I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 545 Hanzhong Prefect Xiao He

Chapter 545 Hanzhong Prefect Xiao He
Eight hundred miles is urgent.

Using experts, the news was sent to Jiangling City within a day!

The news that Da Zhou left Wuguan, destroyed [-] people first, and broke through four cities one after another, completely shocked the ruling and opposition parties of Chuyue Kingdom.

Just now 70 troops died, and almost every family was plain. Now Dazhou is going eastward and attacking Nanyang County.

Even Xiong Wan couldn't believe it.

Not to mention the hundreds of officials in the court.

"Your Majesty, this matter needs to be recruited. If the frontline battle is falsely reported, it will be serious."

"Your Majesty, how dare Da Zhou dare to attack my Da Zhou at this time, they don't want to live anymore."

"Da Zhou is about to crusade against the Zhang family. It is really unwise to have a grudge against me at this time."

A lot of people don't want to accept this fact.

Tai Weixiong said: "Your Majesty, I don't think it is possible for the soldiers on the front line to lie. Even if they do, the General Zhenxi's Mansion will not mess around. It is better to recruit and transfer the soldiers from Nanjun to Nanyang County first. Xihammer is about me, Chuyue. The border security of the country should not be underestimated."

"After all, this Ye Qing is a warlike person, extremely powerful, ten times more mad than Ye Zhen, so be vigilant!"

Taiwei Xiong is still a white-haired old man in his 60s who has served three generations of Chuyue monarchs.

Ben was born in the royal family, even the contemporary emperor Xiong Wan has to respect him.

Outside the palace, everyone in the Chuyue Kingdom respected him as Lord Chunshen.

You can see its name, its prestige, and its importance to the Chuyue Kingdom.

Xiong Wan saw his opening.

He said: "The old man is right. Ye Qing is no better than any emperor. He is cunning and changeable, and his arrogance is boundless. It cannot be regarded with common sense."

"I passed the order to mobilize 20 troops to go north, and at the same time, all Chinese soldiers who supported Hanzhong were transferred to the Shunyang area."

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

The civil and military personnel of Chuyue Kingdom were not discussing, but praised one after another.

Just when Chuyue Kingdom mobilized its army to advance westward, Ye Qingyi led a group of masters and withdrew back to Wuguan in advance.

Di Qing and others were responsible for the relocation of the people of Chuyue Kingdom.

Return to Chang'an Lishan.

Both Guo Jia from Chang'an and Zhang Liang from Jiangzhou came to report the latest situation to him.

"Your Majesty, the army of Chang'an has set off with the scriptures! According to your arrangement, divide the troops to attack Xiegu and Ziwu Valley. According to our spies' report, Mrs. Zhang has also mobilized forces between the two valleys. At this time, the hinterland of the county is extremely empty. !” Guo Jia said:

"Two days later, we can raid the city from Xicheng County, take Xicheng, and cooperate with Ziwu Valley's army to intercept Zhang's troops."

Ye Qing nodded and asked: "Well, tomorrow night, we will start to infiltrate Hanzhong, control Xicheng County first, and don't let anyone loyal to the Zhang family escape. perish in astonishment."

After Guo Jia's report, Zhang Liang said: "Your Majesty, the navy Yijing has gone northward under the leadership of Zhou Yu. It is estimated that the Yijing has reached Dianjiang now. The eyes of Bahuang and Ba Kingdom are all focused on Dianjiang. As long as Dianjiang recovers , Ba's army will take advantage of the situation and continue to be attacked, attacking Guanghan County of Shu from the east.

It can cut off Zhang's escape route to the south and block it to the north of Fushui. "

Ye Qingdao: "I hope that the Ba Kingdom will be stronger this time, but don't pin your hopes on them. After we have enough troops to enter Hanzhong, we will immediately send the masters of the major factions and the Shenjiwei to Jiameng City ,
I hope to get rid of the important members of the Zhang clan here, and get rid of Zhang Qiu and others. "

"It's Your Majesty, the minister will arrange to watch." Zhang Liang and Guo Jia both replied.

