I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 542? Ding Chunqiu also rank 6

Chapter 542 Ding Chunqiu is also the sixth grade
into the night!

In front of Ye Qing sat Zhou Yu, Han Shizhong, Gan Ning and other generals.

"This time, Gongjin, you are the master. If you can fight, you can help. If you can't fight, don't worry. I, Da Zhou, will take back Hanzhong soon." Ye Qing said:

"Our goal is to prevent the development of the south of Shu, the stability of Ba, and the loss of Jiangzhou. The rest is none of our business, just wait and see!"


Zhou Yu and everyone replied one after another.

Next, Ye Qing discussed with everyone about the affairs of the Ba Kingdom, and then returned to Mount Li.

Ding Chunqiu in Lishan Mountain had already been waiting here.

Ye Qing said: "Do you know what I asked you to do?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, I don't know? I guess that His Majesty wants to take me to attack Hanzhong!" Ding Chunqiu replied respectfully.

Ye Qing smiled and said: "You are a sensible person, yes, I will take you to Hanzhong this time, but not with your current strength, you are still too weak."

I am too weak!

The strength of the second rank, coupled with the ability to use poison, the fourth rank and the fifth rank, can fight, and even win.

"Please show your Majesty" Ding Chunqiu was a little confused, not knowing what Ye Qing wanted to say.

But there is a feeling that it should be a very important thing, even a big thing that changes the whole body.

Ye Qing took out a black porcelain bottle, poured out a elixir from it and said, "This item is called Flying Dragon Pill, and it can enhance the strength of top-grade warriors!"

Directly enhance the strength of entry-level warriors.

The original Rising Dragon Pill is already against the sky.

Now there is this Flying Dragon Pill.

Your Majesty is getting rich.

Ding Chunqiu was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ye Qing handed it over and said: "Take it, you are the first person to take this medicine, I don't know the specific effect, you have to be mentally prepared."

"It's Your Majesty!"

Ding Chunqiu received the elixir, without thinking, he swallowed it in one gulp.

Then exercise and practice.

The next moment, he discovered that there was infinite energy emanating from his stomach to the surroundings.

This energy can be violent.

Busily mobilized the energy of the whole body to suppress it.



The clothes on Ding Chunqiu's body exploded, and a world-destroying roar went up to the sky.

Then Ye Qing and others discovered that countless poisonous gas began to emerge from Ding Chunqiu's body.

Hastily retreated.

The eyes are all weird.

Ding Chunqiu is an old poisoner, he practices poisonous kung fu and uses poisonous techniques, his body is also infected and entangled by hundreds of poisons.

Invulnerable to a hundred poisons and devoured by a hundred poisons.

The next moment, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunder rolled, but there was no electric current flashing down.


Come and go quickly, the dark clouds quickly disappear.

"Ah! Cool!"

Ding Chunqiu gave another roar of comfort, and then he waved his palm and pushed towards the sky.


The sound of air explosion murmured.

I saw a group of small black clouds gathered above Ding ChunQiu's head, and the black clouds dispersed, engulfing the surroundings.

The big tree next to it withered instantly, and its branches withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

So poisonous, more poisonous than before.

Looking at Ding Chunqiu, everyone found that he seemed to have changed a lot, his face became younger and his skin became more rosy.

Even the white hair on the head has been reduced a lot.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your gift!" Ding Chunqiu, with his upper body bare, clasped his fists and thanked him.

Ye Qing said: "Get up, what strength do you have now!"

Ye Qing can appreciate it, and Ding Chunqiu is at least four or five ranks.

Ding Chunqiu said: "Your Majesty, I have just passed the strength of the sixth rank, and I have improved my skills, so I have the ninth level of the Beiming Divine Art. As long as I break through to the first rank, I will be able to complete this divine art by myself."

Speaking of this, Ding Chunqiu's face is full of brilliant and arrogant expressions.

A lunatic and a genius are often just a thought.

Sixth grade!

The others were amazed.

