I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 554: 8 troops surrendered, Ma Chao entered Baishui Pass

Chapter 554 Eighty thousand troops surrendered, Ma Chao entered Baishui Pass
Wang Qiu is dead!

I don't even know how I died.

He fell heavily from the horse.

The warriors protecting him stood there in shock!

"My lord, he..."


"My lord is dead!"

I don't know whose voice became sharper.

Only then did everyone react and head towards the direction where the knife was flying.

There was a young man with a jade face, dressed in white.

Charming smile.

But there are signs of danger all over him!
"Avenge the prince, kill him..."

All the disciples of the Zhang family were jealous like blood, and their faces were congealed with evil spirits.

Leaping forward, the weapon in his hand was heading towards Li Xun Huan.


Li Xun Huan flicked his right hand, several throwing knives flew by.

Several Zhang's children fell to the ground in response.

There were a few more who came close to Li Xun Huan, but Li Xun Huan didn't dodge and hit with a backhand.

Shake off the incoming weapons.

These Zhang's children flew upside down and vomited blood.

"Sixth Grade!"

The other warriors were shocked again.

His complexion changed drastically.

Hanzhong warriors don't even have a fifth-rank realm.

How to block the opponent's sixth-grade master.

"Hmph, Your Majesty personally conquered Hanzhong with tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and six sixth-rank masters. Do you want to continue to help the evildoers?"

Li Xun Huan lightly jumped onto a war horse and stood on the horse's head with one foot.

Ling Feng stands proudly.

The light in his eyes was like lightning, sweeping away one by one.

On the other side, Jing Wuming also held a sword on the other side, and there were also several masters of Jin Yiwei beside him.

Be wary of the generals who are confronting Hanzhong.

These generals also have a group of martial arts masters.

There was no active attack for a while.

All eyes were on Li Xunhuan.

Six products.

Can team fights be won?
I am afraid that if all the masters are exhausted, they will only seriously injure the opponent.

There are five sixth grades in the back.

Even if they retreated into the Kingdom of Shu, the strength of the Kingdom of Shu would not be able to hold back the army of the imperial court.

Where to go!

worth considering.

"Hmph! Don't listen to his bewitching, pay for the prince first!"

A disciple of the Zhang family led the person who spoke, drew his sword and pointed at Li Xunhuan:

"Shoot an arrow, shoot him to death, no matter how advanced your martial arts skills are, you will be afraid of a kitchen knife, shoot..."


Li Xun Huan flicked his sleeve robe.

A small knife flew out.

With a bang, it pierced the man's throat.

The person's eyes were full of fear and fear, and he wanted to hold his throat when he lifted it up, but he fell down halfway.

"Who else wants to be buried with him!"

Li Xun Huan's eyes were sharp, and he swept towards everyone!

Everything was quiet.

No one dared to breathe.

After a while, the soldier dropped his weapon.

Howling and crying: "I don't want to go to Shu! I want to go back, my mother has no one to take care of me!"

It's like dropping a stone into a calm lake.

Immediately stirred up layers of ripples.

"I won't go either. My sister is only eight years old. If I leave, she will be sold by others..."

Crash, all of a sudden, ordinary soldiers dropped their weapons one after another.

They don't want to fight, they are just ordinary soldiers, winning or losing doesn't matter to them.

Whether the Zhang family is dead or prosperous, they all look the same to them.


A group of generals wanted to say something when they saw the soldiers who dropped their weapons, but they finally got stuck in their throats.

"That's all! That's all! What is this?"

The middle-level generals also shook their heads and sighed, and dropped their weapons.

He didn't fight the emperor's troops at all, so he fled as if desperate.

The battle was poorly fought.

Hanzhong was useless.

Li Xun Huan stared at those martial arts masters and important generals.


The people below all defected.

How else could they.

One by one shook their heads and sighed:

"Stop fighting, it's boring, the prince is dead, we have done our best to Mrs. Zhang!"

These people also had no choice but to throw all their weapons on the ground.

"Okay! Know the righteousness, be sensible, you have avoided a military disaster and man-made disaster, and you have accumulated countless virtues. If your majesty knows, you will not be embarrassed."

Half an hour later, Ma Chao came after him.

It was just the sight in front of him that surprised him.

Both sides of the official road are full of unarmed soldiers.

Everyone was talking and laughing without panic, thinking about the beautiful life in the future.

It wasn't until they saw the former cavalry guards coming that they stood up one by one.

Then his eyes became a little alert.

But the body was very obedient and did not move.

In the middle of the road, there was already a person sitting on a bamboo stool made temporarily with a sword in his hand and a bamboo hat on his head.

"You are……"

Ma Chao held a spear in his hand and slowly stepped forward.

He has the strength of a fourth-rank general.

Ordinary people can't hurt him.

"Jing Yiwei Jing has no life, waiting for the award army for a long time!"

After finishing speaking, Jing Wuming flicked his right hand, and a token flew out.

Ma Chao picked it up.

Take a closer look.

It was discovered that it was indeed the token of Jin Yiwei.

And it's silver.

It can be seen that Jing Wuming's status in Jinyiwei is not low.

Then he asked: "Why is this!"

Jing Wuming replied: "Senior Li led us to attack and kill Zhang Qiu, cut off Zhang's children, and the [-] troops surrendered!"

Eighty thousand troops surrendered.

Good method, so simple!
"I'm going to see Zhang Qiu's head!" Ma Chao was dubious, as a senior general, he would not trust anyone easily.

Even if it's on your own side.

Also be vigilant.

Be careful to make the ten thousand year ship.

Jing Wuming said: "Please!"

Letting go of the main road, Ma Chao led a hundred cavalry to Baishuiguan.

At this moment, Li Xun Huan was drinking with the senior general who surrendered and a senior expert.

There is no way, Li Xunhuan is free and easy, and likes to make friends.

Bored, he had no choice but to call everyone over to appease them.

Before Ma Chao entered the city, he saw Zhang Qiu's head hanging outside Guancheng, and a headless corpse hanging up.

"General Ma, this is Zhang Qiu." Jing Wuming pointed with his sword.

Ma Chao glanced at it, and then said to his confidant: "Notify my department, enter the city immediately, and take over the city defense."


The subordinates returned their promises, and immediately ran back to mobilize the cavalry to enter the city.

Come to the City Lord's Mansion.

Li Xun Huan and the others drank so loudly.

Li Xun Huan is a master of the sixth rank, and this group of people will benefit a lot from just a few words about martial arts.

"Everyone, your gospel has come."

Li Xun Huan was holding the jug, pouring wine one by one, everyone nodded and bowed.

"At the beginning of His Majesty's ascension to the throne, he set up the Lecture Hall and Dayan Wusi."

"The lecture hall is dedicated to training generals in the army. There will be lectures from all the famous generals and veterans of my great week. Not only can you learn military law and strategy, but you can also learn martial arts from seniors. After four years of study, you can learn to improve yourself while leading the army! "

Ji Wutang!
God, there is such a good thing.

All the generals were overjoyed.

School of warriors.

I have long heard that Guanzhong was restructured.

The Ministry of War was withdrawn and changed to the Ministry of Defense.

The Ministry of Defense exists independently, alongside the civil service.

No distinction is made between right and left, superior and inferior.

The status of warriors has improved.

Their status will also rise with the tide.

How can you not like it.

The martial artist in Hanzhong, envious, asked: "Senior Li, what is this Dayan Wusi? Could it be related to us martial arts people in the Jianghu?"

Li Xun Huan laughed, walked over, slapped the man hard, stopped the man's neck and said, "You are smart, congratulations, you got the answer right!"

(End of this chapter)

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