I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 537? Prelude to attacking Hanzhong

Chapter 537 Prelude to Attacking Hanzhong
Zhang Liang looked at Bu Xiaofan.

Bu Xiaofan said: "Your Majesty is not here, if you want to inform him, it will take a whole day to come and go, I'm afraid there is no rush."

"Your Majesty has always trusted you, and it is good for you to make the decision. No matter what kind of decision you make, I support you!"

Zhang Liang bowed to him when he heard the words.

Then he said to everyone: "This time, it's okay not to go. For the time being, satisfy Bahuang's desire first, and the ship can be sent out, but if it is a water war, we must take the lead. If we don't have it, we will not participate in the war, and let the Ba Kingdom Sailors fight themselves."

"Other aspects, one is to inform His Majesty to send domestic experts over here; the other is to inform that Zhou Yu and others have come back, gather all our warships, and deter the Pakistani navy with an overwhelming advantage!, so that Pakistan dare not move lightly .”


Gan Ning, Han Shizhong and others clasped their fists down and began to arrange.

After everyone had left, Xiaofan said, "Mr. Zifang, do you have any plans for Bashu Hanzhong?"

Zhang Liang bowed again and said, "The imperial concubine is intelligent."

"You're welcome, sir."

Zhang Liang accepted the gesture, and then said: "Bahuang and the Shu Kingdom are so confrontational, in my opinion, it will end with the defeat of the Ba Kingdom, because the geographical environment of the Ba Kingdom is too simple. It is difficult to have a long-term relationship with the Zhang Family and the Shu Kingdom in Hanzhong." Stick to it."

"Therefore, I, Da Zhou, must intervene, at least destroying the Zhang family in Hanzhong first, and recovering Hanzhong County, so that Bahuang dare not have a different heart."

Recover Hanzhong!

Bu Xiaofan is the one who knows the location of the twelve transmission formations.

And one happened to be in Hanzhong.

For the Great Zhou, Hanzhong is no longer airtight and unable to get in.

Now Chuyue Kingdom has been kicked out of Wuguan.

Northern Xinjiang is also stable.

Da Zhou has the energy to deal with Hanzhong.

It is also time to solve this chronic problem.

"Then sir, let's make a plan first, come up with a strategic plan, I believe His Majesty will come soon." In principle, Bu Xiaofan also agrees with this matter.

Now the situation of Xiaoyao Mansion in Jiangzhou is becoming more and more pessimistic.

I don't know how many Ba Guo's eyes are watching every move here.


Chang'an Tai Chi Palace!
"Is there something wrong with Ba Guo? Why is Ba Huang a bit like a dou who can't help him!" Ye Qing tapped his fingers on the table, thought for a while, and then said:

"Decree, let the cabinet enter the palace, I want to hold a meeting!"

Soon the cabinet members were taken into the palace one after another.

After everyone had arrived, Ye Qing said: "Next, the Ministry of War will mobilize troops and horses to march towards Hanzhong. The main force will be Ziwu Valley, and the partial army will be supplemented by Xiegu. They will go hand in hand to recover Hanzhong County."

"By the way, I have other great uses in recruiting a group of capable soldiers and warriors."

I really want to fight Hanzhong!

"Your Majesty, fight now, don't be too hasty. It's the season of spring plowing and rainy season, so it's not appropriate to go to war." Cao Zhen stood up and persuaded:

"Although the Zhang family in Hanzhong was rebellious, overstepped first, and supported the false emperor and empress, the road to Hanzhong was too difficult, and it was difficult to capture its control card."

The war had just ended, and the ministries hadn't rested for a long time. At this time, there were not many soldiers in Chang'an.

A Suzaku army of 5 people was stationed in Wuguan.

There are only a dozen guards left in Guanzhong.

It is too difficult for these soldiers and horses to capture Hanzhong.

Of course, Cao Zhen and others didn't know that there was a third way into Hanzhong, so it was out of good intentions.

