I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 557 Your People Are Already Dead

Chapter 557 Your People Are Already Dead
"Impossible. I just had a grudge against the Zhang family. How can I make peace with it? It's even more impossible to reach an agreement in a short time!"

Ye Jin shook his head and said: "Maybe the Zhang family sent someone who is good at tracking, and this person is someone we have never heard of or seen!"

"Let's go, no matter what the reason is, it's the only good way to go through the site just now!"

"Yes! Son!"

Everyone got up one after another and continued to walk west.

After these people are gone.

There is a small figure with a few flashes.

The more I got to the nearby tree!

"The secret of the secret, the detective of the case!"

"Without you, how could I have lured Zhang's army into Gangdi? Hehe, your map was sent by the late emperor's secret agents..."

After inspecting the surrounding situation, Li Yuanfang jumped and ran away.

An hour later.

A hundred-man team chased after them.

"Look at the traces left on the ground, it took about an hour for Ye Jin and others to leave!"

"If you chase him faster, you can catch him."

"I don't know who is showing us the way. Since the prince hid someone by his side, why did he let him go? I can't figure it out!"

"Maybe I want to use Ye Jin to find a reason to eliminate Gang Di. After all, there are still [-] troops behind us. If the prince has no idea, why would he send so many troops to follow!"

The leader waved his sleeves and said, "Don't guess wildly. After a short break, continue to pursue and catch them before they escape Gangdi."

A moment later!
Zhang's pursuit team continued to pursue.

Not long after, there was another reminder mark ahead.

Following the marks, they chased all the way, locking on Ye Jin's position at all times.

This made Ye Jin and others in Pingchuan, who had fled from Baijiang to Qingchuan all the way, be puzzled.

"Strange! If the Zhang family has someone who is good at tracking, they should have caught up long ago. Why is it intermittent?"

Ye Jin is not an idiot, as he ran away, he felt even more confused.

When he stopped to rest, his gaze flicked back and forth among his subordinates.

When they were about to leave, Ye Jin found a few trustworthy people in the team, and explained a few words.

Only then did we continue our journey.

But after finishing this time, he found that the Zhang family's team didn't seem to be keeping up.

The doubts in my heart are stronger.

"Who is the traitor?"

"After I confessed, they didn't have any information. Could it be that the people I trust the most are traitors?"

Ye Jin felt like he was going crazy.

But after another day, they suddenly discovered that the Zhang family's team appeared behind them.


Ye Jin was going completely crazy.

"Young master, we are going to Pingwu soon, and we will be safe after passing Pingwu!"

There was joy on everyone's face.

But Ye Jin smiled wryly.

The more secure it is, the more problems will arise.

If the traitor was not found, how could he live in Pingwu.

"Well! It's a good thing to pass Pingwu. To ensure safety, we will divide into four teams and cross the river separately, so as to completely get rid of the pursuit of Zhang's team." Ye Jin called everyone over, and then drew on the ground. He made a sketch, and ordered three team leaders in turn.

Everyone was puzzled, but there was no problem listening.

So they all agreed.

So three or four people formed a group and set off along the mountain road to Pingwu separately.

As night approaches.

Ye Jin stopped. At night, they dared not start a fire.

Because of the fire, they can be found dozens of miles away.

"Your Excellency, since you're here, why hide your head and show your tail!"

Suddenly Ye Jin said to the lonely mountains and forests around him.

But the only answer was the rustling of the wind.

The whirling treetops, apart from black, don't have any other colors worthy of attention.

Ye Jin raised his eyebrows lightly.

The three subordinates who followed also felt that Ye Jin was a bit out of control.

Quietly eating the dry food in his hand.

After eating, I pulled up the tent to rest.

Half asleep and half awake, Ye Jin didn't dare to sleep too much.

It was just that he was suddenly startled by the cold knife.

Inside the tent, a pair of faint eyes were staring at him.


The knife stroked gently from the upper cheek to the chin.

The sharp point of the knife was on his fatty skin.

Let him move his throat.

"Call, it's okay, your people are dead, you can't call for help even if you break your throat!"

A cold voice sounded, and then a little fire appeared from a torch.

The flames grew stronger and stronger.

In the end, it illuminates everything in front of you.

Only then did Ye Jin realize that the person who came was a half-grown child.

However, there is a dangerous aura on his body, and his martial arts are probably not low.

Can quietly kill three of his subordinates.

Definitely not a simple person.

Looking at the clothes on his body, it's a little weird.

Deja Vu.

I seem to have heard it somewhere.

"You...you are Li Yuanfang!"

Only then did Ye Jin remember such a person.

Although Ye Qing entered Hanzhong last year, he did not meet Ye Qing, nor did he meet the people Ye Qing brought.

However, according to reports from his subordinates, Ye Qing's subordinates have some experts.

Among them is a half-old child with strong skills.

Very easy.

It is harmless to humans and animals, but it has the strength of the fourth rank.

Even Zhang Qiu's Nanzheng County Palace is afraid of it.

Li Yuanfang smiled and said, "Congratulations to Ye Jin, the sinner, for getting the answer right!"

"Sinner, hehe!"

Since he was Ye Qing's man, Ye Jin knew that he was bound to die.

Simply more free and easy.

Asked: "This way, you are the one who is following me, and you are also sending signals to the people of the Zhang family!"

Li Yuanfang didn't answer, but just nodded.

"Sixth brother wants to use me to lure the Zhang family's army into Gangdi, and then trigger a war between the two. In the end, the fisherman will benefit, right?"

"So you won't kill me yet, but will take me to King Gangdi and continue to lead the Zhang family to pursue me."

This time Li Yuanfang spoke: "Your Majesty said that you are the smartest among all the princes. It's a pity that you have such analytical ability, but it's a pity that you have a bad uncle!"

"Hahaha, it's the sixth brother who understands me, or he sees clearly." Ye Jin raised his neck and shook his head with a wry smile:
"Others envy me for having a good uncle, but only the sixth brother knows that I am suffering!

Whoever likes such an uncle can take it. To me, it is nothing but a disaster! "

"If I don't leave Guanzhong, at least I can be treated like a third brother or a second brother, but... I am not reconciled!"

"Your Highness, let me call you Your Highness one last time. I hope you can cooperate. After all, you will suffer less. Besides, you are a member of the Ye clan. Even if you die, you must die worthwhile." Li Yuanfang put away the knife and did not leave Embarrass Ye Jin.

Ye Jin looked at Li Yuanfang, with a strange smile on his face and said:
"Li Yuanfang, do you know why I'm talking to you about this? Because..."

Suddenly Ye Jin rolled back and went straight out of the tent.

Li Yuanfang was slightly startled, and stabbed him, but failed to kill Ye Jin.

On the contrary, it was like daylight outside at this time, with five or six torches surrounding him.

Under each torch, there are two people.

Holding a weapon in his hand, he had murderous intent in his eyes.

"Li Yuanfang, it's too early for you to kill me. I already knew that someone was following me. I divided the team into four groups to lure you into the bait!"

"After solving you, the Zhang family's team will never find me. After Pingwu, I will be free!"

Ye Jin, who was a bit embarrassed at first, was confident and crazy at the moment. Looking at Li Yuanfang, a playful smile appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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