I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 547 Could This Be... The Teleportation Formation

Chapter 547 Could This Be... The Teleportation Formation
"There's nothing to discuss, just use a trebuchet to break open the defenses of Ziwu Valley one by one, break the defenses first and talk about it, as for the plank road behind, don't attack it in time, lest Zhang's dog jumps over the wall in a hurry and burns it down .”

"I agree with this plan. First, attract the attention of the main force of the Hanzhong Zhang family from the front, clear the obstacles to advance to Meridian, and buy time for His Majesty and the others?"

"Okay, let's proceed with this method. The three infantry guards will attack in turn. When they want to attack the key city or open up the river valley and plank road, they will use the Shenji Battalion and the Euphorbia to trap the camp."

After Gao Shun, Zhang Yun, and Xu Huang discussed, they ordered the attack that day.

Set up camp and build camps while attacking.

Zhang Fei's left guard was the first to attack the city.

He drew his sword and pointed at Zhang's first Guancheng Road: "Tabuche, smash it for me!"

A trebuchet was pushed out.

Then the soldiers began to carry and place stone bombs.

After activating the mechanism, stone bullets smashed towards the first city gate of Meridian Valley.

The sound of breaking air came.

The Hanzhong defenders on Guancheng raised their heads one after another.

A general shouted: "Hide, hurry, hide!"

The next moment, without waiting for the defenders on the gate to react.

Stone bombs hit the city one by one.


In an instant, sand and stones flew across, and countless Hanzhong defenders fell down.

There were countless screams.

Then the Hanzhong defenders on the city ran away with their heads in their hands, and started running around.

It was the first time they encountered such a large stone bullet thrown from outside the city.

Even the generals guarding the pass, and those martial arts masters, all of them were pale and cold.

"This is Wei's legendary catapult, which can throw a hundred catties of stones onto the city. It has the power to destroy the world!"

"At the beginning of the confrontation between Dazhou and Chuyue Kingdom, the Suzaku Army used it to smash Lantian County, scaring Chuyue Kingdom's three 40 troops to avoid its edge, it seems true!"

"What should we do now? Given how strong our city is, I'm afraid we won't be able to stop it for a day!"

Everyone turned their attention to the chief general who guarded the pass.

The general looked at the trebuchet outside the city, his eyes full of fear: "In the first place, we didn't receive an order to defend to the death. This closed city was for them to fight."

"Remove all the people. Just leave 100 people on the pass. Be prepared to retreat at any time. Dazhou didn't send cavalry in Ziwu Valley. Don't worry about being caught up. Tell the soldiers not to!"


All the generals replied one after another.

This pass city is the shortest of all pass cities, and it is also the longest.

There is no necessary condition for defense, it is only used to block commerce.

Of all the Han troops, only 3000 troops were placed here.

Symbolic resistance.

Sure enough, within two hours, Guancheng was almost destroyed.

Only then did Zhang Fei lead his men to attack Guancheng.

The Hanzhong defenders withdrew.

The city is in a mess.

For this pass, only the Beicheng Pass has been repaired.

There is no wall on the south side.

To facilitate future recovery and save financial resources.

"The right infantry guard is the vanguard, after falling into the camp, the other armies will push back and prepare to attack the second pass city!"

After capturing Guancheng, Zhang He and others immediately dispatched 1 horses to push forward.

There was no army on board.


When the battle broke out in Meridian Valley, Ye Qing also led people to activate the teleportation formation at night.

After a bang.

Ye Qing and others came to the teleportation array in Xicheng County.

The entry-level masters who had already explored the way came here earlier.

Therefore, all the surrounding areas of the teleportation array were controlled by the people of Da Zhou.

"How's it going?"

Ye Qing asked directly.

The person in charge, Yu Huatian, replied: "My lord, there is nothing unusual about Xicheng County. There are Zhang's children and officials here. A few days ago, they were preparing to welcome the Chuyue Kingdom, so they were busy hoarding supplies and opening up official roads to the east. , there are no orders or tasks, so the city is very quiet now."

"On the contrary, because my Da Zhou's army on the northern front has gone south, all the masters in the city have left!"

Ye Qing said: "Very well, then according to the established plan, your Jinyiwei people will guide the way, clean up the Zhang's children in the city, and control Xicheng County!"

"No!" Yuhuatian began to arrange the staff into groups.

At this time, masters and troops of the Great Zhou continued to teleport from Mount Li.

"here it is……"

As the head of Qishan Pavilion, Hua Bei and others were also invited to participate in this battle.

The matter of the teleportation array will gradually be exposed as the battle begins. After all, ordinary soldiers will participate this time.

Therefore, Ye Qing does not intend to hide it from the top leaders of various factions in the country and the important officials of the DPRK and China.

"Could this be... the teleportation array!"

Hua Bei muttered in surprise.

He was not so sure about Lishan.

But now, he completely understood.

After all, Qishan Pavilion has records in this regard. As the head of the sect, he is far superior to ordinary people in terms of force and knowledge.

So more sure.

Lan Dong and Lu Lian next to him also had expressions of horror upon hearing this.

In a flash just now, almost in the blink of an eye, they went somewhere else?
"Brother Hua, where is this place? Do you know what this strange magic circle is?" Lan Dong asked curiously.

Hua Bei then briefly explained the matter of the teleportation formation.

"Si! It's so amazing, you have developed such a heaven-defying magic circle!"

Lan Dong couldn't help boasting.

Even Lu Lian sighed with emotion: "It's amazing, no wonder His Majesty was able to return to Chang'an from the land of Bashu, and this time he has such great confidence to destroy the Zhang family in Hanzhong."

"If this kind of magic circle continues to be built towards the enemy's territory, then from now on, my big eagle will dominate the world, and I can fight wherever I want!"

Hua Bei smiled wryly when he heard this, it was difficult to explain to the two that this formation had nothing to do with their current Qishan Pavilion.

So I just said: "This array is not easy to repair, it takes a lot of time, and it takes a long time. It is difficult to increase it in a short time."

No one knows better than him how many resources are needed to build a large magic circle.

Now Da Zhou is really poor, and has no money to build any magic circles.

Seeing these people coming, Ye Qing walked over and said, "This is Xicheng County in Hanzhong. Everyone, in order to keep it secret, we can only let you know after everyone comes here."

Hua Bei, Lan Dong, Lu Lian and others hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the country is so big that the army must be even, I will understand!"

"Your Majesty let us come here as soon as possible, which shows the trust in us, we are honored!"

Ye Qing said with a smile: "You are all the elders of the Dayan Wusi, the pillars of my Great Zhou, and you can naturally participate in the major affairs of the country."

"This time to attack the Hanzhong Zhang family, in view of the fact that the Hanzhong Wulin has been controlled and suppressed by the Zhang family for a long time, after you come here, you must set up a branch hall of the Dayan Wusi Division in order to better lead the development of the Hanzhong Wulin."

"It's Your Majesty, I will do my best to cooperate with the imperial court's army to eliminate the Hanzhong Zhang family as soon as possible, and put the overall planning of Hanzhong Wulin under the name of Dayan Wusi!" The three replied respectfully.

The current Ye Qing has far exceeded their expectations.

Ye Zhao's performance is getting better and better, and Da Zhou's future is getting brighter and brighter.

They naturally respected Ye Qing more and more.

At the beginning, he might be somewhat criticized for being emperor.

But now, all negative emotions have been cleared away.

For Ye Qing, they began to admire and praise Ye Qing from the bottom of their hearts.

With such an emperor, the future of Dazhou is limitless.

(End of this chapter)

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