I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 540? A person from Xiaoyao Mansion was promoted

Chapter 540: A person from Xiaoyao Mansion was promoted

Such a fast upgrade.

With just one click, he has achieved a strength that others can't achieve in a lifetime.

"Hahaha... seventh grade, cool!"

Ye Qing found that his strength had been greatly improved, and he overwhelmed his subordinates.


"Gun here!"

As soon as Ye Qing stretched out his hand, the Overlord Panlong Spear suddenly appeared in his hand.

Dance with a gun.

Where the spear pointed, stray lightning suddenly appeared.

During the dance, there was a sound of breaking wind, without using any energy, and there seemed to be a gathering of energy around.

"Come on, come and fight with me." After playing a set of marksmanship out of thin air, Ye Qing poked the ground with his spear and faced everyone.

Talk down!
The dark clouds in the sky flashed away, the thunder went away, the wind stopped and the sky brightened, and the world was bright and bright.

As if nothing had happened just now.

Happy outside the house!

All the Ba people in Jiangzhou City looked towards Xiaoyao Mansion.

Looking at the dark clouds flashing away from the sky, everyone's thoughts were extremely complicated.

"Whoever is promoted, my Ba Kingdom is adding a sixth-rank Supreme!"

Bahuang heard the thunder and looked out the window at the suddenly darkening sky.

Immediately stood up and hurried out of the palace gate.

"Your Majesty, it was the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky of Xiaoyao Mansion."

The messenger replied bitterly.

The smile on Ba Huang's face froze in an instant.

Frowning slightly, he looked at the sky of Xiaoyao Mansion on the left.

"How could it be someone from Xiaoyao Mansion? Some of them have been promoted from the fifth rank."

Envy jealous!

Xiaoyao Mansion is stronger this time.

After the thunder disappeared, the dark clouds dissipated, and the sky and the earth became clear, Bahuang flicked his sleeves and went back to the hall.

"Come here, send the Ministry of Rituals to congratulate, and by the way, find out who in Xiaoyao Mansion has been promoted to the sixth rank."



Ye Qing brandished his spear and fought against Li Bai and the others.

Overlord's skills are so easy to use, one shot away, Li Bai and others were knocked into the air.

Even after Shi Potian took the trick, he looked at Ye Qing in horror, and suddenly felt that Ye Qing was even more perverted.

With one shot, usually only [-]% of the force is needed.

Now not only do you have to go all out, but you also need two or three of you to barely fight for a round.

Since it's Li Xunhuan, it's hard to hold back.

If you don't rely on small knives to suppress it, you will also be beaten by Ye Qing.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Congratulations Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty's martial arts are extraordinary, you can fight against the Eighth Rank Supreme, I respect you."

Everyone congratulated.

Ye Qing closed his gun and said with a smile: "Okay, there's no need to flatter. There is no reward for shooting today. Let's go out and deal with the Ba people. The Ba Huang next door will definitely not be able to sleep well tonight."

Zhang Liangdao: "My lord, I'll take Li Xun Huan there, the knife still needs to be revealed, otherwise the enemy won't know that we shouldn't mess with it."

Ye Qing nodded.

Zhang Liang took Li Xun Huan out to meet the people from Ba Guo Ritual Department.

After seeing Li Xunhuan, the officials from Baguo Ritual Department further applied for the whim just now, so they became more and more respectful.

In addition, Zhang Sanfeng last time, Ye Qing was surrounded by two rank-[-]s.

There are only three of them in Pakistan.

How dare you play the idea of ​​Xiaoyao Mansion.

So when Ye Qing and others put on makeup and went out of the house to the pier.

The defenders of the Ba Kingdom did not dare to interrogate the people in Xiaoyao Mansion.

Instead, he respectfully stepped aside.

The naval warships of Da Zhou returned one after another.

Ye Qing stepped on the boat, and then took off the camouflage.

Stand on deck again.

