I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 560? Destroying the Wanli Wudang Sect

Chapter 560 Another [-] Li Wudang Sect
It's just that the mountain road is difficult.

The road was not wide, and it was a nightmare for the Chuyue army, who had been traveling for days and were exhausted.

Gao Shun led all the soldiers to chase after him, trapped in the camp and charged, how could these scattered Chuyue soldiers be able to stop them.

Soon besieged and killed 1 troops behind the palace of Chuyue Kingdom.

"Keep chasing, don't let a Chuyue citizen go!"

All the generals chased eastward one after another.

The confidant said: "I don't know if other troops can hold back the Chuyue people."

Zhang Liao said: "Don't worry, these people are all native Hanzhong people. They don't have much courage to fight us, but I believe they will show the strongest fighting power when fighting Chuyue people.

Besides, there is Governor Xu Huang. "

The facts are the same as Gao Shun said.

The troops who surrendered didn't want to fight the imperial court in Hanzhong, but they taught the Chuyue Kingdom who entered Hanzhong a lesson, but each of them was extremely brave. "

With a straight-line distance of forty or fifty miles, a mountain road of more than 100 miles can be detoured.

There are battlefields everywhere on the long road.

They are all natural slaughterhouses for the soldiers of the Hanzhong Army.

Take advantage of geographical advantages.

[-] soldiers surrendered in Hanzhong, plus the complete trap camp, there are [-] military guards and [-] right infantry guards.

The total amounted to less than [-], and one hundred thousand Chuyue people could not find the north, south, east, and west.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom kept leaving the corpses of their companions and fled all the way.

Seeing to rush out of a natural danger.

As a result, there was no way ahead.

The mountain road was blocked by countless stones.

"Quick! Move the stone and pry it open for me!"

A young general ordered impatiently.

The subordinates rushed over like crazy, trying to remove these stones.


The faces of Chuyue's defeated soldiers changed greatly. They were all terrified when they heard this sound.

A reflex begins to seek shelter.

The rolling stone fell.

denser than before.

Like a mudslide rushing.

In an instant, all the Chuyue soldiers on the road were rushed into the river.

The soldiers behind were so frightened that they backed up the mountain one after another, not daring to go any further.

"Go up the mountain, kill up, and occupy the high ground!"

A general of the Chuyue Kingdom pointed his sword at the mountain, and personally led his people to rush up to kill.

This place must be captured, otherwise the tens of thousands of troops will all die here.

But here's the crux.

Xu Huang personally supervised the battle here, and most of the surrendered troops were sent here.

"Keep shooting, hit me hard with stones, don't use the grass balls yet!"

Under Xu Huang's command, the soldiers on the mountain also refused to budge.

Non-stop rolling stones, bows and crossbows keep shooting.

The force of counterattack is stronger than other lots.

There were also more Chuyue people killed or injured.


Nan Zheng!

"Report! Your Majesty! Li Yuanfang is back!"

Ye Qing said: "Let him come over!"

Soon Li Yuanfang came in.

"Your Majesty, Ye Jin died in the Gangdi King's Village. The people Zhang Qiu sent to negotiate with the Gangdi tribe were killed to sacrifice the flag. Now the Gangdi tribe is fighting with the Zhang family's troops."

Ye Qing nodded in satisfaction.

There are no mood swings on the face.

Although Ye Jin is the fifth brother in name, this guy has always been cunning.

Moreover, to be established as a false emperor, not to mention him, even the officials below would not allow him to live.

"When you came back, you should have met Ma Chao and the others!"

Li Yuanfang replied: "Master, I met General Ma Chao.

After he heard about this, Yijing stopped going west and north, and was contacting other Di kings! "

Ye Qing waved his hand and said, "Go down and rest first!"

After Li Yuanfang went down, Ye Qing said: "Give the order to Ma Chao that Gangdi must be destroyed. Although Ye Jin is a false emperor, only I can kill him. Anyone who moves him will despise my Great Zhou."


Chuyue Kingdom!
Nanyang Shunyang City!
General Zhenxi, who received the battle report, was stunned and then vomited blood.

The whole person staggered.

"My fault! I am guilty and ashamed to Your Majesty!"

One hundred thousand troops!
It was eaten by Da Zhou again.

Standing up front and back, nearly 100 million.

Is this year destined to be the national mourning of Chuyue Kingdom?

After all the generals learned about it, they all looked sad.

There is unspeakable pain in my heart.

The Hanzhong Zhang family was wiped out by Ye Qing so quickly.

Moreover, Da Zhou still had time to set up an ambush calmly and eat up the [-] troops that entered Hanzhong.

If it was before, they wouldn't believe it if they were killed, but now.

They have to admit this fact.

They are no longer surprised by the results of the current Great Zhou.

"General, Da Zhou's army is pressing down on Wudang County, Wudang defenders, please ask for reinforcements!"

Someone begged.

The body is shaking.

This year's big week is too fierce.

The million-strong army was eaten by Da Zhou.

Even if the Chuyue Kingdom is strong, it cannot afford such a loss.

Therefore, the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom guarding Wudang County were panicked and frightened.

If the Great Zhou Army in Hanzhong joins the Suzaku Army again, rush out, loot and retreat.

They are the same way.

"Transfer the two armies to the past, Wudang County must not lose, absolutely must not lose!"

After giving the order, General Zhenxi was worried again.

How should I report this matter to the Emperor of Jiangling.

Difficult...too difficult.

It's so difficult for him, General Zhenxi.

Wudang County, on a high mountain thirty miles to the west.

Looking at the nearby county town.

Xu Huang had such an urge to order an attack.

But he only brought two thousand soldiers over.

Disguised as an army of tens of thousands to frighten the defenders of the Chuyue Kingdom in Wudang County.

Really want to enter the army from here.

Food consumption is too high.

From Xixian County to Wudang, the road is too narrow and winding.

Neither side intends to open up the road, and neither of them wants to spend a huge amount of people's resources and financial resources to provide others with a wide avenue to quickly invade themselves.

Especially Da Zhou.

There is a Wuguan in Yijing.

There is no need to spend in this barren land.

"General, Director Zhang is back!"

Xu Huang followed the visitor's direction and saw the immortal Zhang Sanfeng.

Walking towards the past, he took the initiative to ask: "Director Zhang is doing well!"

Zhang Sanfeng laughed and said: "The Wudang sect is vulnerable, the strongest is only the fourth-rank warriors, I will destroy them, from now on there will only be Wudang sect!"

"Congratulations to Director Zhang!" Xu Huang said: "Director Zhang has established a sect, but he has to choose disciples!"

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his silver beard and said: "Go back to Guanzhong to pick, anyway, it's just a mountain gate, as long as I plant my Great Zhou's flag, even the Jianghu people of Chuyue Kingdom dare not pull me out!"

Tai Chi swordsmanship in one hand and Wudang Jiuyang Kungfu in the other hand, although he is only at the sixth rank, he is not afraid of the seventh or eighth rank.

"What Director Zhang said is very true. Today I will set up a banner here. If the people of Chu and Yue dare to destroy it, our heavenly army will go east to destroy its city, destroy its army, and rob its people!" Xu Huang said to his confidantes. He motioned for a glance.

At that moment, someone took out two flags and planted them on the main peak.

On one side is the Great Zhou Longqi.

On one side is the flag of the Military Law Guard.

The two flags fluttered with the wind, as if they were singing the battle song of the Great Zhou...

(End of this chapter)

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