I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 543? Attacking Nanyang County of Chuyue Kingdom

Chapter 543 Attacking Nanyang County of Chuyue Kingdom
Liu Bowen said: "My lord, our masters of the Great Zhou quietly passed the pass and went south along the Danshui River. There are six counties and seven cities, and they can reach Xiangyang City;

Go east to the country of Li, and cross the border for a hundred miles to Wancheng. "

"From Wancheng to the northeast for a hundred miles, you can reach Yingchuan County in South Korea."

Ye Qing asked: "How is the national situation of Chuyue Kingdom, how rich is Nanyang County?"

Liu Bowen replied: "Chuyue Kingdom has many people and is extremely prosperous. The population of Nanyang County alone is no less than 200 million. A prefectural city is more than twice as rich as Chang'an, the capital of my Great Zhou Kingdom."

"Your Majesty, if I want to be strong, I need to get Nanyang County. Only with Nanyang can I have the confidence to go east to Luoyang." Di Qing said:

"Your Majesty, two or three hundred miles southeast from Xiangyang is Jiangling City, the capital of the Chuyue Kingdom. If there is a war to destroy the capital and force the Xiong family to move their capital to the east, my journey to the east will be smooth. .”

The other generals of the Suzaku Army bowed on one knee:
"Your Majesty, we are willing to sacrifice our lives for our country, attack Nanyang, and go to Jiangling City of Chuyue Kingdom."

Come and don't go indecent.

The dignified Suzaku Army has 5 people.

This is the first group army of Dazhou.

It is also the first large army in the Great Zhou that a foreign general can directly command a side.

Everyone in the Suzaku army held their breath.

They have fighting spirit, determination, and the heart to fight and die.

Relying on powerful military equipment, Wuguan can be taken down, and it is not impossible to attack the hinterland of Nanyang County of Chuyue Kingdom.

Ye Qing glanced at the generals and asked, "I just want to ask, did the Chuyue Kingdom predict that I would send troops to Nanyang and attack its hinterland?"

"Do they... have a detailed plan to counter our army's attack on its hinterland and then deal with our army?"


The generals froze for a moment.

They have never considered this point.

Ye Qing fixed his eyes on Liu Bowen.

As a staff officer of the group army, you should think of everything you need to think about, and you should also consider what you need to think about.

Liu Bowen said: "Chuyue Kingdom should have considered that we will attack Nanyang County to retaliate, but from their point of view, this possibility is extremely low. At this stage, I have neither the time nor the strength to fight with them.

And we have just launched a crusade against the Zhang family in Hanzhong. Before Hanzhong is resolved, it is unlikely that we will provoke trouble in Nanyang?

So they just think about it, but there will be no plan, otherwise they won't just let 10 people outside the customs. "

Di Qing said: "Your Majesty, we can attack at night, destroy the [-] Chuyue troops outside the city, and then take advantage of the situation to capture Danshui, Nanxiang, and Shunyang, and then sweep north to capture Xixian County.

After conquering the land of four counties, relocating the people here to enter the customs, the army retreated calmly, and when the Chuyue Kingdom responded, the war ended. "

Not for the purpose of siege.

Migrate the population and take advantage of the trend to remove all stumbling blocks to the south.

Remove the barrier of Xiangyang, Wancheng City.

Beat Chuyue Kingdom.

Ye Qing smiled.

"Very good, you have prepared for a rainy day, then this battle can be fought, and I will take you to fight together!" Ye Qing took out the porcelain bottle from his body, and took out the last Feilong Pill.

"This thing is called Flying Dragon Pill. What's the use of it? You'll find out later."

Ye Qing handed it to Di Qing's eyes.

Di Qing was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly caught it: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Take it, Ding Chunqiu used it before."

Only then did Di Qing and the others notice that Ding Chunqiu's aura around Ye Qing was quite different from before.

It used to be sinister and the breath was more chaotic, and it felt so-so.

Now, an unknown pressure hit.

Di Qing took it, without thinking too much, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Domineering vigor raged.


The top was blown apart.

