Chapter 546
"My lord, Ye Qing has always been crazy and defiant. Now that he controls the military and political power of the Great Zhou, it is really possible that he is resorting to military tactics!"

"My lord, this is a good thing. Dazhou is at war with us and Chuyue Kingdom at the same time, and it will not last long."

"That's right, it would be better to let Da Zhou and Chuyue Kingdom fight in Nanyang County. We consume each other, but we Hanzhong will benefit."

"Indeed, it's just right that the troops of Chuyue Kingdom don't come, so as not to let them find out our reality and our geographical advantage in Hanzhong, so as not to plant disasters for the future!"

The people of Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion were not only not worried, but showed joy instead.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiu felt half better.

Just waved his hand to let everyone go down.

After everyone left, he returned to the study room. In the study room, a scholar in white was holding a chess piece in his hand, sitting alone beside the chessboard.

Without turning his head, the man said, "Did your lord encounter any difficulties?"

"Mister is really good at predicting things." Zhang Qiu said with a wry smile:

"I don't know what sir thinks about Da Zhou going out of Wuguan to attack Nanyang County?"

Did Zhou Bing leave Wuguan?
The chess piece in the Confucian scholar's hand fell to the board with a snap, then jumped and rolled to the ground again.

"Sir, this is..."

Zhang Qiu didn't expect the man to lose his composure like this.

The Confucian scholar in white sighed sadly: "Hanzhong is in danger!"

"What do you mean sir?" Zhang Qiu was a little puzzled.

This is another gaffe and a long sigh.

The Confucian scholar in white looked at the chessboard in front of him and said, "My lord and that Ye Qing have fought against each other before, and he knows his character, but has Ye Qing ever done something he was not sure about?

If he dared to enter Hanzhong, he must be able to leave safely. It was later proved that he really left Hanzhong alive, and then transferred to Shu and Ba, and then returned to Hanzhong strangely.

This son is unfathomable. Since last year, he has been a blockbuster and has been restrained everywhere, but he can win every time. In the end, he triumphed all the way. Has he ever really done anything stupid! "

When Zhang Qiu heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Ye Qing, never do things that you are not sure about.

Although it was very puzzling beforehand.

But...well, he's been proven right, and he's won.

Ever since she was demoted from the palace by Ye Zhen, she has been surrounded by mysteries one after another.

"My lord, Ye Qing's attack on Nanyang was nothing more than sending back reinforcements from the Chuyue Kingdom, so that he could take advantage of this time to attack Hanzhong, and he was confident that he would be able to defeat it in a short period of time, so it would be too late for the Chuyue Kingdom to react.

So Hanzhong is in danger, and the prince made a plan early in the morning. "The Confucian scholar in white stood up, turned around and saluted Zhang Qiu:
"Thank you, my lord, for your kind hospitality in the past six months. I'm leaving first. I wish my lord... take care."

Zhang Qiuka had a lot of things to ask in his throat.

But the man didn't give a chance, he left the room, jumped to the roof, then flung his sleeves and left.

Walked simply, without a trace of sloppy.

Ruthlessly determined.

"Is Hanzhong really in such a dangerous place? Even he is so scared that he has to leave Hanzhong!"

"Da Zhou's army hasn't come over yet, leaving at this time would be too contemptuous of my Zhang family."

"If it's as expected, then I, Mrs. Zhang..."

Zhang Qiu was alone in the study, thinking about it, and stayed the whole afternoon.

After dark, he opened the door and said, "Go, where is the new emperor?"

The new emperor!

Naturally, it refers to the pseudo-emperor Ye Jin.

"Uncle, why are you here?"

Ye Jin, a nimble and fat man, asked kindly after seeing Zhang Qiu.

The expression on the face is as bright as it should be temporarily.

Zhang Qiu waved his hand to signal everyone to go out, and then said to Ye Jin: "Your Majesty, do you know that Ye Qing sent troops to Nanyang County to attack Chuyue Kingdom?"

Ye Jin was taken aback, he didn't expect Zhang Qiu to ask him this.

But Ye Jin is a smart fat man.

So he replied truthfully: "I heard from the people below that it seems that [-] troops were sent out of the Guanzhong to destroy the [-] Chuyue army outside the pass, and then went east, smashing four cities in a row, shaking the entire Chuyue kingdom!"

Zhang Qiu wanted to see something from Ye Jin's face and eyes.

But he didn't find anything unusual, so he nodded heavily and sighed: "That's right, Ye Qing attacked Chuyue Kingdom and fought against Chuyue Kingdom, the purpose of which was to mobilize the Chuyue Kingdom's army and prevent others from supporting us.

Next, Ye Qing's main energy is to attack our Hanzhong. "

"What should we do! Uncle, can we stop it?" Ye Jin asked hurriedly with a look of panic.

Zhang Qiu shook his head and said: "Some people say it can be stopped, don't be afraid, we have natural barriers; some people say it can't be stopped, we should plan early."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Qiu turned around, and then quietly looked at Ye Jin with his eyes, wanting to see any other changes in him.

"Uncle, there is Zi Wugu, even if there are many troops in Guanzhong, they will not be able to attack, but Xiegu has to guard against it. Without the Five Dou Rice Sect, we need to prevent Ye Qing's masters from sneaking in." Ye Jin said:

"Nanzheng is the capital of my dynasty, how can I abandon it lightly, and anyone who says to retreat may have collusion with Guanzhong, they should be killed!"

"Your uncle and I thought the same way. I didn't expect Your Majesty to think about it with me." Zhang Qiu said with emotion:

"Nanzheng is our root. Although Shu Kingdom is now under the control of Zhang Ren, the regime of Shu Kingdom is still not stable, and our goal is not Shu Kingdom and Ba Kingdom.

Only by taking Guanzhong can His Majesty truly command the Great Zhou. "

"So it is impossible for us to abandon Hanzhong just because of gossip, let alone Nanzheng."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, with my minister here, I will definitely protect His Majesty, and I will let your Majesty sit on the dragon chair in Chang'an, and your Majesty should rule the world."

"Uncle, you are so kind to me. I don't even know how to thank you. In this life, I..." Ye Jin's eyes burst into tears, and tears were about to be squeezed out. The excited and moved expression was so realistic.

Zhang Qiu held his hand and patted it lightly: "Your Majesty, this is what I should do!"

After various roadshows, Zhang Qiu left.

After leaving the room, he put away his expression and left with a cold face.

Seeing that Zhang Qiu was walking away, Ye Jin closed the door, and all the bright smiles and moving tears on the originally warm and sincere fat face also disappeared without a trace.

In its place is frost.

"Uncle began to doubt me, and even came to test me himself."

"Hey, whether you are a prince or an emperor, you can't help yourself!"

"I still envy the eldest brother, second brother, eighth brother, and ninth brother. My family is the real relatives..."

"Unfortunately, I don't have the option to vote for the sixth brother. Even if the sixth brother doesn't kill me, no one in the Manchu dynasty of the Zhou Dynasty would want me to live. Uncle, you are really panicked. Even this Unexpectedly, even I don’t believe it anymore, is Hanzhong really going to end?”

Ye Jin shook his head lightly, smiled wryly and sighed.


after one day!

Dazhou's West Route Army, led by Yu Jin, and Ma Chao's former cavalry guards and Yu Jin's former infantry guards, led by 1 people advanced to Xiegu.

The East Route Army of the Great Zhou Dynasty was led by a three-member military team composed of Zhang He, Gao Shun, and Xu Huang. The 6000 people from the trapped camp, the [-] Zhang Liao Shenji Battalion, and the [-] Fawei of Xu Huang's army advanced to the entrance of Ziwu Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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