I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 552? Zhang Qiu Runs and Zhang Lu Dies

Chapter 552 Zhang Qiu Runs and Zhang Lu Dies

The news that the Great Zhou army had entered Hanzhong spread like a plague.

The whole Nanzheng suddenly became noisy and boiling.

Then there was chaos.

When war comes, the people will be afraid.

People are born with the desire to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

No one is immune.

What's more, Zhang's family is also recruiting people and strong men, and they start walking south.

The first batch of Zhang's sons left Nanzheng to Mianyang, and then went south to Baishuiguan.

The road is long, and there are countless chariots and horses along the way.

Mrs. Zhang wants to take away all the good things that can be taken away.

So much so that Zhang's remaining army stayed behind.

In Nanzheng City!

Yu Huatian, Li Xunhuan and others have arrived and contacted the secret agents in Hanzhong.

"The Zhang family learned the news that the eastern part was taken back by the imperial court through the scriptures, and the Zhang family's children set out to go south based on the scriptures."

"However! Zhang Qiu and his son Zhang Lu are still in the city!"

Yu Huatian thought for a while and said: "Someone must chase westward, catch up with the members of the Zhang clan, and monitor them all. The most important thing is that Ye Jin can't be lost!"

Li Yuanfang said: "I'll go, my appearance is easy to disguise, and it's not easy to be noticed."

Li Yuanfang was thin and thin, like a child.

His body skills are weird, and he has the way of an assassin.

Yu Huatian said: "Okay, after you follow up, don't attack easily, just leave a mark for us, and when you arrive at Jiameng City, harvest the enemies uniformly."


After Li Yuanfang took the order, he chased towards Mianyang with a few members of Jinyiwei.

Then Yu Huatian said: "Zhang Qiu and Zhang Lu, we have to kill one person, but the timing has to be right, one is when they are about to escape from the city, and the other is when His Majesty's army arrives, so as to paralyze Zhang's family. chain of command."

The secret agent interjected: "Master Yu, I have to remind you that Zhang Lu deliberately set fire to Nanzheng.

Nanzheng is the essence of Hanzhong. If it is destroyed by fire, it will not only affect the pursuit of His Majesty's army, but also will cost a huge price when we build the dynasty in the future! "

Set fire to Nanzheng.

So poisonous!

This is a county mansion, and there are countless buildings in the city. Once a fire breaks out, all the people in the city who have not left will suffer.

Burning a city is easy, but building a city is difficult.

Da Zhou was not rich in the first place.

At that time, there will still be a batch of money to repair the Fucheng, which will inevitably increase the financial expenditure.

Li Xunhuan and Yu Huatian looked at each other.

His eyes are full of murderous intent.

"Then kill Zhang Lu and deal with Zhang Qiu at the same time before Zhang Lu ignites the fire. In the end, he can capture Zhang Qiu alive and persuade the defenders here to surrender."

Li Xun Huan said: "I will take charge of Zhang Qiu, Jing Wuming cooperates with me, you go and kill Zhang Lu!"

"Okay!" Yuhuatian had no objection.

The spy next to him said: "I contact those who intend to surrender to the court, not everyone wants to go to Shu with Mrs. Zhang.

There are many generals who have been tired of Zhang's rule, but have never had a chance to fight back. "

Two days later, Ye Qing and other troops marched west from Shiquan City.

Eighty thousand troops, mighty and mighty!
There is no Zhang's army in Xiegu.

Ma Chao, Yu Jin, and [-] troops also began to march south.

The [-] army shot at Nanzheng like an arrow from the string.

Cheng Gucheng was first attacked by Ding Chunqiu at the east gate, and then hundreds of Shenji battalion killed him.

More than 1000 county soldiers followed behind, and they took down the county with almost no effort.

The news was sent back to Nanzheng immediately.

"Father, news came from Chenggu just now that the city is easy to leave, and almost all the guards have surrendered."

What Zhang Lulai meant was obvious.

Zhang Qiu waved his hand and said: "Burn it, burn it all, I will leave [-] troops for you, I will take the rest first, and wait for you at Baishui Pass!"

