Chapter 536: Ba State Mutation
Ye Qing said: "Fortunately, from the current point of view, it can still be dealt with. A while ago, most of the wars were the main thing, and the state affairs were temporarily suspended, and now they are gradually recovering.

Although it is complicated, the newly selected ministers and cabinet management have helped me share a lot of laborious and tiring things.

So it's relatively easy now. "

"I heard that your cabinet is so ingenious that you have learned to be lazy!" Mrs. Dong smiled, beckoning Ye Qing to come closer, and then handed Huanhuan's hand to Ye Qing's. inside.

"I know that my family's Qing family didn't come to see my great-grandmother sincerely, so you and Xiao Huan can take a walk and talk!"

"Eh!" Ye Qing didn't refute, smiled wryly, and then pulled Huan to greet the old lady Dong.

Only then did he take Huanhuan to the distance.

"Are you still used to it in the palace? Why didn't you call Linglong?" Ye Qing asked, holding Huanhuan's hand.

Huanhuan replied, "Your Majesty..."

"Young master!" Ye Qing hastily corrected:
"I said before, no matter when, I am your son."

Xiao Huan was so moved that her eyelashes were foggy.

A little heart was beating harder and harder.

The boy still hasn't changed.

It doesn't matter if it's the Marquis, the prince, or the emperor.

He will always be my son.

"Well, it's the young master!" Huanhuan replied sweetly:
"Young Master, it doesn't matter if you live in the palace or Xiaoyao Mansion, as long as there is Young Master, Huanhuan will be used to living there."

Hearing this, Ye Qing smiled knowingly, and stretched out his hand to rub the head of the little girl.

They used to live in the palace, but their lives were not satisfactory.

It can even be described as a nightmare.

So this place in the deep palace may not make people happy.

And uncomfortable memories.

As they walked, the two found a clean place to sit down.

Looking at the tender shoots in early spring, everything is the beautiful breath of spring.

Huanhuan carefully leaned against Ye Qing.

Like a sneaky kitten, constantly probing.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that it could be stolen that it got closer.

Ye Qing stretched out his hand and quietly hugged Huanhuan's waist.

The two don't talk much, but there are some things that don't need to be said.

Quietness is also a kind of beauty, it is called tranquility.

State affairs and world affairs, everything is in the heart of an emperor like Ye Qing.

Usually, the words of the scriptures have been said enough.

I prefer this short company, quiet and sweet.

"Your Majesty, will sister Bu become the queen?"

Huanhuan asked suddenly.

Ye Qing looked down and faced it.

Huanhuan hurriedly explained: "This is what the old queen mother said. She said that sister Bu was born in Qishan Pavilion, and she followed you to explore the sky cliffs. She is also well-educated, so she is more suitable for the candidate for queen."

Ye Qing smiled and said, "If I say, I make you the queen, do you like it?"

Huanhuan opened her mouth and eyes wide.

He was so surprised that he didn't reply for a while.

After regaining consciousness, she shook her head and said, "I don't like it! I don't want to be the son's queen, I only want to be the son's Xiao Huan. I am the son's maid forever. This is what you said, forever!"

"Hahaha, okay, forever!" Ye Qing couldn't help laughing, but hugged Huanhuan even tighter.

"Young master, what about sister Bu, why didn't you come back with you!" Huanhuan asked again.

Ye Qing said with emotion: "She is still in a place where she is needed very much. I will bring her back after a while. I owe her a lot. From now on... she will be the Empress of Great Zhou..."


Baguo Jiangzhou City!

A fierce general hurriedly walked through the palace road, passed through several palace gates, and then arrived at the imperial study.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong!"

"Whoever makes noise, call in immediately."

Bahuang frowned and hurriedly ordered.

Then a general came in and bowed when he saw Emperor Ba:
"Your Majesty's major event is not good. We lost the battle on the front line. Our navy in Liangjiang was attacked by the navy of Shu. Our army suffered heavy losses and Dianjiang fell!"


Bahuang suddenly stood up in disbelief.

"Are you talking again? What's going on? How could our Ba Kingdom's navy be destroyed by a few broken ships from Shu Kingdom? How could our Dianjiang River be lost?"

Dianjiang!Located in Sanjiangkou.

To the west is Fushui, in the middle is Xihanshui, and to the east is Diving.

The location is great and of the utmost importance.

The fall of Dianjiang directly blocked the way to the north of Jiangzhou.

Divided Pakistan into two.

Ba Huang wanted to get news from the northern part of the country without any channels.

It is equivalent to losing half of the territory.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the people of Shu took advantage of the rainy night to dispatch warships to sneak attack on our army's water village. Our people never thought that they would dare to attack in the rain, let alone preparedness, so the water village was destroyed..."

The general sighed heavily, full of grief.

"Attack on a rainy night, so ruthless!"

This is a near-death move. If it is not successful, I may be sent back to my hometown by nature first.

After Ba Huang finished listening, he also sat back speechless.

For this is a desperate battle.

Now it's hard for Pakistan.

"Your Majesty, you should immediately send troops to take back Dianjiang, otherwise the Shu army will gain a firm foothold, and it will be difficult to take it back in the future."

Bahuang took a breath and said:
"The decree is to mobilize all the navy in Jiangzhou to go north, and the decree is to be transferred back to the navy that entered the Shu Kingdom, and to retake Dianjiang with all strength."

The general said: "Your Majesty, it's not enough to just tune us in. If the navy is gone, Jiangzhou will only have Zhou Jun's navy left. It's very dangerous. What if they..."

Speaking of this, this person is not too savvy to mention it.

When Bahuang heard the news, his complexion became even worse, and there was even a trace of resentment between his brows.

That's right, I forgot about the Great Zhou Navy.

This is the main force, and their ships are big.

It is more sure to take back Dianjiang.

"Alright, let's recruit the Great Zhou navy. This time, whether they want to or not, they have to send troops to me. If their navy had helped me in the battle, the Shu navy would have been wiped out. The fire reached Dianjiang."

When Bahuang said this, there was a hint of resentment in Bahuang's mouth.

Soon Bahuang's inner court eunuch went to Xiaoyao Mansion to preach the decree.

After Zhang Liang received the reception, he just explained with a smile on his face: "Please tell Your Majesty the Yellow Emperor that my prince is not in the city. We can't decide this matter. When my lord comes back from chasing Zhou Yu, who fled from the north, we must let him go." Go see Emperor Ba in person."

Speaking of which, Zhang Liang ordered someone to present a tray with a piece of red cloth on it, and it is self-evident what is underneath"

The eunuch who delivered the decree was old-fashioned, waved his hands and said: "Don't come here, today is the order of His Majesty, not to discuss with you, but an order. Since it is in my Ba Kingdom, it is up to my Majesty to make the decision." , As many boats as you have, go out first, and you are not allowed to stay in a search, use them all, and follow my Pakistani navy to attack Dianjiang!"

After finishing speaking, the eunuch who delivered the decree shook his sleeves and left.

"Bahuang is really in a hurry, and his true colors have been revealed. Now he doesn't pretend to be pretending. I'm afraid that if the boat is borrowed, he won't be able to come back!" Han Shizhong asked:

"Mr. Zifang, what should we do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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