"Report! Your Majesty, the Great Zhou Navy is back!"

"Your Majesty, King Xiaoyao is back! He's on the boat."

Ba Huang said: "Come on, follow me to welcome King Xiaoyao. Recapturing Dianjiang requires the support of King Xiaoyao, so don't neglect it!"


All the officials of the Ba Kingdom followed Ba Huang out of the palace to the city gate wharf in Jiangzhou.

Dianhua took Zhou Yu, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin and others to the shore.

Go up the tall stairs step by step.

Ba Huang walked down the steps, warmly came over and took Ye Qing's hand and said, "King Xiaoyao, I look forward to the stars and the moon, and I hope you are back. I miss you so much."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for thinking about it." Ye Qing said with a smile: "The foreign minister is very honored and flattered!"

"Hahaha, Xiaoyao Wang is still so funny and humorous. Seeing you, my mood suddenly improved, and my whole body became more relaxed." Bahuang pulled him towards the city, and said:
"If you don't come back, King Xiaoyao, I'm afraid my Jiangzhou City should be named Zhang. I'm afraid I will be sorry for you, and I won't be able to protect your beloved concubine!"

"Oh! Why did your majesty say that? The situation has been so bad. There are countless masters in Pakistan. Both the land and water armies are brave men. The city of Jiangzhou is strong. Your majesty still has the hearts of the people and the army. He should be able to fight back soon. The Shu Kingdom and the Hanzhong Zhang Family are the ones." Ye Qing praised the Ba Kingdom along the way, and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

who won't.

Then act.

Bahuang wept with frown, lamented on his face, shook his head and said: "King Xiaoyao doesn't know, the army of Shu is coming fiercely, it's not counting that they captured my Dianjiang, now Zhang's army is already attacking the northern part of our Ba Kingdom There is no news from all over the north, and I am afraid it has fallen.

The water army of Shu State is very rampant now, because the main force of our water army in Ba State is in power, it will take some time to think about it.

So the Kingdom of Shu may come to attack my Jiangzhou City! "

Ye Qing nodded slightly, but did not answer.

Then Bahuang said again: "But it's good if you come back now, with the Great Zhou Navy here, let alone the Shu Kingdom's navy came to attack our Jiangzhou, it is also the same if you go north, take back all the cities, and take back the control of the three major water systems." A breeze!"

"Hehe, Your Majesty really has confidence in me!" Ye Qing laughed dryly, his expression changed slightly, as if he didn't want to go to war.

You want to hit me, and you want to lie to me.

No one cares about you.

Ba Huang said: "It's not that I have confidence in Da Zhou, but I have confidence in you, King Xiaoyao, it depends on whether King Xiaoyao is willing to help our Ba Kingdom through the difficulties.

After all, we are allies. If something happens to Pakistan, the alliance may die before it even starts. "

"It's something we're willing to do to help the Ba Kingdom, but... Your Majesty also knows that my Great Zhou Navy almost entered the territory of the Twelve Witch Kingdoms of the West Man. Calm down, if you are going to fight, I am afraid there will be another mutiny."

As Ye Qing said, he turned around and glanced at Zhou Yu, and winked at Bahuang vigorously: "Your Majesty doesn't know, but in order to persuade Gong Jin to come back, I promised a lot of conditions, and now I haven't fulfilled any of them. ah……"

Want benefits!
No profit can not afford to be early.

It's impossible to think about whoring for nothing this time.

Bahuang thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "What condition did King Xiaoyao promise him? As long as it can be achieved, Daba Kingdom is willing to pay double. As long as he is willing to send troops, the condition is nothing?"

"If we can take back the Dianjiang River and eliminate all the naval forces in the Shu Kingdom, it will be tripled or five times, and our Daba Kingdom will not be stingy and will not be willing to be a lieutenant!"

In order to win, and to recapture the northern part of the Ba Kingdom, Ba Huang also planned to do a bloodletting this time, and he was generous.

(End of this chapter)

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