I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 559? Ambush into the Chuyue Army in Hanzhong

Chapter 559 Ambush into the Chuyue Army in Hanzhong
Zhang Tao's face was extremely pale.

Dead Ye Jin is worthless!
More likely to invite disaster.

King Di just didn't care who the Zhou people who died were.

What he cared about was how the dozen or so warriors of his clan died.

Chi asked, "What's going on?"

"Returning to the king, people from the Zhang family were born just now, they attacked and killed the people who attacked us, and they fled after being discovered!" The person in charge reported.

King Gangdi was furious, pointing at Zhang Tao and others: "Take it, kill everyone except this Zhang Tao, Zhang Tao saves the time to sacrifice the flag when sending troops!"

After the words fell, all the generals of the Gangdi tribe culled and killed them one after another.

How could the people brought by Zhang Tao be able to withstand the large number of Gangdi soldiers who were as fierce as tigers and wolves.

They were all beheaded in a few strokes.

Zhang Tao fell to the ground, eyes blurred.

He muttered: "This is our Majesty, the prince's nephew, why did he die in your Gangdi Wangzhai, how did he die..."

"Drag away!"

King Gang Di waved his hand, and asked someone to take Zhang Tao down, and then said: "Continue to gather all the ministries, and kill all the Zhou people who enter the mountain!"

"It's the king!"

It turned out that the Gangdi clan was not so angry, but now the new and old hatreds are stronger.

Soon after Gangdi's various ministries were assembled, they launched an attack on Zhang's two armies.



Fifty miles to the east of Xixian County, on the path beside the river beach at the intersection of Mianshui and Dushui, a dense army is slowly advancing westward.

"Walking again and again, I knew we shouldn't have returned to Nanyang last time!"

"That's right! After walking once in vain, the road will be worn out. It's too difficult to march in this ghostly place in Hanzhong!"

The general who led the army frowned slightly, and shouted: "March and hurry, don't make any noise. When you arrive in Xi County, let you have a good rest!"

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom who followed did not dare to speak, and hurried on their way silently.

The leading generals gathered together, looked at the surrounding terrain and said: "Besides, you are really desperate. No wonder in the past, Hanzhong only needed a small number of soldiers and horses to stop the army of our Great Chuyue Kingdom from advancing westward."

"Yes, the Hanzhong Road, it is difficult to go to the blue sky! But after passing through Xixian County, the next road will be easy, and you can go straight to Nanzheng along the Mian River!"

"Explore the surrounding terrain clearly, so that when our army enters in the future, we will know it well."

"Don't worry, general, I have arranged three waves of people according to the scriptures. No matter if it is mountains, rivers or rivers, any trees growing nearby, and any birds of prey will be recorded."

The leading general finally said: "This is the last thing to do. Let the soldiers speed up to pass through the area where the two rivers cross. The mountains here look a little more dangerous, and it has been raining for days, and the river is prone to skyrocketing!"

"It's the general!"

One hundred thousand troops of the Chu and Yue Kingdom, dragging a long line, meandering forward.

All the baggage was left behind.

The front is either archers or shield soldiers.

It took half a day for all the troops to pass this position.

on the mountain!

Countless eyes are looking into the distance.

The generals of the Great Zhou, who put down their long-distance vision, smiled slightly.

"Go down and block this place. This time, the army of Chuyue Kingdom still has no return. This is the case in Guanzhong, and the same is true in Hanzhong!"

"Boss, you said that if you eat up the 100 troops of Chuyue Kingdom, we've almost killed [-] million people in Chuyue Kingdom. Will the Emperor Xiongwan be pissed to death!"

There was laughter all around.

Ever since Ye Qing returned to the capital, became the new king and ascended the throne.

Da Zhou followed suit, as if a god had helped him.

Whether it is hitting the south, west or north.

One fight wins.

"I don't know if Xiong Wan will die of anger. I only know that our emperor will be happy and reward us. Let's go and get to work."


The followers followed down the mountain one after another.

Soon came to this dangerous place around the corner, and then began to fiddle with the stones.

A simple Xiaoguan city was built here.

And build a stone formation on the mountain.

As long as the people of Chu and Yue flee eastward, they will be hit by destruction.

a day later.

Smoke rose from the mountains.

One sit and one sit.

The generals of the Chuyue Kingdom who were marching couldn't help being suspicious when they saw it.

There is smoke on the mountain, which is not a good thing.

In this era, beacon signals are the mainstream.

"There is a problem with this smoke. It is constantly connected from east to west. Someone built a beacon tower on the mountain!"

The leader of the Chuyue Kingdom ordered: "Jing Hou, you bring 100 people up the mountain to check with me, and the others stop advancing and don't approach Xi County."


At present, a general led a team of 100 people to climb up the mountain.

A general said: "General, the straight-line distance from Xixian County is no more than five miles away, and you will arrive there after turning two mountains. Stop at this time..."

After the words fell, only the rumbling sound came from the mountain.

The crowd looked for fame.

I saw countless boulders rolling down from the mountain.

"Not good! Let go!"

But here is facing the Mian River, and the path is full of people, where else can they disperse.

Or jump into the rushing water.

Or run backwards up the hill.

Cleverly, he immediately ran up the mountain, found the nearest tree, and leaned against the tree.

Use trees to hide.

It's just that there are not many such shelters.

And there are too many Chuyue people.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of chaos.

When the stone Dagon falls,
They were all hit.

Either he was crushed to death on the spot, or he was taken down the Mianshui River and swept away by the rushing water.

"Up, kill up, quick!"

The general of Chuyue Kingdom gritted his teeth and took the initiative to draw his sword and charge upwards.

The masters and generals in the army also rushed forward one after another.

It's just that rocks roll down from time to time on the mountain.

More and more Chuyue people were injured or killed.

Then countless bows and crossbows were shot from the mountain.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom rushing forward were shot by arrows one after another.

Then, grass balls with thick smoke from the fire rolled down from the mountain.

These grass balls are easily blocked by trees, stones and thorns.

The thick smoke scattered in all directions, choking the nose, eyes, and throat, making the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom rushing halfway up the mountain miserable.

Some couldn't bear the pain and retreated.

Those who continued to rush upward were also met with a fierce counterattack.

When they really rushed up, they found that the enemies on the mountain had already slipped away.

For them who are extremely unfamiliar with the terrain, they don't know which way to go, let alone where the enemy soldiers are hiding.

Even a master would not dare to underestimate the enemy.

"return to!"

One by one, they covered their noses, held their breath and retreated sadly.

On the long trail, the same scene was playing out everywhere.

More or less casualties.

The results are big or small!

"Withdraw, you can't go forward, there are changes in Hanzhong, and changes in the Zhang family!"

The general of Chuyue Kingdom decisively issued an order to retreat.

The front team becomes the back team and starts to return towards the coming time.

As soon as they withdrew, the soldiers of Da Zhou appeared in front of them.

These will be handheld shields and crossbows.

Keep moving forward, keep shooting, and want to bite the army of Chuyue Kingdom.

As a last resort, the general of Chuyue had no choice but to leave behind a group of people, and left in a hurry with the main force.

(End of this chapter)

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