"Your Majesty, after the capture of Hanzhong, we need a competent person in the internal affairs. This person must come from our original Xiaoyao Mansion, and the ability must be outstanding. I want to be here..." Guo Jia reminded with some concern.

Hanzhong is no better than other counties, and it is not enough to just send a prefect.

Hanzhong, which has been controlled by the Zhang family for a hundred years, needs a great talent if it wants to eliminate the influence of the Zhang family and establish the prestige of the court.

At present, Sima Guang is suitable, but this person can't be transferred.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Don't worry about this, I found it through scriptures."

"Where is Xiao He?" Ye Qing turned and asked a room behind him.

The next moment, a refined middle-aged man came out.

The man has a small beard and a square face, and his appearance is more friendly.

With a smile on his face.

Walking over, he saluted and said: "Pei Guo Xiao He pays his respects to His Majesty, Mr. Guo and Mr. Zhang!"

"Xiao He? A native of Chuyue?"

Guo Jia and Zhang Liang were a little surprised.

Could it be that this is the talent unearthed by the emperor's attack on Nanyang.

Ye Qingdao: "Xiao He has the talent of a prime minister. Originally, I wanted him to go to the Ministry of Household Affairs as a minister, but I thought that Hanzhong is extremely important and needs a trustworthy and capable person to sit in the town, so he will take over the post of prefect of Hanzhong. "

The talent of the prime minister!

This is great.

Such a person, as a prefect, is quite overqualified.

But Hanzhong County is special.

Going to practice for a few years, it is also suitable to be the secretary of the household department in the promotion center.

Everyone believed in Ye Qing's vision, he could not be wrong.

So put away the contempt, and respectfully returned to Xiao He: "Master Xiao, don't be too polite!"


Hanzhong County!
Zhang Qiu gathered all his forces, and increased his troops to Ziwu Gu and Xie Gu, preparing to fight a war of attrition with Da Zhou.

Everything was perfect, but soon there was bad news from the east.

"My lord is in trouble, Chuyue Kingdom stopped reinforcements, and the people who entered Hanzhong County withdrew again?"

Zhang Qiu was shocked.

Quickly asked: "Why is this? Could it be that the Chuyue Kingdom and the Great Zhou Dynasty were reconciled, and the envoys of the two countries fell in love so quickly?"

"No, my lord, there is no difference between Da Zhou and Chuyue Kingdom." The visitor explained:

"Yes...it was the Great Zhou who sent troops to attack the Chuyue Kingdom. Ye Qing personally marched eastward. One hundred thousand troops marched eastward and attacked Nanyang County. The one hundred thousand troops of the Chuyue Kingdom were completely wiped out. Now the four cities of Yijing have fallen. We will hit Wancheng and Xiangyang soon."

"how can that be?"

Zhang Qiu and the others were dumbfounded.

Didn't Da Zhou come to beat us?
Why did he turn around and start fighting with Chu Yueguo again?

Moreover, he took the initiative to leave the customs, wiped out the [-] troops of Chuyue Kingdom in one fell swoop, and conquered four cities in a row.

Is this going to devour Nanyang County?

too crazy.

Ye Qing was crazy.

Da Zhou is crazy.

Or...Chuyue Kingdom is so weak and defeated one after another, it can't hold back the peak of Da Zhou's soldiers. It lost 70 in the front, and now it has wiped out another [-].

Chuyue Kingdom is too bad.

Strong on the outside but dry on the inside?


"My lord, this matter is true. The Chuyue Kingdom has also informed us. The troops that originally reinforced us have all withdrawn. The Chuyue Kingdom has also mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops to prepare to fight Da Zhou again in Nanyang County."

Zhang Qiu had a bit of a headache, so he sat back and rubbed his temples.

He murmured, "What exactly does Ye Qing want to do?"

"While attacking me in Hanzhong, he will continue to fight with Chuyue Kingdom. He will not be able to use military force."

(End of this chapter)

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