I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 549? Capture Stone Spring City

Chapter 549 Capture Stone Spring City

"Who are you? How dare you rebel!"

The general who defends the city is Zhang Qiang, a second-rank general who was born as a descendant of the Zhang family!
It never occurred to him that in Shiquan City, someone would take away the headquarters.

With the strength of the second rank, he was knocked down to the ground without even receiving a single blow from the opponent, and he vomited blood twice.

When he regained his strength, the battle was over.

"Hehe! Rebellion!" Lu Lian put the knife on Zhang Qiang's neck:
"If you talk about rebellion, it should be your Zhang family rebelling, and you Hanzhong are rebelling!"

"You...you are from Chang'an!" Zhang Qiang was stunned!
How could people from Chang'an come to Shiquan City?

Could it be that Meridian Valley is broken!
This is impossible!

"Congratulations, I guessed it!"

After the words fell, Lu Lian's knife card slammed heavily.

Zhang Qiang's neck was cut off.

The other captured officials were trembling with fright.

"Who is the county magistrate!" Lu Lian stood up and asked.

All the eyes of the prisoners were fixed on a middle-aged man.

With a plop, he knelt on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "My lord, please forgive me, let me go, I can..."

Lu Lian walked over and swung the knife down.

The head fell to the ground again.

"Your Majesty said, Zhu Fei is a loyal supporter of the Zhang family, damn it!"

The next moment, all the frightened Hanzhong officials knelt on the ground one after another.

"My lord, we have no choice but to wait. Hanzhong is controlled by the Zhang family. Even if we want to be loyal to the imperial court, we have no way to serve the country!"

"My lord, let me go, we can do things for you, and we can serve the country."

"My lord, many generals in the city are old with me, I can persuade them to surrender!"

In order to survive, these people naturally racked their brains to justify themselves and state their own value.

"Very good. Since you have the intention to correct your mistakes, His Majesty is willing to give you a chance. Next, it depends on your performance." Lu Lian waved his hand and said, "Take it down and send it to all parties. Let's see Can it work!"

If it wasn't for the [-] ordinary soldiers in the city, the siege would not have been so troublesome.

Everyone can be killed directly.

Clean up all at once.

Leave less trouble for the future.

When Lu Lian and others captured the county government and took away the headquarters in the city, all the leaders.

The Nancheng granary was soon captured.

The armory was attacked by Ding Chunqiu's men.

City West!


When the guard found the Shenji Battalion rushing over, he felt something was wrong, even though the incoming army was wearing their own military uniform.

But they acted in a hurry, with crossbows in their hands.

There are also a lot of gangsters mixed in.

It really doesn't look like he's here to take over the city defense.

After all, it's not time to switch defenses yet.

So be vigilant.

But what greeted him was not an honest reply.

It was the Divine Machine Battalion carrying the crossbow.


Countless crossbow arrows flew towards him.

The guard was so frightened that he swung his sword and retreated.

The soldiers in front of him were shot by arrows and fell to the ground.

"Enemy attack, hurry up, someone rebelled!"

The startled city defenders rushed out from both sides of the city, as well as the guards in the city gatehouse and the city patrols all ran over.

"Fire arrows!"

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion rushed forward and kept pulling their engines.

The Hanzhong defenders under the city screamed and retreated in the direction they came from.

The sharpness of the crossbow is far beyond their imagination.

"Landong, you are in charge of the top of the city, and I'm in charge of the bottom!" Hua Bei ordered.

Lan Dongdao: "People from Xiaolongmen, go up and kill them!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped a little on his feet first, jumped up and jumped onto the stepped parapet.

The people from Xiaolongmen, all of them who have practiced kung fu well, also rushed up.

The bows and arrows shot from the city either missed or were forcibly blocked by them.

Lan Dong was alone in front, and after a few maneuvers, he arrived at the city.

Then swing your arms left and right.

The enemy archers in the city were knocked down one after another.


Seeing that Lan Dong was so courageous, the city guard swung his sword and stabbed him.

Lan Dong dodged lightly, grabbed the general's collar with his backhand.

Just wanted to lift him up.

This person is also flexible, and he stabs again in the backhand sword style.

Lan Dong let go and chopped.

The long sword snapped at the sound.

"What, fifth-grade realm!"

This will turn pale with shock, he is only a first-rank monster, even if he is a general, he is not the opponent of this fifth-rank monster.

He hurriedly wanted to retreat.

However, Lantou's punch was just one blow, and the man vomited blood in mid-air when he left the ground.

Then fell into the Wengcheng.

After Luo Di, his body rolled and he died.

Once the guard dies, the others are no match for Lan Dong and the others.

Lan Dong and the others are too strong, whether it is personal bravery or the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion, they are far superior to them.

After half of the people were beheaded, the others dropped their weapons and surrendered.

Under the city, Hua Bei played more easily.

The defenders either ran away or were beheaded.

"Immediately bring the refusal horse over, gather the crossbow arrows, shut all the captives into the gate tower, and move the supplies for the city defense to the inner city side."



East Gate!
"call out!"

A knife hidden weapon flew by!

The defenders of the city fell to the top of the city with hatred.

Zhang Liao also captured Dongcheng.

"Go, contact His Majesty, and tell him that we will capture Shiquan City and prepare for the final battle with the [-] enemy troops in the city!"


At that moment, someone went out of the city and rode a horse to inform Ye Qing and others.

In the city!

in the military camp.

All the Hanzhong generals in the camp were stunned.

"The county government office was captured and the general was killed!"

"The county magistrate is also dead! Someone rebelled, and the enemy's martial arts are very strong!"

Why, they couldn't believe it.

This is too nonsense.

In the city, no one else is making trouble.

Zhang Qiang is a second-rank general.

There are still many masters of the rivers and lakes in the city.

How could it be possible to be attacked by someone.

"Report! The west city gate was captured by thieves!"

"Report! The East City Gate has been captured by thieves!"

"Report! The grain depot was captured by thieves!"

"Report! The arsenal has been captured, and all supplies and defense equipment have been controlled by the bandit army!"

There is no leader in the group of dragons, and the generals in the camp look at me and I look at you.

For a while, I will be there dumbfounded.

Suddenly someone asked: "Is there something different in Beicheng?"

"General Hong's words, there are no thieves in Beicheng!"

The person who asked the question stood up and said: "Then what are you waiting for, go to the north gate immediately, it is important to guard the north gate of the city!"

After finishing speaking, he left first, leading his troops to the north city gate.

As soon as he left, all the generals said in unison: "We must take back the west gate first!"

"Take back the grain depot first. Food is the foundation of our army, and there is no room for loss!"

"Is the East City Gate not important anymore? I'll go to the East City Gate!"

Each general said his own words, and then each was leading the troops away.

Leave left and right in the camp, still you look at me, I look at you.

"Isn't it necessary to find out who is rebelling first?"

"I don't know who the enemy is, what kind of battle is this fighting!"

Everyone left the hall angrily, and each wanted to take his troops out. At this time, a group of people came in front of the camp gate.

It was Lu Lian and the others.

They are also holding a group of officials and generals who were captured from the government!

These people are either old with them, or they are their superiors or comrades-in-arms at the same level.

"Listen, people inside, we are heavenly soldiers. The Chang'an army will invade Hanzhong and take back the entire eastern part of Hanzhong. If you are obsessed with obsession and help the evildoers, then you will end up like Zhang Qiang."

After the words fell, Zhang Qiang's head was thrown in the middle of the gate in front of the camp gate.

(End of this chapter)

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