I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 555 The new one is called Yangping Pass

Chapter 555 The new one is called Yangping Pass
"a ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed.

Li Xunhuan explained: "The Dayan Martial Arts Division is an idle organization in charge of Jianghu affairs. It is usually responsible for maintaining the stability of Jianghu Wulin, preventing random killings in Jianghu, and random enmity, causing hatred."

"Da Yanwu Division has a director, and there are Ge Laos below. The Ge Laos are headed by various sects. The affairs of the Jianghu can be left to them to decide. If you are wronged or bullied in the Jianghu, you can also find them Dayan Wusi appeared to deal with it."

"Although the Dayan Wusi was established by the imperial court, everyone in the world has the final say. It is a leisurely mutual aid organization, and there is no need for everyone to do things to the imperial court.

Everything is voluntary. "

"Take the extermination of Zhang's traitors this time as an example. Qishan Pavilion, Tumen Town, Xiaolongmen, and Huashan faction all volunteered to send people to help."

"Da Yanwu Division's sub-helm in Hanzhong has been established. Everyone is interested. When you return to Nanzheng in a few days, you can talk to the people of Dayan Wu Division. They will be responsible for the specific matters!"

It was almost done, Li Xunhuan stopped talking and returned to his place.

Holding the jug and pouring it directly into his mouth.

Drink it beautifully.

Now the masters of the Hanzhong rivers and lakes know what kind of organization the Dayan Wusi is.

"The former cavalry general Fubo is here!"

A soldier's shout rang out in the hall.

Only then did everyone wake up with a start.

General Fubo!

Ma Chao is here!

Li Xunhuan was overjoyed.

Putting down the jug, his figure floated to the hall door.

Ma Chao's figure appeared in the courtyard.

"Ma Chao met Mr. Li!"

Although Li Xunhuan does not have an official position, his status and strength lie there.

Li Xun Huan leaned against the doorway and said, "General Ma, you are finally here, now Baishuiguan is in your hands, I can drink and sleep well!"

"Ugh!" Ma Chao was taken aback for a moment, then clasped his fists together and said, "Thanks for your hard work, Mr. Li!"

After finishing speaking, Li Xun Huan walked in, and Ma Chao also walked in.

Some generals and martial arts masters have seen Ma Chao before.

Because when Ma Chao brought Duowa into the territory of Jiudi, they even intercepted and killed them.

But all failed.

He is a rank four general.

Can't stop it at all.

After entering the hall, Ma Chao scanned the crowd, then walked to the side of the superior, and turned to face the crowd.

"Today, my former cavalry guards took over Baishuiguan. After you go back, restrain your generals. I will accept your majesty's new order together. If you want to go south or west to pursue the enemy, you will all have a role to play.

If you return to Nanzheng, you can also relax, reunite with your family earlier, and build a new Hanzhong County! "

"General Xie Fubo!"

All the generals got up one after another.

They are very satisfied with this explanation.

"Everyone is handing in a voluntary form at the same time when you go back." Ma Chao said after a doze:

"Those who want to continue serving in the army, please stay in the army.

Those who want to go home to farm or do business to retire can also apply for retirement, no matter what it is, His Majesty has said it and promised it together.

This condition is not only for you, but for all the soldiers who are not in Hanzhong. After you go back, you will clearly explain the situation to the people below. "


Everyone clasped their fists and replied.



"It's a pity that such a good county town has been destroyed like this."

Ye Qing stepped on the bricks and soil that had been burnt to black, and looked out at the north and south roads.

Five miles outside the city, there is a road going down from north to south, and another road going up from north to south.

You can connect without going through Mianyang.

"My lord, fortunately, Nanzheng was not destroyed. Since entering Hanzhong, only this city has been damaged, and the other cities have been preserved. It is considered lucky." Guo Jia said leisurely.

Ye Qing nodded slightly.

Then he said: "Decree, newly build Mianyang City, advance five miles westward, and separate the North and South Roads. This place is not only the county seat, but also the Guancheng."


Guo Jia and the others just woke up like a dream.

Yes, here is a pass.

This pass separates the north from the south.

A communication channel between the Qiang people in the north and the Di people in the south was blocked.

"Your Majesty, do you want to change the name!" Someone reminded.

Ye Qingdao: "Of course, the original Mianyang City has been destroyed, and the new one is called Yangping Pass or Yangping City!"

Good meaning!
Everyone admired Ye Qing's ability to name.

"Report! Your Majesty, Baishuiguan sent a report that Li Xunhuan beheaded Zhang Qiu, and [-] rebellious troops surrendered; General Fubo has arrived at Baishuiguan, and now he is taking over the city defense, requesting new instructions from His Majesty!"

Zhang Qiu died.

This time everyone was ecstatic.

The [-] army surrendered, and the disciples of the Zhang family who fled to Jiameng City had no choice but to flee.

The battle of Hanzhong can be regarded as a successful conclusion.

"The order was given that Zhang Yun immediately lead his troops to take over Baishuiguan, Ma Chao took two thousand troops from his headquarters, and selected 1 soldiers from the army, and then chased westward to wipe out the other [-] rebels before adding Zhang Fei's left infantry, as well as Ye Jin. .”

"Decree! Zhang Liao led his headquarters to the south, went to Baishuiguan to select [-] soldiers, then went south to Jiameng City, entered Zishui, and got in touch with officials in Langzhong, Chongguo and other places in Baguo as soon as possible!"

"Transfer Yu Jin to Nanzheng to be in charge of training [-] Hanzhong new troops."

"Return the remaining [-] soldiers from Baishui Pass to Nanzheng!"

After giving the order, Ye Qing himself returned to Nanzheng, and did not continue south to Baishui Pass.

"Your Majesty, why don't we directly command these large armies, go south to attack the Kingdom of Shu, and eliminate Zhang Ren and others." Guan Yu followed behind and asked in a puzzled manner.

Usually he rarely speaks.

Obviously, the 17 troops in Hanzhong were surrendered.

As a result, more than half of it fell away.

Ye Qing smiled but did not answer.

Guo Jia who was behind said: "General Guan, all our troops add up to 20 in Hanzhong.

It's just that there are not many soldiers and elites. If 20 people go south, logistics will be a problem.

We took back Hanzhong to take advantage of Hanzhong's material and geographical advantages to feed back Guanzhong.

How can we increase the consumption in Hanzhong! "

"Right now the Kingdom of Shu and the Kingdom of Ba are fighting lively, we ended the war ahead of time, wouldn't it be cheaper for the Kingdom of Ba, without the Kingdom of Shu, we will have to tear ourselves apart with the Kingdom of Ba and face each other in battle.

It's better to keep the Shu Kingdom first, and when we completely control Hanzhong and retrain Hanzhong's elite troops, it will not be too late to go south! "

If the Kingdom of Shu is destroyed, the Kingdom of Shu can only be divided equally. Da Zhou has neither the time nor the follow-up ability to destroy the Kingdom of Ba, so it is better to put this issue aside.

Take a break first.

What Da Zhou lacks most now is time to recover.

"Then, if the [-] surrendered troops return, half of them will have to be laid off!" Guan Yu thought for a while and guessed.

Ye Qing said: "No, 2 people will be laid off, only 3 people are enough; [-] new troops, after training, [-] horses will be transferred to Hongnong County, just in time to form the Qinglong Army for Han Xin!"

Qinglong Group Army!
In this way, the two armies were formally established.

A gleam flashed in Guo Jia's eyes.

"Your Majesty, what kind of troops will be formed here in Hanzhong?"

(End of this chapter)

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