I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 544? Completion of strategic goals

Chapter 544 Completion of strategic goals
"what sound!"

The Chuyue people in the camp still woke up.

They rubbed their eyes in confusion.

I don't know if this is the sound of the camp gate being opened.

At that moment, someone wanted to get out of the tent in a hurry to urinate, when a sharp arrow flew over and directly penetrated his neck.

The person came in a hurry and let out a cooing sound from his mouth.

Then fell down on the tent.

The great Zhou soldiers who swarmed in immediately captured the front camp of the Chuyue National Army, and then kept going deep.

Some rushed forward, while others stayed behind, barreling their weapons into the camp.

More awakened Chuyue people tried to get out of the tent, but were stabbed by spears, spears or swords.

"Ah! Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack, hurry up... poof!"

The Chuyue people who had just reacted were beheaded by the soldiers of the Great Zhou.

They could only passively go towards the rear camp.

Some don't even have time to wear clothes, let alone hold weapons.


The soldiers of the Suzaku Army, seeing that the other party was all awakened by the scriptures, did not try to hide it, shouting while killing.

The shouts of killing were loud, and for the people of Chuyue who lost their camp one after another, the shouts of attack were their urging signs.

You can only gather where there are more people.

The generals of the Chuyue Kingdom also took up their weapons and stepped on their horses. While looking at the front camp and the middle camp, they shouted angrily:
"Don't panic, follow me and drive the Zhou people out of the camp!"

"Kill it!"

Generals take the lead, this is naturally the best way to motivate.

Sure enough, many Chuyue people woke up from the exclamation, and rushed to kill them with weapons in hand.


Ye Qing and the others waved their weapons and smashed through the middle camp of the Chuyue people in one fell swoop. Several generals who rushed forward were all beheaded with one blow.

Three sixth grades, that is gods block and kill gods, Buddhas should kill Buddhas, not to mention general generals, even the masters of the rivers and lakes in the camp who protect the generals, they will die as many as they rush up.

Among them, there were those in the fifth rank, who were also swept away by Ding Chunqiu's poisonous move, and were instantly killed on the spot.

Li Xun Huan's small knife flew back and forth, and several fourth-rank realms were also beheaded immediately.

"Assault on the enemy's rear camp, follow me to kill!"

Ye Qing brandished the Overlord's Formation Breaker Spear, stabbing left and right, sweeping and striking.

Countless Chuyue kingdoms will be beaten into the air or killed on the spot.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom saw that they couldn't stop them, so they had to leave the camp through the back camp gate.

At this moment, Di Qing led the [-] Suzaku army to surround and kill them again.

The Chuyue people who were about to leave the camp were also beheaded fiercely.

"Surrender without killing! Surrender without killing!"

I don't know which general of the Great Zhou shouted loudly.

The soldiers of Dazhou also shouted while killing.

All around were the voices of the great Zhou soldiers.

Seeing the general trend, there is no hope of breaking through.

Some weak-minded people hesitated for a moment, dropped their weapons, and crouched down with their heads in their hands.

Others who didn't want to surrender immediately caused a burst of sudden kills from the Da Zhou Liannu.

An hour later, the sky brightened.

The war is basically over.

"Your Majesty, in the early morning battle, our army successfully defeated 10 soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom, and successfully blocked its troops from escaping, wiped out and captured them all!" Di Qing came over with the battle report just calculated:

"About [-] enemies were killed, and [-] were forced to surrender!"

When reporting, Di Qing himself was excited.

Although this time they only dealt with one hundred thousand enemy troops, the results were more brilliant than ever before.

The captives were too many.

It was the first time that Chuyue Kingdom captured so many prisoners.

Ye Qingdao: "This result is somewhat beyond our expectations. We originally thought that we would wipe them out, or let them escape by tens of thousands."

Liu Bowen said: "My lord, the main reason may be that this group of Chuyue national army are all recruits, not old soldiers, so their fighting spirit is not strong!"

70 into the Great Zhou is the elite of the Chuyue Kingdom.

That was the old soldier, and it turned out to be all gone.

Greatly weakened the military strength of Chuyue Kingdom.

This battle is a good example.

"No matter what, since so many captives have been captured, let's send them all back to the pass, to reclaim wasteland, to the mines near Chang'an, to our kilns, and maximize their value."


Arranged 2 people to manage the prisoners and gather the battlefield.

Ye Qing and the others led [-] Suzaku troops southward along Danshui.

Soon they reached Danshui City.


One command.

The trebuchet and the bed crossbow were opened, and there was a fierce attack on Danshui City, which had just received the news.

It turned out to be Danshui, which can be said to be a strong city, and was killed by the siege Da Zhou soldiers in less than an hour.

The battle was over in half an hour.

"Leave 5000 people to defend the city, and the others continue to go south!"

Early the next morning, Da Zhou's soldiers attacked Nanxiang again. This city was easier to fight than Danshui, and was soon captured by Da Zhou.

In the evening, Dazhou's [-] troops attacked Shunyang.

Attacking at night, the Zhou army did not use trebuchets or bed crossbows.

Because this is a heavy resource, it will not be shipped in a while.

However, Ye Qing and others still attacked by force, and it took an hour to capture Shunyang City.

So far, the strategic intention of going south has been achieved.

However, Ye Qing still sent 5000 people to continue south, not for the purpose of attacking the city.

Instead, for the purpose of deterrence, they marched towards Champion City, Li Country, and Yin County separately.

Scared each of the three cities to guard and dare not open the city gates.

On Ye Qing's side, take down Shunyang, then turn to the northeast and attack Xi County.


Wancheng, the prefectural city of Nanyang County.

When the prefect heard about this, he was so frightened that he barely slipped off the collapse.

"What the hell, Da Zhou sent troops to attack my Nanyang County?"

"Where's our [-] troops?"

The prefect of Nanyang couldn't believe it.

It sounds nonsense.

The one who came came cried and reported back: "My lord, our [-] troops are all gone, and they were attacked by Da Zhou. Now Da Zhou's army has gone all the way south and has attacked Shunyang. If we take Li Guocheng, we can directly Killed to Fucheng!"

Seeing that the visitor didn't seem to be lying, the Nanyang prefect started to sweat coldly on his forehead.

"Quick, close the gate of Wancheng immediately, and call the counties in the east to rescue Wancheng."


Xiangyang City!
The West General Mansion of Chuyue State Town was established here.

"Report! The general is in a bad situation. Da Zhou went out of Wuguan to attack our country's Danshui, Shunyang and other cities. The situation is critical. Please send troops to help!"

The distress letter was sent to General Zhenxi's mansion.

After General Zhenxi finished listening, his face turned black and became the bottom of the pot.

Then pull out the map.

Click on the location of Nanxiang Shunyang.

"Da Zhou still went to Hanzhong this time, and took away my Nanyang city in order to interrupt my Chuyue Kingdom's support for the Zhang family."

General Zhenxi turned his attention to Wudang County, not far from Nanxiang.

That city is in the southwest of Nanxiang, which is a route for Chuyue Kingdom to enter Hanzhong.

"Come here, send this news to Jiangling City immediately."

"Come here, send an order to send out all the troops in the general's mansion in the west of Zhenxi, mobilize all the troops that can be mobilized nearby, go west and go north, and press them all to Nanxiang. Don't let Da Zhou's army take root in Nanyang, our country, otherwise there will be endless troubles. !"

(End of this chapter)

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