Ye Qing waved at him and said: "This matter is not to be discussed with you, but to be determined by scriptures. There are some things that should not be told to you. You will know when Hanzhong is taken."

Cao Zhen and the others wanted to say something, but Guo Jia said at this time: "The Ministry of National Defense should come up with a charter. How to divide the troops is decided by the Ministry of National Defense. Your Majesty will not interfere in this matter."

In the cabinet, there are several members of the Ministry of Defense.

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and then had to stand up and sing the promise.

Then I thought about it and reported: "In the attack on Hanzhong, the cavalry is not very useful, so we only need to send one cavalry guard to fight. We think it is more appropriate to use the former cavalry guard of Ma Chao's department. The Qiang language, and has acquaintance with the Di people, can enter the army from Xiegu."

"Except for one Taishi Ci's department, the other four infantry guards can accompany them, and they will fight in the three special guards of Zhang He, Gao Shun, and Zhang Liao, with a total of 4 troops, [-] civilians, [-] trebuchets, or Let's fight!"

"However, the war cannot be dragged on for a long time. It needs to end within a month, otherwise the food and grass will be exhausted, which will greatly affect the spring and summer planting in Guanzhong."

"It doesn't take a month, half a month to end the war!" Ye Qing stood up and said:
"This time I called you here not only because of the expedition, but because I am going to inspect various places. Chang'an will be handed over to you for management. The government affairs will be discussed. The military affairs will be decided by the Ministry of National Defense, and the cabinet will not interfere. Cooperate!"

At this time, I went to various places to inspect and see what kind of tricks I played.

Cao Zhen and others couldn't understand Ye Qing's thoughts.

You haven't sat in the position of emperor for long, and you ran out and wandered around.

It should be said that you are big-hearted and confident.

"Okay, that's all for today's discussion, and urge all departments to implement it as soon as possible. After the preparations are done, let's send troops!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

The next day, the Propaganda Department began to work hard.

The official newspaper was continuously published, posted everywhere, and began to build momentum.

"The Zhang family plotted rebellion, committed rebellion, ruled Hanzhong of the Great Zhou Dynasty for a hundred years, and now supports the false emperor to treason, everyone must punish him..."

"Look below, I have counted all the crimes committed by the Zhang family. There are so many and comprehensive..."

"It's too much to write down. It turns out that the Five Dou Rice Sect is a cult that the Zhang family controls the people in Hanzhong. The people in Hanzhong have been deprived too badly..."

"Fight, bastards like the Zhang family should be killed. When the country is in crisis, they don't want to be loyal to the country and serve the court, but split the country, treason and self-reliance, and even collude with the Chuyue Kingdom. They should fight."

"That's right, I can't be used to the Zhang family anymore, I should fight now. At this time, my army is strong, the new king is wise, and all the soldiers are brave and good at fighting. It is time to send troops to Hanzhong and take Hanzhong back completely!"

As soon as the official newspaper came out, the response was enthusiastic.

The people expressed their support one after another.

The country wanted political reform, and all the good news came frequently, and the people's support for Ye Qing and the new policy was also enthusiastic.

Coupled with successive victories, the people's hearts have been inspired by the scriptures,

The belief of invincibility was planted in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, the people of Chang'an are not afraid of war.

Now they just want to be strong, they just want to be strong.

One of the best ways to show strength is by force.

So they don't want to be wronged anymore.

If the Zhang family is treasonous, hit them.

Just when there was a wave of expedition in Chang'an City, Ye Qingyi led a small number of masters to Mount Li.

After passing through the teleportation array, he arrived at Jiangzhou in Ba Kingdom.

"My lord, this is a basic strategy and tactic I made for this attack on Hanzhong, and a plan to quickly destroy the Zhang regime in Hanzhong!"

Zhang Liang handed over to Ye Qing the troop advance plan that he had thought over and over for the past few days.

Ye Qing took it and read it in detail.

"It's basically the same as what we discussed in Chang'an. Let someone make a copy and send it back to Chang'an, so that Guo Jia and others can give advice!"


(End of this chapter)

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