I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 550? Ye Qing Said to Persuade Surrender

Chapter 550 Ye Qing Says He Wants to Persuade Surrender
When Ye Qing arrived, the battle in Shiquan City was over.

The successful implementation of the decapitation and seizure of the city.

Not only successfully captured the city, but also persuaded six thousand soldiers to surrender.

In fact, Zhang's rule in Hanzhong was not popular.

It turns out that everyone has no choice, because Da Zhou in Guanzhong has no control over this place.

So I can only give my life to Mrs. Zhang.

Not so now.

Da Zhou's troops came, and the entire east fell.

Shiquan City was destroyed, how could the little Hanzhong stop the army of the Celestial Dynasty.

Zhang's doom has arrived.

In the absence of Zhang's children.

Naturally, all the people surrendered one after another.

"Your Majesty, [-] enemy remnants fled the city to the north. In this battle, [-] surrendered, [-] were killed, and all supplies in the city were intercepted." Zhang Liao reported to Ye Qinghui.

Ye Qing came to Shiquan City before, entered the county office, glanced casually and asked:
"To the west of the city, someone who slipped through the net will pass the news over!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we have set up a large number of light and dark posts in the west of the city to block the news. Within three days, there will be no abnormalities there!" Zhang Liao explained:

"Da Yan Wu Yi Jing is cleaning up the forces in the surrounding rivers and lakes, and all of them can be solved tomorrow!"

Ye Qing nodded, motioned for everyone to sit down, and then ordered: "Yuhuatian, you are in charge personally, and lead Li Xunhuan, Li Yuanfang, and Jing Wuming to infiltrate west; The spies can all be activated, and it's time for them to go home!"

Yu Huatian said: "It's Your Majesty!"

After Yuhuatian left, Ye Qing said: "Come on, follow me to the barracks, I want to chat with Jiangjun, Hanzhong is always my Hanzhong.

They are also the people and army of my big man, and my own family, just talk clearly, there is no need to fight to the death. "

Soon Ye Qing arrived at the barracks.

The descendants who were originally here were still a little apprehensive.

Although Lu Lian, Zhang Liao and others promised not to kill them.

But where they go in the end is still unknown.

"His Majesty is here!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

The barracks exploded in an instant.

The emperor is here!

Ye Qing unexpectedly entered Hanzhong, and he personally came to the south to conquer the Zhang family.

At first they thought it was a joke, but soon they saw Ye Qing riding on a tall horse.

When Ye Qing first entered Hanzhong, the Hanzhong side mobilized a large number of troops to seal the city and roads.

Naturally, many Hanzhong generals and soldiers had seen Ye Qing who was still the Xiaoyao King.

"Sinners greet His Majesty!"

A group of generals and soldiers bowed down one after another.

Welcome with a big gift.

Ye Qing reined in his horse and stopped.

Sweeping his gaze over, he exhaled lightly and said, "I definitely don't like it, and I don't want to meet you in this way.

No matter what, you are all my Great Zhou's army, you are all my Great Zhou's people, you are not wrong, it's just because you follow the wrong person, or you have no choice but to follow the Zhang family as a pawn. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding, I am ashamed to wait!"

The generals put their stance extremely low.

Ye Qing went on to say: "Excuse me, I don't have the habit of letting my people kneel down and listen!"

"Your Majesty is benevolent!"

"The Zhang family scriptures are over, and my Da Zhou army has since entered Hanzhong, and Hanzhong has been brought under the jurisdiction of the imperial court again. Now I have brought your new prefect Xiao He with you. He is a good official, a capable official, and will Rebuilding Hanzhong into a land of abundance will lead Hanzhong to a stronger future." Ye Qing said frankly:
"However, there are still many people in Hanzhong who are willing to work for the Zhang family, so there will still be ups and downs in the war. For the real stability of Hanzhong, I need more people like you who can tell right from wrong."

"Whoever is willing to go to various places to recruit rebels for me, I will not only restore his official position, but also promote him to a noble rank!"

There was a sudden commotion in the barracks.

The words of the emperor are naturally golden words.

Say the same thing.

This is a gamble. If you want to reinstate the official, or even go further, then go for it.

There is nothing more comforting than this kind of gaining fame and fortune.

No matter how much talk is said, it is not as real as the actual reward.

"Your Majesty, Dingyuan County Lieutenant is my second younger brother, and the general is willing to persuade him to surrender!"

Suddenly someone stood up and said.

Then someone said: "Your Majesty, Dingyuan County Magistrate is my brother-in-law, and I am willing to go there to persuade you to surrender!"

Ye Qing looked at the two Mao Sui recommended himself and said: "Very good, from now on the two of you will be restored to their posts, and there will be rewards for taking down Dingyuan City. I can make an exception and let them continue to serve as the second brother and brother-in-law who were persuaded by the two of you to surrender." Same office."

The same official position is not in place.

Although this promise has some conditions.

But the scriptures are quite superior.

He can still be an official and support the army.

It is already very good.

So the two bowed and saluted: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

With the beginning of the two, other hesitant people also stood up and said:

"Your Majesty, my father served as the chief general of the plank road checkpoint in the army of Meridian Valley. The last general is willing to go to persuade to surrender, and reserve a tentative plank road for my great week."

"Your Majesty, my eldest brother is in charge of the boats at Hegutanguan. I would like to persuade him to move all the boats away and only ferry the imperial army, not the rebels."

"Your Majesty, I..."

For those who recommended themselves, especially those in Ziwu Valley in the north, Ye Qing promised to let them go out of the city and go north, and also allowed them to bring a certain number of soldiers and horses with them.

"Your Majesty, just let them go like this, what if they turn their backs?" Ding Chunqiu said:
"Your Majesty, they should be planted with some poison first, and it will be more appropriate to release them later!"

Ye Qing shook his head and said: "You are from the rivers and lakes, and you don't understand military affairs. For us, it doesn't hurt to let these people go. It's just that they are missing some shrimps.

As long as someone succeeds, the gains for us are huge.

Even if these people are unsuccessful, it will bring a dangerous signal to the army of Meridian Valley and bring enough pressure to them. "

"So it's like this, Your Majesty is wise!" Ding Chunqiu didn't know how to flatter him, so he did it quite bluntly.

Ye Qing said: "Go to Dingwan City!"


Only one Ding Chunqiu was sent to Dingyuan City, and then Ye Qing left Hua Bei in the city, and left him another [-] Shenji Battalion, and then led Zhang Liao and the newly recruited troops north into Ziwu Valley.

At this time in the valley, Gao Shun and others captured the third pass, Gu Chengguan, by using scriptures.

Cleared all the Guancheng on the mountain road, and walked southward for nearly a hundred miles.

At this time, what they have to face is a river valley with water.

In this kind of place, when encountering flood season, you can only walk along the narrow roads on both sides of the river.

You can only pack lightly, and the luggage cannot be carried.

So trebuchets and bed crossbows are useless here.

In the dry season, you can go down to the river bed and find the waterless shallow talk along the river.

It is obviously a distance of tens of miles, but after turning around dozens of times, it is hundreds of miles away.

The Hanzhong army guarding here.

Originally, nothing was lost.

Gao Shun and the others were blocked in the south for a while.

But the news from behind made them all startled.

"What? Da Zhou's army has entered Hanzhong from the east!"

"Did Shiquan City be taken down by Da Zhou's army?"

"Is...impossible? The troops in Guanzhong still have the south, can they fly in?"

(End of this chapter)

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