Chapter 541

"It's... not so good!"

Ye Qing said with a troubled face: "Doing things for allies, but also collecting money and benefits, will this be criticized, and I will be scolded for being arrogant!"

Ye Qing shook his head, but instead looked like I was thinking about you.

If Ba Huang hadn't followed him, he would have slapped him in the face.

It's too much, and I still need my lord to post a cold ass, and I need to be a bargaining chip.

"You are wrong, King Xiaoyao, the so-called brothers are still clear about their accounts. Our alliance is an alliance. This time sending troops is no small matter, but if you try your best to kill people, how can you just play casually." Ba Huang straightened voice, and then glanced at the officials of the household department.

A servant from the household department came forward, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the generals and soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty are extremely precious. I thought that in addition to giving them 10 taels of silver for military expenses, I should also send them [-] beauties, plus five jade and jewels. box."

"At the same time, as long as the soldiers of the Great Zhou are killed in battle, they will receive an additional subsidy of 20 taels, [-] taels for serious injuries, and [-] taels for minor injuries."

He is stingy, and the cost of sending troops is only [-] yuan, so he sent beggars away.

Compensation is even lower.

All the deaths were only exchanged for 10 taels of silver.

Not counting the loss of warships and weapons.

Losing business.

Ye Qing's face was slightly cold, and he walked forward sullenly.

Bahuang glared at the household servant.

This person understood, and then said: "Your Majesty, after thinking about it, the cost of sending troops should be 20 taels, six hundred for beauties, and eight boxes of jade jewels.

If the soldiers of the Great Zhou were killed in battle, they would receive an additional 40 taels, 20 taels for serious injuries, and [-] taels for minor injuries. "

Basically doubled the money.

It's kind of sincere.

Only then did Ye Qing's complexion turn better, and he smiled and said, "How is that so embarrassing?"

After saying that, without waiting for Ba Huang and others to rejoice, Zhou Yu behind said: "My lord, the warships of our army seem to need to be repaired. Many things in the warships are old and need to be replaced. I can't go to other places for the time being."

It's not enough, I dare to ask for it.

Bahuang was a little annoyed.

Want to attack, but Li Xunhuan is still in Ye Qing's side.

A sixth-grade master is present.

Although the officials of the Ba Kingdom were displeased, they did not dare to act recklessly.

Hubu Shangshu stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think the military expenses should be 30 taels, six hundred for beauties, and eight boxes of jade and jewelry.

If the soldiers of the Great Zhou were killed in battle, they would receive an additional subsidy of 50 taels, 20 taels for serious injuries, and [-] taels for minor injuries. "

Shangshu is arrogance.

Bahuang looked at Ye Qing, and Ye Qing turned around to reprimand Zhou Yu: "Gongjin, we can overcome some problems. We will go north while repairing. When we reach Dianjiang, won't all the battleships be repaired?"

"Yes, yes, if there is a shortage of craftsmen in the Great Zhou Navy, we, the Ba Kingdom, will mobilize all our strength to support them. They must be the best craftsmen." Ba Huang took the opportunity to agree.

Only then did Zhou Yu let go and said, "Your Majesty has an order, and Zhou Yu respects it, but my navy has its own way of fighting, and I don't want anyone to interfere, and I don't want any blind command to happen!"

Help can, command combat power independently.


If it wasn't for the fall of Dianjiang, I would like to slap you with my shoes.

After slandering a few words in his heart, Ba Huang said: "It's natural, your army is an allied army, not the soldiers of our Daba country, so you don't need to be under the command of our Daba country's generals."

"So, thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhou Yu clasped his fists and said:

"My lord, I won't go into the city anymore, I still need to notify the navy's generals and ships to get ready to go north!"

"Go!" Ye Qing waved his hand.

Only then did Zhou Yu return to the boat with the people.

