Chapter 538

"What's the situation in Jiangzhou City now?" Ye Qing said:

"Bahuang didn't do any other excessive actions!"

"Return to Your Majesty, not yet, it's just that there are many suspicious people outside, it should be the experts from Ba Kingdom who are watching us!" Zhang Liang said:

"So your Majesty's appearance may make them suspicious. We need to make some disguises. It is best for Your Majesty to show up when Zhou Yu and others return to Hong Kong."

"Hmph, if you dare to let a master spy on us, let's kill them all!" When Ye Qing arrived, he would be polite to Ba Huang, and he motioned to Li Xunhuan, Shi Potian, Li Yuanfang, Li Bai and others.

Li Xunhuan and the others got the order, and then quietly retreated.

Not long after, Li Xunhuan and others came in with a dozen heads.

"My lord, all those who watched were killed."

Ye Qingdao: "Put these heads in a box, Zifang, you take people to the Ministry of Criminal Justice of the Ba Kingdom, and say that spies from the Kingdom of Shu have sneaked into the city and want to ambush my Xiaoyao Mansion!"

"It's the lord!" Zhang Liang took the order to go back.

This move is absolutely perfect.

It was right for Bahuang to be speechless, and he couldn't tell if he was suffering.

After dawn!

Zhang Liang led the men and carried the head into the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment in Ba.

Upon receiving this news, the officials of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs of the Ba Kingdom were shocked. Some spies from the Kingdom of Shu had sneaked into the city, and all of them were killed by the people of Xiaoyao Mansion.

So he immediately reported the news to Bahuang.

It was time to go to court, and the officials of the Ministry of Punishment claimed that they had important matters to report.
Ba Huang motioned for someone to come in and report.

"Your Majesty, just now Zhang Liang from Xiaoyao Mansion sent more than a dozen human heads, claiming that they were spies from the Kingdom of Shu who had been spying on Xiaoyao Mansion and wanted to do harm to the mansion, so he shot and killed them all.

Please take a look, Your Majesty! "

Those who did not come to court were not important officials of the Ministry of Punishment.

Naturally, I didn't know that the person was sent by Bahuang.

But the senior officials of the Ministry of Punishment and other important ministers of the Ba Kingdom knew about it.

So everyone's face changed greatly amidst the astonishment.

Bahuang on the stage was even more depressed and wanted to shoot the reporter to death.

God damn spies of the Shu Kingdom, that is the master of our Ba Kingdom.

They are all the people I sent to monitor Xiaoyao Mansion.

They were all killed.

Bold Xiaoyaofu, how dare you!
Bahuang is very businesslike, but at this time, he dare not advocate justice for these people.

Instead, he had to put a smile on his face.

"There are other things like this. The Kingdom of Shu is too arrogant and arrogant, ignoring me, the Kingdom of Ba."

Bahuang slapped the head of the dragon chair heavily, and sternly said: "From now on, strengthen the guards in the city, strictly check the people entering and leaving, and dig out other spies from the Kingdom of Shu."

The officials of the Ministry of Punishment stood up and said, "No!"

"Continue to discuss the matter of sending troops to recapture the Dianjiang River. How long will it take for our navy to retreat from the Shu Kingdom, but we are ready for the Shu Kingdom to counterattack in Qianwei County!" Bahuang asked.

Since Qianwei ate it, he couldn't spit it back.

Otherwise, it will be a big loss.


After the meeting was over, Emperor Ba called several important officials to the imperial study.

Then he lost his temper.

"How did the people in Xiaoyao Mansion find out that we have to monitor them?"

"It's all a group of fighters above the second rank. They were killed so easily. There is no news at all. What are you all doing?"

"What does Xiaoyao Mansion mean? Did they notice something, or are they pretending to be stupid and embarrassing me on purpose!"

Wait until Bahuang loses his temper.

Minister of the Ministry of Justice said: "Your Majesty, we don't know how it happened, judging from their ability to easily kill our fifteen masters, the people brought by Ye Qing's side are at least five-rank masters, or even six-rank masters.

And not one, but several. "

The battle last night was simply brutal.

It is definitely not a good thing for Xiaoyao Mansion to be so cruel.

"It's up to you to mention it. No master, Ye Qing's princess dares to make a move." Ba Huang rubbed his temples and said:

"Stop spying on Xiaoyao Mansion. Temporarily ease the relationship. Now is not the right time to turn against Xiaoyao Mansion. Our enemies are Shu Kingdom and Hanzhong in the end."

It is of no benefit to have a stalemate with Xiaoyao Mansion.

Even if Shu and Hanzhong were conquered, it would be impossible for Ba to go to war with Zhou in a short time.

So in essence, Ba Huang didn't want to become a contradiction with Xiaoyao Mansion.

"By the way! How is the research on warships? Can our craftsmen build large ships?" Bahuang asked suddenly.

Ye Qing gave him a building boat, and besides going on the boat once, Ba Huang ordered the boat builder to conduct research, hoping to imitate it.

The minister of the Ministry of Industry who was in charge of this matter replied: "Your Majesty, we have basically analyzed the structure of the ship, but how to add keels, and some construction techniques, we have obtained countless, so this ship with our current strength, Can't make it."

Can't make it!

Emperor Ba was a little disappointed.

Da Zhou's handsome warship was so greedy that he couldn't sleep.

He also longed for such a navy team.

"Your Majesty, maybe we can cooperate with Dazhou. We contribute people, resources, products, and technology. We will build various warships of the Dazhou Navy together, so as to obtain and learn the crafts in order to fill our gap." Worker Bu Shangshu was a little entangled and said:

"I just don't know if Da Zhou is willing, and if so, what price we can pay."

Ba Huang frowned slightly, his face still cold.

Cooperative shipbuilding is indeed a way.

But this takes a long time.

Ye Qing had always wanted to leave, and the current war did not allow him to wait any longer.

Shipbuilding is one of the most skilled jobs, and it cannot be completed in a year or two.

"When Ye Qing comes back, I will bring this matter up with him." Ba Huang waved his hand, indicating that everyone can go down.

He wanted to be quiet.

"Ding! Master, Bahuang would like to know whether the Xiaoyao Mansion of the Great Zhou Empire is willing to cooperate with the Ba Kingdom in the construction of naval warships, so that it can be done in one step, and is willing to pay [-] taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it or not! "

"Ding! Master, the Zhang family in Hanzhong would like to know whether Da Zhou's denunciation is serious this time, how many soldiers and horses will be sent to attack, and who is the commander of the army! Willing to pay 1 taels of silver in autumn, whether to sell it!"

"Ding! Master, the commander of the Dian Army of the Kingdom of Shu would like to know whether the Dazhou Navy is willing to assist the Kingdom of Ba in retaking the Dianjiang River, how many warships it will dispatch, and how it plans to attack the city so as to deal with it. It is willing to pay 5000 taels of silver As a reward, whether to sell it!"

Intelligence trading is here again.

Bahuang wants to cooperate in shipbuilding, and it is very beautiful to think about it, but what about cooperation, what about giving you technology.

It will be a year or two before you all learn it.

It's hard to say whether the Ba Kingdom is still there.

At that time, Jiangzhou in Baguo will become the shipbuilding base of Dazhou, hehe.

Ye Qingxi said: "Sell the system!"

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have XXXXXX taels of silver and 3 lucky draw opportunities!"

Ye Qing said directly: "System, draw a lottery."

I don't know what good things I can get this time.

(End of this chapter)

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