I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 548 Zhang Liao wins Shiquan City

Chapter 548 Zhang Liao Seizes Stone Spring City
"Okay! You follow Guo Jia's arrangement and go up to familiarize yourself with the situation in Xicheng County!" Ye Qing signaled everyone to go up first.

Lan Dong and the others rushed out, and then went up the stairs to the ground.

People from Jinyiwei approached them and explained the specific situation in Xicheng County.

In the teleportation array, masters continued to pass them over.

Then came Zhang Liao's Shenji Camp.

When the force reaches a certain level.

Ye Qingnian looked at the sky, asked for the time, and then said: "Seize the city! Immediately control every location outside the city, no matter it is bright or dark."

"It's Your Majesty!"

Whether it is Dayan Wusi or others, according to the established plan, the traffic arteries in Xicheng County were first blocked, and the places out of the city were returned.

Only then did they attack the main points in the city.

The children of the Zhang family and the officials in the city never imagined that the soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou could parachute here.

It was even more unexpected that six sixth-rank supreme beings gathered in the small Xicheng County at once.

With their ability, there are no surprises at all.

After dawn, the people in the city realized that the city was strictly prohibited.

The army in the city was replaced by soldiers from Chang'an.

These soldiers are more robust, with distinctive armor and brand new and sharp weapons.

From time to time, there are people in the city who want to report to the Zhang family, and want to leave the city through various channels.

They were all easily intercepted!

"Send the news back to Chang'an and inform Gao Shun, Zhang Yun and others."

"Put on the clothes of Xicheng County soldiers, use reinforcements as an excuse, and advance to Shiquan City!"

"Shi Potian stays in Xicheng County, and the others will go to Shiquan City with me!"

Order after order was passed on.

The Shenji Camp and a group of Dayan Wusi quickly marched westward.

Shiquan City is all the grain and grass base of Zhang's army in Hanzhong.

All the troops stationed in Meridian Valley will go north from here.

All food and grass are also hoarded here.

At the same time, Shiquan City is also heavily guarded.

"According to the information! Shiquan City has 1 soldiers and horses. Although they are not very elite, they should not be underestimated."

Yuhuatian explained to Zhang Liao.

The attack on Shiquan City was led by Liao, and he commanded and dispatched it uniformly.

Zhang Liao rode on the horse, thought for a while and said: "There is no problem entering the city, the problem is how to destroy these 1 horses without letting the Zhang family in Nanzheng know!"

Everyone didn't answer, commanding and fighting wars was not their forte.

After a while, Zhang Liao said: "After entering the city, the army will be divided into three groups, and one group will go to the west gate, not only to take it but also to hold it, and to block the counterattack of the Han army in the city.

I will allocate [-] soldiers to you in this department, with Senior Hua Bei as the main force and Senior Lan Dong as the assistant, the two factions will also include Kong Jian and others. "

"Promise!" Hua Bei, Lan Dong and others took orders.

Then Zhang Liao continued: "For the second batch, I will only give the [-] Shenji Battalion, mainly responsible for capturing the county government office, armory, and granary.

With Senior Zhang Sanfeng as the main force, Senior Lu Lian and Ding Chunqiu as assistants, Tumenzhen, Tiandihui, Li Yuanfang, Xie Xun, Yuhuatian, Ouyang Feng and others accompanied them. "

Although the force is small, there are many masters, mainly those from the martial arts world.

After all, the city is more suitable for short-handed handover.

A large number of troops does not necessarily give full play to its advantages.


Zhang Sanfeng, Lu Lian, Ding Chunqiu and others all replied.

Finally Zhang Liao said: "The third batch, we retake the East City, senior Li Xunhuan, some members of the Huashan faction, and the remaining soldiers of the Shenji Battalion.

After taking the city gate, you must also guard it to prevent the enemy from running towards the east city.

"Then, what if the enemy runs towards the north city gate?"

Leng Lingqi asked.