After Zhou Yu left, Ye Qing smiled wryly and said, "Your Majesty, there is nothing you can do about it. The generals of the navy in my Great Zhou have more bad tempers than the other, and they are free and undisciplined."

"Hahaha, understand, understand, Xiaoyao Wang, it's not easy for you!" Bahuang said in his mouth, but he said in his heart:

"Stop pretending, think I don't know you guys sing double porn!"

They talked and laughed all the way, and when they reached the palace, Bahuang wanted to invite Ye Qing into the palace, so that he could entertain him.

Ye Qing went back to Xiaoyao Mansion on the grounds that he needed to see Bu Xiaofan and others.

"Okay, it can be seen that Xiaoyao Wang is a person who attaches great importance to feelings. The so-called little fare wins new love, it is right to go back and see your little beauty first." Bahuang held Ye Qing's hand with great reluctance and said:
"Actually, there is one more thing I want to tell Xiaoyao Wang to you."

"I don't know what else His Majesty wants to discuss?" Ye Qing guessed that Bahuang might want to ignore the cooperation in shipbuilding.

Sure enough, Bahuang was not trying to hide it, and said directly: "King Xiaoyao, you and I have a good relationship, and it is a good thing to deal with the Shu Kingdom and the Zhang family in Hanzhong together. However, our warships in Ba Kingdom are far inferior to yours, and we can't help you on the waterway." It’s not busy, but it’s a hindrance.”

"I often think, it would be great if we also have warships like your Great Zhou Navy. I buy from you, and you don't have so many. After thinking about it, I think there is a way that is the best."

Ye Qing just laughed and didn't answer, feeling more certain in his heart.

Bahuang wanted to cooperate in shipbuilding.

"King Xiaoyao, how about the cooperation between our two countries in shipbuilding? I Pakistan provides timber, manpower craftsmen, and money and food; you provide technology from Dazhou, and we will open a shipyard. Every three ships built in the future will be accounted for by your Dazhou. Two ships, how about I take a search?"

Ba Huang looked forward to it, as sincere as he could be.

"Cooperative shipbuilding, a bit difficult." Ye Qing struggled for a while, and then said:
"Blood transfusion is not as good as blood production. This method is indeed a feasible solution, but we need to think about it carefully. I will reply to Your Majesty when I think about it!"

"Okay! Then I'll wait for you." Seeing that Ye Qing didn't refuse, Ba Huang was delighted.

That's a good start.

If Ye Qing refused straight away, then there would be no drama at all.

After parting, Ye Qing returned to Xiaoyao Mansion, and Ba Huang brought all the officials back to the palace.

After entering the palace, a supreme guard of the sixth rank said to Ba Huang: "Your Majesty, I don't know if it's the subject's illusion, this Xiaoyao Wang seems to be different from before, and his strength may not be the third or fourth rank, but at least the fifth rank. "

"What? His strength has also improved. He's at the fifth rank at the age of 15. How powerful is he?"

Ba Huang was stunned
He is a majestic emperor, Zhang De is not as handsome as Ye Qing, and his concubines are not as beautiful as the other party's Bu Xiaofan.

In terms of martial arts, Ye Qing still has such a talent.

I'm so envious of him.

Human fruit can not be compared.

"Your Majesty, don't get too close to this person in the future. Standing beside him, I feel dangerous." This sixth-rank expert felt uneasy and apprehensive for no reason.

"Of course it's dangerous. This is a little tiger. If you really want to let it go back to Dazhou, the sky of Dazhou will be changed by him." Domineering Bahuang said with emotion:
"Let's deal with the Shu Kingdom first. Without the Shu Kingdom as a stumbling block, all the bullshit Xiaoyao Mansion and the Great Zhou Navy will be wiped out."

"Little fox, if you want to leave my country of Ba, it doesn't exist. I have plenty of ways to keep you. Don't think that the two sixth-ranks can do whatever they want, and bargain with me."

"This is Jiangzhou, not Chang'an. You don't know many things at all, hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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