After crossing four grades, this Flying Dragon Pill is very powerful, much stronger than Rising Dragon Pill.

For a while, everyone was envious.

It can be improved so much.

Ye Qing was even more pleasantly surprised.

Immediately said: "It's good to familiarize yourself with your own strength. We will attack Hanzhong in a few days, and you will take the lead."

"It's Your Majesty, I've done my best to die, I dare not live up to Your Majesty's great trust!" Ding Chunqiu bowed again.

With the example of Ding Chunqiu, Ye Qing asked Yuhuatian to be recruited.

Also grants ammunition.

After Yuhuatian finished eating, he was only promoted to rank five.

Send it to Dongfang Bubai in the capital, and after Dongfang Bubai eats it, he is also promoted to the fifth rank.

Send it to Luo Cheng in Northern Xinjiang,

Luo Cheng looked at the Flying Dragon Pill, also full of hope.

He had eaten the Rising Dragon Pill, but he didn't know what to do with the Flying Dragon Pill.

It melts at the entrance, turning into thousands of energy flooding the limbs and bones, wreaking havoc on one's internal organs like knives and swords.


With a roar of a tiger soaring into the sky, La Luocheng felt the wonderful feeling of being nourished by warm energy.

"Fifth grade, I am also a fifth grade."

Luo Cheng looked at the clothes that had fallen off, and his muscles were tighter than before.

"Congratulations! Luo Cheng, you are also a fifth-rank military general. From then on, I have added another general to the Great Zhou."

Luo Cheng cupped his fists facing south and kowtowed: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your favor!"

"Okay, if you want to thank His Majesty, then go back to Chang'an to thank Your Majesty, and show even greater military exploits to serve Your Majesty!"

"Okay! General, now we can enter the Turkic grassland like a pair of scissors."

"Report! Great General, good news, good news, General Xue has also been promoted, he... is ranked fifth!"

Luo Cheng and Bai Qi stared at each other, their eyes facing each other.

Good guy, His Majesty also gave Xue Rengui a Rising Dragon Pill.

There are three fifth-rank generals in such a big week.

And all of them are here in Xihe County.

"Turk...you guys are going to be cold!"


Big week!Wuguan!
Ye Qing came to inspect with great fanfare.

Since it is under the name of imitation, it should not be hidden.

"Chen Diqing (Liu Ji) pays homage to Your Majesty!"

Di Qing led a group of soldiers from the Suzaku Army to welcome Ye Qing.

Ye Qing raised his hand and said, "Excuse me, how is the situation at Wuguan?"

After saying that, Ye Qing entered Guancheng.

The north side of Guancheng is still not repaired much, and it is still half shorter than the south side.

No one can guarantee that Wuguan will fall again in the future.

So there is not much repair in the north.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the walls of Nancheng have been repaired by scriptures. This time we used cement to rebuild a gate tower, which is extremely strong, and we also added a cement gate outside." Di Qing said:

"Outside the customs, there is only the [-] troops stationed by the Chuyue Kingdom. The other Chuyue Kingdom's troops have been transferred to the Huaihai area. The Chuyue Kingdom should not dare to fight us."

"Of course they don't dare to fight anymore. If there is no advantage to take advantage of, they must stop." Ye Qing went up to Nancheng and looked at the situation outside the pass.

Wuguan Guancheng is built on a relatively flat highland among the canyons, with the steep Shaoxi Mountain in the north and dangerous points in the south.

Although it is a critical pass, it can also accommodate the frontal attack of the army.

So the danger is not difficult to overcome.

It can't be regarded as one man guarding the gate, and ten thousand men can't open it.

It is named only because of its important location, not because of its danger.

"Can you send someone to investigate the situation in the south of Wuguan, and go down the Danshui. If it goes well, how long will it take to reach Xiangyang, the important city in the hinterland, and Wancheng, the prefecture?" Ye Qing looked at the Chuyue Kingdom far away. Territory, eyes began to deepen then.

There is also an expression on his face that looks down on the world and wants to take it.

(End of this chapter)

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