Di Qing's face was like a burning cloud.

Dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky.

The same is thunder rolling.

A bolt of lightning struck down and exploded in mid-air, but did not hit anyone.

It was a pity for Ye Qing and others to see it.

If he can receive the power of lightning, Di Qing's artificiality will be even greater.

It's a pity that it's still a little bit meaningless.


The thorn on Di Qing's face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his face, which was a bit embarrassing, became a bit greener.

Ding Chunqiu's eyes flashed with energy.

This Flying Dragon Pill is really miraculous, it not only has the effect of enhancing force, but also beautifies and nourishes the skin, a little rejuvenating effect.

"Fifth grade, I am actually a fifth grade!"

Di Qing muttered in disbelief.

He was full of joy, and the enthusiasm in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

Rank five generals.

Looking in the east, there are not many.

Let alone generals, there are not many warriors.

The generals of the Suzaku Army were also delighted and excited.

Five products!
Flying Dragon Pill is really something against the sky.

Flew directly from the first rank to the fifth rank.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Today Di Qing can fly from rank one to rank five.

One day, they can too.

As long as the empire is getting stronger and stronger, as long as the credit is large enough.

"Congratulations to the head of the legion, congratulations to your majesty, the great week and ten thousand years!"

The addition of a fifth-rank military general is a major event for the whole country to rejoice.


Di Qing paid homage and said: "Thank you for your kindness, your majesty will last forever, and the great week will last forever!"

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years, Great Zhou ten thousand years!"

All the soldiers cheered.

Ye Qing waved his hand and said:

"Today, your legion commander can become a fifth-rank, and I hope that you will also be fifth-rank in the future. I hope that there will be more fifth-ranks. At that time, my Great Zhou will be invincible and become the most powerful country in the East!"

"Follow Your Majesty's order, we will swear to die for our country and establish immortal military exploits for our Great Zhou!"

The desired effect has been achieved, and the coach is a rank five, which is the greatest encouragement and encouragement to the group army.

Make this newborn group army more stable.

That night, Ye Qing discussed some details with Di Qing and the others.

It was just before dawn that they attacked the Chuyue army camp outside Guancheng.

Just as Liu Bowen expected.

Chu Yueguo didn't feel that Da Zhou dared to do things at all.

Da Zhou, who took back Wuguan, should accept it as soon as he sees it.

And there is no plan to go out recently.

In addition, Da Zhou will attack the Zhang family in Hanzhong.

Chuyue Kingdom is also in contact with the Zhang family in Hanzhong, ready to send reinforcements.

Therefore, on the Wuguan side, it was unanimously concluded that the Chuyue Kingdom did not dare to leave the customs.

Natural defense is a little worse.

What's more, it was Ye Qing who personally led the night attack.

Li Xunhuan, Ding Chunchun, Li Bai, Li Yuanfang, Shi Potian and other experts also accompanied them.

Three of the sixth rank, one of the fifth rank, and several of the fourth rank.

There are also many other entry levels.

It is still a breeze for a small team capable of attacking a country's capital to sneak into the [-] army camp that has been stationed outside.


Ye Qing and others climbed over the camp wall of the wooden fence from the side and jumped in.

Li Yuanfang was at the front, expanding the team's line of sight, discovering the enemy, and giving guidance to everyone.

Li Xunhuan is behind to make up the knife, Ding Chunqiu is behind, whether it is releasing poison or performing insidious moves, it is handy.

Wherever they passed, whether it was the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom who were dozing off on patrol, or the generals and soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom who were sleeping in the tents, Ye Qing and others touched their necks and cut their throats.

"Soon Ye Qing and the others approached the front camp and quietly approached the gate.

There are many guards here, but most of them are still dozing off by the fire and something they can rely on

This time point is the time when you are most likely to feel drowsy and fall asleep.


Soon these people were also silently obliterated by Ye Qing and others.

"Open the camp door, lightly."

Everyone nodded, and then untied the clips inside the camp gate and refused to horse.

The camp of the Chuyue Kingdom's army barracks creaked and was slowly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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