Zhang Liao said with a smile: "Let him go from Beicheng, don't be afraid that they will inform the Hanzhong army in Ziwu. What we want is the city, and there is news of blocking the way to Nanzheng."

Soon, the army came to Shiquan City.

The clothing is the style of the local army in Hanzhong.

There is also the seal of Xicheng County.

The Hanzhong generals who guarded the city did not doubt that they had it, but they just glanced at it hastily and didn't care.

Enemies will only come from the Guan Plain in the north.

Not from the inside.

It is even less likely to come from the east.

So the guard didn't care and didn't have any doubts.


Zhang Liao and others all entered the city.

After entering the city, I ran into several waves of government servants patrolling the streets.

"The reinforcements who came over today look energetic, they are different from the previous ones!"

"It's really a bit unfamiliar! I'm very angry!"

"Tch, what day will the reinforcements not be born face-to-face, as if you have been to other cities!"

"That's right, it's really rare and strange. I guess they are all born with melon eggs. They pretend to be fierce on the surface, but they are really scared in their hearts!"


Several yamen servants patrolling the street were playing and pushing each other.

Fortunately, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion have all been warned.

Although his eyes were angry, he still walked forward.

Soon, a team of warlords defending the city reached out to intercept the crowd:

"Which city are you from? Who is leading the team?"

Zhang Liao stepped forward and said, "The last general, Zhang Liao, is leading a mixed team, a reinforcement army composed of Xicheng County and Cheng County!"

"Your surname is Zhang!" The inspector captain couldn't help but glance at Zhang Liao more, showing a lot of respect.

Zhang Liao smiled slightly: "Yes, my surname is Zhang, and I have not had five clothes with the prince!"

There are no five suits.

That's direct, and even if it's not, it has status.

The inspector team leader hurriedly said: "Let's go, the camp in the north of the city is not good, it's very crowded, you go to the south of the city, there has just been a vacant room there, the next year's grain depot is also there, it will be more convenient to get the next year's grain and grass. "

"Thank you." Zhang Liao was overjoyed when he heard the words, patted the man on the shoulder and said:

"After the battle, I'll buy you a drink."

"Okay, my name is Qi Gou, brother, I'll wait for you to come back after a big victory!" The captain of the inspector team saluted with a fist, and then left.

After he left, Zhang Liao waved his hand and let the army continue on their way.

Then he winked at Zhang Sanfeng, Lu Lian and others.

Come to the central street of the city.

Zhang Liao waved his hand.

Only then did the army divide into three groups, one group rushed towards the west of the city, and the other group turned around and went back.

There was still a group left, and the remaining ones were divided into two parts, and one part rushed to the county government nearby.

Some went to the south of the city.

Zhang Liao turned back with his men and was in a hurry.

Soon, they ran into the inspector's team again.

"Hey! Brother Zhang Liao, why are you back? Did you not find a place?" The inspector captain was a little puzzled.

Zhang Liao's team was reduced by two-thirds.

Even if you have to go to the east of the city, or find yourself, it shouldn't be like this.

Zhang Liao approached.

He smiled slightly and said: "I forgot, we still have a group of soldiers who have not yet entered the city, and we estimate that they will arrive in an hour. I will go to the east of the city to pick them up!"

"Well, that's not right!"

Word down!

This person got a pain in his neck when he heard it right, and his eyes went dark.

Soft fell down.

The members of the other inspection teams were also twisted and broken by the nearby warriors, or covered their mouths and cut their necks.

"Go, attack the east gate!"

Just as Zhang Liao was making the move, Lu Lian was the first to rush in from the county government.

Tumen Town, Northland, is good at knives.

All of them have superb knife skills.

Swordsman, with hegemony as the main one, opens and closes widely.

Cut off with a knife.

The guard soldier on the opposite side had his weapon and arm cut in two!


The gate of the county government office was originally open, and a few soldiers were killed, and a crowd of people filed in.

The officials in the city and the generals of the defending army who hadn't responded from the county office were hacked into blood by Lu Lian and others who came in one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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