Chapter 551

"The news is absolutely true. It came from Shiquan City. As for how Da Zhou's army entered Hanzhong, only God knows!"

"The 3000 defenders were attacked by surprise, and only [-] escaped. Now the back road is cut off. What should we do?"

The generals were silent for a while.

Because the people who sit here are all the children of the Zhang family.

It is the people of the Zhang family who really hold the power.

The other generals just obeyed.

Even senior generals were mostly trained by followers of the Zhang family and the Five Dou Rice Sect.

Loyalty to the Zhang family is still guaranteed.

"It's good to leave some people to guard here. The army should go south immediately and take back Shiquan City. Otherwise, even if we can stop the Zhou army in the north, if Nanzheng is captured, we will become a desperate place by guarding here."

"I agree, no matter how Da Zhou is now, if they enter Hanzhong, we have to take back Shiquan and get through Shiquan to have a chance to save Hanzhong!"

After discussion, the Zhang family members decided to set off the next day.

When I got up the next day and was about to act, I suddenly found that all the boats in the valley had disappeared.

Their camp is on a high ground, which is not flooded.

But now this high tide season, the water in the valley is fast and heavy.

Without a ship, the army can't get out at all.

"What a fool, Huang Li, who is in charge of the ship, has rebelled!"

Only then did everyone realize the seriousness of the problem.

"What should we do now? Without boats, we can only go out with small troops, and the army can't move at all?"

The children of the Zhang family also have a group of cronies, you look at me, I look at you, this problem is a headache.

What's the use of the squad going out.

"Hey, I can only wait. Go find Huang Li and ask him to pull the boat over. If you don't listen, then kill him!"

"it is good!"

At the same time, such things happened frequently in various parts of Meridian Valley.

Various ministries defected or turned against the water one after another.

Ye Qing led the people all the way north.

Either surrendered to the uprising, or fled.

Even though there was still a hurdle for the Zhang family's children to defend, it was under the attack of Zhang Sanfeng and other masters, as well as Shenjiying.

It quickly collapsed, and the children of the Zhang family were beheaded one after another.

The original six-element surrender troops have also expanded to [-] troops.

Like a snowball, it grew crazily all the way.

When they reached the river valley, the surrendered troops reached [-].

The general in charge immediately came over and offered the warship.

Ye Qing immediately said: "The attack on that high ground is mainly to kill the Zhang family's children, if you can persuade them to surrender, persuade them to surrender!"


The news that the [-] troops arrived soon shocked the [-] soldiers guarding here.

"Hmph, what's so great about [-], it's easy to defend but hard to attack here, as long as you hold on, don't be afraid of Zhou Bing!"

The faces of the Zhang family's children were all pale, extremely pale, but their mouths were still tough.

But the middle-level generals below began to become active.

After the Zhou soldiers on the warship persuaded them to surrender, the last line of defense was finally loosened.

While the army is attacking the high ground.

All of a sudden, the bows were ready for the position of supervisor of the head of the Zhang family's children.

"Fire arrows!"


The Zhang family's children and those high-ranking generals were caught off guard and were shot and killed by their own people from behind.

All were stunned.

One by one, with arrow wounds, they turned around and stared at the men who attacked them in disbelief.


"Sorry, the time for your Zhang family is over. Now Hanzhong is completely owned by Da Zhou. With the arrival of Master Wang, we can only choose justice!"

"Justice...hehe, poof!"



Guo Jia put down the binoculars.

"Your Majesty, the thieves on the high ground are fighting among themselves. It seems that all the children of the Zhang family have been shot to death. Ziwu Valley is flat!"

Ye Qing looked into the distance and said with a smile: "Very good, you are the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and you can finally enter Hanzhong with a legitimate name!"

The next moment, the army behind him burst into cheers.

The entry of the Great Zhou Dynasty into Hanzhong means that the end of the war in Hanzhong and the end of the semi-closed days are getting closer.

In the future, Hanzhong and Guanzhong will be unimpeded.

