Chapter 556 Southwest Legion 'Broken Army'

Of the [-] new troops, [-] were transferred from Hanzhong, and there are [-] more.

In addition, Ma Chao and Zhang Liao each took [-].

The total is still 5 people and 25 regiments.

It is still an army formation.

No need to guess, this group army will be in charge of the battle in the southwest battlefield next!
Ye Qing stopped and looked up: "There is a Big Dipper in the sky, called Tianshu (Tianlang), Tianxuan (Giant Gate), Tianji (Lucun), Tianquan (Wenqu), Yuheng (Lianzhen), Kai Yang (martial music), Yaoguang (breaking the army)."

Big Dipper!

Does the Son of Heaven want to name it after this?

Everyone suddenly had a guess.

"Yoguang is in the southwest! It just fits with the Hanzhong Legion, so let's call it Pojun!" Ye Qing looked away, and then walked forward.

Breaking the military!

What a strong murderous!
Fluctuating Light Army! Breaking Army Legion!Southwest Legion!Hanzhong Army!
Probably all of it!




The warships of the Great Zhou Navy went north to help in the battle. The Shu Navy set up several traps, but Zhou Yu and others saw through them all.

Then use the tip of the boat to defeat and wipe out all the Shu water army.

The [-] Shu army was trapped in the Dian River.

The Zhou navy solved the war on the water.

The next battle was handed over to Ba Guo.

The Pakistani army attacked again and again.

The attack continued for eight days.

After losing 4 horses, they captured Dianjiang and wiped out the [-] Shu troops who entered the country.

"General Zhou, your cooperation is still needed in the next battle, and you are still needed to open up the waterway in the north."

After a fierce battle, Ba's arrogance was further weakened.

Not to mention having any attempts against the Great Zhou Navy.

On the contrary, his tone was soft and his attitude was correct.

Zhou Yu was calculating something in his heart, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you and I are allies, and I will send navy warships into Sanjiang to cover your advance."

"Thank you General Zhou!"

The Pakistani generals clasped their fists in thanks.

When these people were gone, a ship came from Jiangzhou.

Quietly boarded Zhou Yu's flagship.

"How's it going?"

Seeing the person coming, Zhou Yu asked directly.

The person who came was Wang Ping.

Wang Pingdao: "My Da Zhou's army successfully entered Hanzhong, opened the Ziwu Valley with the scriptures, surrendered 7 troops, and the Zhang family must flee. Calculated according to the time, it is estimated that Hanzhong will be taken by the scriptures now!"

"Okay! Once in Hanzhong, the Kingdom of Shu and the Kingdom of Ba will not be far away!" Zhou Yu was overjoyed!Make a tight fist.

"Your Majesty has no plans to fight against Shu and Ba. He is going to let them fight in the first half of the year, and in the winter, they will probably send a group of troops south to wipe them all out in one fell swoop." Wang Ping said with a sense of loss:

"We still have to suffer for half a year, and we probably have to go to Ximan to explore!"

Another half a year!

I still have to fight with Ba Huangxu for half a year.

It's really... a little unpleasant.

Zhou Yu thought for a while and said: "There is also a teleportation array in Ximan, and it is estimated that His Majesty will soon send a sixth-rank supreme to go deep. Just wait, the mysterious veil of Ximan will be revealed soon!"


Chuyue Kingdom!
Nanyang County!
General Zhenxi of Chuyue Kingdom came to Shunyang with a brigade!
The result was dumbfounded!
"Report! General, Da Zhou's army has all retreated into Wuguan!"

"Report! General, the people in the nearby counties and townships were all taken away by Da Zhou."

After listening, the general Zhenxi and other generals were so angry that they wanted to stomp their feet.

"Asshole, nearly 40 people were robbed by them just like that."

"Not only did we rob our people, but even the valuables were taken away. They are even more bandits than bandits!"

General Zhenxi rubbed his temples, his head ached.