"It's father!"

Under the protection of a group of warriors, generals and an army of [-], Zhang Qiu withdrew from Nanzheng.

Before fighting Ye Qing, he retreated voluntarily.

Can't help but disappoint the Hanzhong Army.

The minds of each general in the [-] army began to become active.

In the city, Zhang Lu began to arrange to burn the city.

Order the soldiers below to pile up firewood everywhere in the city.

The tung oil used to defend the city was poured on the houses and the city gates upstairs and downstairs.

"Report! My son, there is still half a day left, and the enemy army that captured Chenggu is about to arrive at Nanzheng!"

"Report! My son, all the scriptures in the city are piled up with firewood!"

"Report! My son, the people in the city heard that the city was going to be burned, and they all came out to make trouble!"

Zhang Lu sneered and said, "If you make trouble, kill them all!"

"It's the son!"

After the words fell, the last messenger drew his sword and stabbed.


Zhang Lu stared at the soldier in front of him in astonishment.


Zhang Lu saw Xiaobing raised his head, revealing a cold and vigorous face, the protagonist of the face was very handsome, and his smile was a little charming.

But his eyes were full of teasing and murderous intent.

"Great Zhou Jinyiwei, Yuhuatian is here, under the orders of His Majesty, to get rid of the traitor Zhang!"

After finishing speaking, Yuhuatian drew his sword and drew it obliquely.

A bloodstain appeared on Zhang Lu's neck.

Zhang Lu was terrified and fell down slowly without making a sound.

"The son is dead, damn it, kill him quickly!"

Zhang Lu is dead.

The warriors and generals who protected him were stunned.

After reacting, he immediately drew his sword and stabbed at Yuhuatian.

"Overthinking one's abilities and being stubborn!"

Yuhuatian is a fifth-rank master.

Swing the sword to stab left and right.

The body is like a ghost, flashing back and forth.

The warriors who rushed up were either dead or injured.

All fell to the ground.

"Kill! Let me kill him!" A general of the Zhang family yelled loudly at his soldiers and charged forward.

These people instinctively follow orders.

A strange light flashed in Yuhuatian's eyes.

The horizontal sword shook with one hand.

The sword in his hand immediately shattered into one hundred and eighty pieces.

The Broken Sword flew over, and the soldiers who rushed up screamed and fell to the ground.

That will make you back away in fright.

Yuhuatian stomped his foot and jumped over.

Peep from behind and grab the man by the neck.

Twist lightly.

With a sound of "click!", the general of the Zhang family died immediately.

Yuhuatian then dropped it, turned around, and spun to the nearby roof.

The soldier's clothes on his body were torn and fell off, revealing Yu Huatian's flying fish suit.

With a flick of his robe, Yu Huatian looked at the Hanzhong generals on the street and said: "As a Hanzhong native, you were born in Nanzheng, are you going to watch Nanzheng be burned by the Zhang family?
Helping the tyrant to abuse the emperor, there will be no peace forever, and you will not be able to enter the ancestral mausoleum after death. The Zhang family will be defeated, Zhang Qiu will flee, and after Zhang Lu, you will work for the paper family. Have they ever thought about giving you a real good life! "

The soldiers on the street were all silent when they heard the words.

Then Yuhuatian said again: "The imperial court's heavenly soldiers and even surrender can save their lives and protect their family property.

Your Majesty's personal conquest is to leave a complete Hanzhong. If you don't surrender now, let alone when! "

All the soldiers lowered their weapons that were originally aimed at Yuhuatian.

One of the generals raised his head, summoned up his courage and asked, "Dare to ask my lord, what kind of strength is it!"

"Fifth Grade!"

Yuhuatian replied indifferently.

After speaking, he stretched out his hand, and a long sword on the street flew into his hand with a hissing sound.

Yu Huatian held a sword across his chest with one hand.

With just a slight shock, countless broken swords can kill them.

The questioner immediately dropped his weapon.

"I'm waiting to come down!"

There was one in his early years, and the others naturally followed suit, throwing away their weapons one after another.

All said: "I will wait for my wish!"

(End of this chapter)

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