The people in Hanzhong will also be liberated.

Soon all the troops on the high ground surrendered and put down their weapons.

The boats started running to Gao Shun's side to welcome them across the valley.

"Chen, Gao Shun (Xu Huang, Zhang He) pays his respects to Your Majesty!"

After everyone in Gao Shun came in, they found that Ye Qing had gathered an army of [-] soldiers.

Even far surpassing them.

Ye Qingdao: "Excuse me, leave the rear guards to take over all the city defense checkpoints in Ziwu Valley, and the other troops will continue to go south!"


Except for Cheng Yaojin, everyone looked happy.


Nan Zheng!

Three days have passed.

After not receiving intelligence from the east.

Zhang Qiu and others noticed something strange.

Send someone to the east to check.

It was discovered that Dingyuan County, Longting and other places were all lost.

Da Zhou's army captured Shiquan City, Shenji Battalion garrisoned Shiquan, Dingyuan and Longting both turned against each other.

This news came like a bolt from the blue.

It hit Zhang Qiu and the others with a bang.

When they are still thinking about tactics and plans.

Da Zhou's army descended into Hanzhong and killed them right under their noses.

"My lord, Da Zhou's army will arrive at Chenggu in a few days. With Chenggu's situation, I'm afraid they will be breached if they can't hold out for two days. Nanzheng is in danger, so make plans in the morning!"

The counselor of Nanzheng Palace suggested with a bitter face.

At this time, the fool knows how to choose.

The Zhang family's background cannot stop the elite army of Great Zhou.

The problem is only when Nanzheng was breached.

"Transfer the materials that can be transferred to the south immediately!"

"All the strong and strong people who can be taken away will be transferred to the Kingdom of Shu as civilian husbands!"

"My Zhang family's children, those who do not have military positions, all go south in advance!"

"Order the army guarding Xiegu to return to Nanzheng, so there is no need to spend it with Ma Chao, Yu Jin and others!"

After giving one order after another, Zhang Qiu felt a little pain in his head.

After staying in the hall for a while, I ran to the ancestral hall where the ancestral tablets were enshrined.

Staring at the tablets of the ancestors, Zhang Qiu's hair turned white one by one.

It wasn't until midnight that Zhang Lu came over to approve a robe for him.

"Father, are we really not fighting Da Zhou's army in Nanzheng?"

"Abandoning Nanzheng like this, isn't it a bit..."

The land of Zuxing was given up like this, and no one was reconciled.

Zhang Qiudao: "Son, temporary patience is very necessary, just take Ye Qing as an example, if he hadn't entered Hanzhong and endured us, do you think he still has today?

When life is not going well, we must follow the trend. We don't have so much strength to fight against him in Hanzhong. There are many strong people in Dazhou. My strength is still weak. Fortunately, Shu Kingdom is now my Zhang Home, we have a better platform for development in Shu. "

"Nanzheng, we will definitely take it back, not only Hanzhong, but also Guanzhong!"

Zhang Lu still had a willingness to say: "Father, if we can't get it, Ye Qing can't get it too. If he wants a complete Hanzhong, we will destroy Hanzhong and let him get a dilapidated Hanzhong!

How about burning Nanzheng when we leave, what can't be taken away can't be left to Ye Qing! "

Zhang Qiu stared at the young and energetic Zhang Lu, and after a long time, he stretched out his hand and touched Zhang Lu's head, his silver hair fluttering.

"Lu Er, if you like it, then do it!"

Zhang Lu was overjoyed, turned around and left the mourning hall.

Zhang Qiu looked at Zhang Lu who was going away, there was a hint of doting in his eyes, but also a hint of pain.

He closed his eyes and murmured softly:
"Lu Er, if we do this, we will never regain Hanzhong again. Perhaps, we really have no chance!"

Can a lame state of Shu really stop the Zhang family from creating brilliance?

Zhang Qiu felt a little unconfident.

This time the Zhang family's opponent is the tyrannical emperor Ye Qing, not the previous great Zhou emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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