The common people loot and walk away.

It is a big deal if the four counties and five cities are empty.

Without the people, these lands would be ownerless.

The relocation of people from other places will inevitably cause people's grievances to boil.

The garrison is under great logistical pressure.

Da Zhou posed a difficult problem for Chuyue Kingdom.

You say chase, Dazhou's Suzaku army retreated into Wuguan.

If you fight, you can't get in. If you don't fight, you will feel useless.

"General, the prefect of Nanyang has brought reinforcements of [-] troops!"

"Go! Meet him and see how he, the prefect, plans to deal with the affairs of this place."

Soon Nanyang prefect came.

After knowing the situation here, I was also dumbfounded.

40 people just disappeared.

It's useless to have land and cities in space.

The people are fundamental.

After listening to General Zhenxi's inquiry.

He thought for a while and said, "I can only rely on the people from other places to come here. Each county will move [-] to [-] people, and the population of the four counties and five cities will soon be replenished."

"In order to prevent Da Zhou's army from looting again, [-] to [-] soldiers and horses have to be stationed in Danshui and other cities, otherwise they will be too passive."

After hearing this, General Zhenxi said: "That's fine, just do as you said, and you and I will jointly report this matter to the imperial court."

After dealing with this matter, the Nanyang prefect said: "General, it is obvious that Da Zhou has achieved multiple things with one stroke. He not only robbed us, but also restrained our troops. Do you want to continue to reinforce the Zhang family in Hanzhong now?"

"Reinforce the Zhang family!" General Zhenxi raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly:
"Reinforcements are indeed needed. I don't know if Mrs. Zhang can hold on for so long, but don't be wiped out by Ye Qing in ten or eight days.

Otherwise, I, Chuyue Kingdom, will be in vain! "

It is determined that Da Zhou's army will not leave the customs again.

General Zhenxi immediately mobilized another 5 troops and headed southwest to Wudang County, preparing to enter Hanzhong.

The news was sent back to Jiangling.

Only then did Xiong Wan realize that he had been fooled.

It was set up by Da Zhou.

Angrily ordered: "Notify General Zhenxi that [-] is not enough, give me [-], and if [-] enters Hanzhong, even if you can't save Zhang, you must capture the three counties in the east of Hanzhong, and you must have a foothold.

Ye Qing cannot easily take back Hanzhong. "

"Absolutely not!"

"It's Your Majesty!"



Baidi's territory!
After Ye Jin escaped from the hands of Zhang's family with the people he had attracted, he headed west!
During these days in Hanzhong, he has been studying the distribution of forces around him.

There is also the map terrain, and Ye Qing's route out of Hanzhong at that time.

So this time he absconded, he also made full preparations.

There were only a dozen of them, and they had enough money and food.

The subordinates are all capable teams.

Walk fast.

So he quickly got rid of the Zhang family's pursuit.

"The next step is to turn into Gangdi. When we get to Gangdi, we will continue to go west. After passing through Gangdi, the Zhang family will have nothing to do with us!"

Ye Jin was extremely confident in his plan.

There were no clues left along the way, and the Zhang family wanted to chase them, but they could only use a large-scale human flesh net.

Search bit by bit.

But after they crossed the Baijiang River and entered Gangdi, the person in charge of breaking the back came hurriedly and said:

"It's not good! People from the Zhang family are chasing us!"

"How is this possible? Even if you chase in the right direction, it's impossible to be so fast!"

Ye Jin and his followers were extremely surprised.

They were confident that they didn't leave their tails behind, so how could they claim that the horns came after them so quickly.

After the break, he guessed: "It may be that someone reached an agreement with the Zhang family just now, discovered our tracks, and betrayed us!"

"After all, in this area, we are strangers. If we can find us just now, we may not be able to find them!"

Hearing what this person said, everyone felt that it made sense.

So all eyes turned to Ye Jin!
(End of this chapter)

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