qing miraculously reversed the desperate situation in Guanzhong.

Shengsheng eliminated a dangerous situation that was about to destroy the country.

"My lord, not only that, I heard that the Turkic Khan in the north has also been killed by Bai Qi and others. The [-] army is almost wiped out, and the north of the Great Zhou is also stable!"

Another big victory, the north and the south are blooming, and they all win more with less!

How could Ye Qing's people be so good at fighting?

This Bai Qi, an unknown person, is a great general.

Only Ye Qing dared to do this.

Zhang Qiu let go of his fists, turned to sit down, and rubbed his temples.

"If there is any bad news, let's finish it together!"

"My lord, South Korea has withdrawn its troops and did not occupy Luoyang. Wei also retreated to its original border."

"Now Ye Qing also announces...designating our Zhang family as traitors, cutting off the title of Marquis of Hedong, besides the genealogy, the young lady also...has entered the Ye Court."

After hearing this, Zhang Qiu was furious, and took the case.

"Excessive, damn bastard, to humiliate my sister like this!"

The rest of Zhang Qiu endured it, anyway, what they did was conspiracy.

Ye Jin Yijing was pushed to the throne by him, and Nanzheng was his capital.

But his younger sister, Hao Hao, was also Ye Zhen's noble concubine, and was demoted to Yeting.

Ye Qing didn't want to be kind anymore.

As soon as I planned to die, I completely tore my face.

"Father, what should we do now, should we send someone to assassinate Ye Qing?" Zhang Lu asked.

But he regretted it after asking.

There are no warriors with rank-[-] strength in Hanzhong, and even two rank-[-] fighters were killed by Zhang Sanfeng.

Wanting to go to Chang'an to kill Ye Qing, who was protected by a master, is really more difficult than going to heaven.

"Don't worry about him, do our own thing well, hurry up and attack the country of Ba, and solve the country of Ba, we will be able to unify the three lands and two countries, form a huge empire, and develop rapidly from then on, only then will we be able to compete for strength Guanzhong." Zhang Qiu thought for a while and said:
"Send someone to contact Chuyue Kingdom, we can form an alliance now, if Chuyue Kingdom is willing to help us, we can use the Ziwu Valley to send troops to attack Dazhou in the future!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

This bait casts well.

I believe that the Chuyue people will be moved.

"My lord, if the Chuyue Kingdom agrees, we can ask the Chuyue Kingdom to send experts to help us attack the Ba Kingdom, so that it will be easier to unify the land of Bashu!"

Adviser suggested.

Others also nodded frequently.



In Tai Chi Palace.

"Your Majesty, the preparations for the Martial Arts Hall and the Great Evolution Division have been completed. We are going to open the first recruitment of students for the Lecture Hall and the first National Martial Arts Competition of the Great Evolution Division to select available talents for the empire!"

Ye Qing said: "Yes, I will ask someone to allocate money and food to you from the internal treasury."

"At the same time, I will award the outstanding students of the Martial Arts Competition with titles and martial arts titles. I will try to mobilize the martial artists of my great week and select as many talented people as possible!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

After Zhang Sanfeng, Lan Dong, Hua Bei and others retreated, Shang Yang walked in.

"Your Majesty, this is the punishment law of the Great Zhou that I and the Ministry of Punishment have revised over the past few days. Take a look!"

Because of the paper, the complicated laws and regulations can be condensed in a manuscript.

Ye Qing opened it and read a few pages, but closed it without reading it.

"After a few glances, it should be better than the original one. You should tell me in detail about the additions or deletions in it. I'll take a look at it when I have time!"

Shang Yang then talked about the most important part of it.

Finally, he said: "My lord, there is one of them. I think it is urgent. It must be done immediately."

"You're talking about re-registering the household registration population and land property!" Ye Qing said:

"Then contact the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Agriculture, and your Ministry of Punishment will take the lead to carry out this matter, and clearly stipulate that in the future, those who have more land will pay more taxes, have to perform more military service, and collect land taxes in a step-by-step manner."

"It's Your Majesty!"

Ye Qing had already mentioned this method, so Shang Yang took out another thing from his cuff.

"Your Majesty, I have drafted a reform decree called "Grass Cultivation Order", please take a look!"

The Grass Cultivation Order is very familiar.

Ye Qing asked him to report it, and after reading it, he was both happy and worried.

Shang Yang was a little apprehensive.

"It's okay to use Jialian's law, but it's not appropriate to use severe punishment for minor crimes. Let's measure the crime according to the punishment, otherwise people's hearts will be too rigid!"

"Abolish the old system of honor and wealth, reward military merit, prohibit private fighting, and promulgate the system of twentieth-class nobles rewarded according to military merit. This is feasible, but it will be delayed. Now that the Great Zhou has just won a big victory, our talents have just supported all parties. The power has not yet been stabilized, so we will postpone it to the twelfth lunar month to raise this matter!"

"It is not advisable to emphasize agriculture and suppress business. My Da Zhou wants to emphasize both agriculture and business, and more emphasis on military industry.

It is necessary to reward farming and weaving, especially land reclamation.There is no need to limit the scope of business operations. It is not conducive to the development of commerce. It is okay to re-levy commercial taxes. The more extravagant things, the higher the tax rate can be. Thrift and practicality should be advocated! "

"Encouraging foreign immigrants and rewarding land, this can be, not only, anyone who refers people from their hometown to our Dazhou can also get special rewards for referrals, not only money and grain fields, but even titles."

After reading it, Ye Qing put down the notebook: "Just do what I said just now, change it, wait a bit, and execute it!"

"Your Majesty, I know what to do."

Most of them were accepted by Ye Qing, and there were still many amendments to fill in. Shang Yang was quite satisfied with the scriptures.

Every modification Ye Qing made showed his wisdom.

These are much better than what you can think of by yourself.

So Shang Yang felt that Ye Qing was a born emperor's reformer.

Thought and action are far superior to others.

After dismissing Shang Yang, Ye Qing got up, stretched his waist, looked at the sky and said, "Show Jingtai Palace!"

Empress Dowager Dong Hao hasn't been there for a long time.

After Xiao Huan entered the palace, she lived directly in Jingtai Palace.

Jingtai Palace is still as quiet as a guest, there are not many people inside, and there are no soldiers or eunuchs on duty outside.

Ye Qing walked in, walked through the bamboo path with small steps, and soon came to the plum garden.

"Qing'er is here?"

From afar, the old lady Dong could smell Ye Qing.

Xiao Huan turned around in surprise, and she sent out Ye Qing.

His eyes suddenly opened into a smile, and a pair of small hands were still pinching his clothes and feet rigidly.

Empress Dong smiled lightly, shook her head slightly, and reached out to grab Xiao Huan's right hand.

"Great-grandmother, Ankang!" Ye Qing approached, please politely say hello.

"It's good, don't worry about me, an old woman." The old lady Dong asked:
"How does it feel to be the emperor now? If you are not a director of state affairs, you can ask me, an old woman. I still know a lot of anecdotes that you don't know about Dazhou."

(End of this chapter)

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