Chapter 561
"Xiao He! How are things in the county going?"

Seeing Xiao He coming in from the door, Ye Qing asked.

Xiao He replied: "Your Majesty, I am going to report to you the political and military situation in the county!"

Ye Qing signaled him to sit down.

Xiao He put a stack of official documents in his hand on the table in front of Ye Qing.

Then step aside.

After the meeting, Xiao He said: "My lord, the government affairs in Hanzhong are easy to handle, thanks to the fact that a large number of local aristocratic families were relocated when the Zhang family left, so my Great Zhou's decrees will be promulgated without hindrance.

With His Majesty sitting here, and with the addition of General Yu Jin and others in Hanzhong, the counties dare not obey and violate! "

"The most important thing is that His Majesty's policies are all actions that benefit the people, win the hearts of the people, and gain the support of the people.

The officials also had a normal promotion path, so the remaining officials immediately devoted themselves to the great cause of building and opening up Hanzhong! "

"You, you, what you said, I'm ready to move, and I'm going to be complacent." Ye Qing picked up an official document and said:

"It's a pity that you are not a counselor and lobbyist!"

"Your Majesty, in fact, the place where Hanzhong is easy to develop is the plain area of ​​Nanzheng. The other counties are in a special position, with little land and mainly mountainous. It is not easy for the people to live a good life. !” Xiao He said:

"I checked the household registration and found that there are many natives and di people in Hanzhong. They are also the key factor for long-term stability."

After Ye Qing finished reading this official document, it happened to mention the distribution of household registration.

So he asked, "Then what can you do to solve this problem?"

Xiao He is the prefect of Hanzhong, and Xiao He has to come in person to deal with the problems in Hanzhong.

Excessive intervention is not conducive to subsequent governance.

Xiao He said: "Your Majesty, I suggest re-drawing the household registration of the natives and the Di people, and re-creating the book, no longer distinguishing their identities, and they are all counted as Han people.

Those who voluntarily become Hanzhong Zhou people can choose the surname commonly used by our Zhou people and take the name of Zhou people. From this generation onwards, they can enjoy the same rights as Hanzhong Zhou people, and of course they must also fulfill the same responsibilities.

For those who do not want to, we will make another book and mix it into the barbarian sequence, so as to downplay the dual identity of natives and Di people as much as possible. "

"In principle, yes!" Ye Qing did not refuse, assimilation?

Of course it is simple and rude in the end.

First of all, from the cultural erosion, the spirit and body will be destroyed at the same time.

Then Xiao He said again: "Then draw the people into the export army and go to Liangzhou, Xihe and other places to deal with the Qiang and Turks.

The natives and Di people in Hanzhong are good at shooting and can be used as bow soldiers, and they can be used when they are recruited. "

Isn't this the way Li Ruchang wanted to deal with the Qiang people in Liangzhou?

Xiao He will also do this trick.

"What else!" Ye Qing asked again.

Xiao He said: "Cut down trees! Destroy forests and build terraced fields!"

Ye Qing frowned slightly.

This idea is a bit silly.

I can't tell what's bad, and I can't say what's good.

Xiao He said: "Your Majesty, due to the terrain of Hanzhong, the temperature is mild all year round and the rain is abundant, but the land is scarce, so destroying the forest in the middle of the mountain and building terraces can increase the fields and production.

Two: The reduction of forest trees is beneficial to the mountain birds and beasts away from the settled people's homes.

Three: Reduce the miasma. I found that this mountain forest is very easy to hide filth and miasma, which is a great survival challenge for the people of Hanzhong. "

It was because of this.

Today's society, unlike future generations, is full of industrial pollution.

The environment is too bad to survive.

What is happening now is that the natural environment is too good to stay close to the woodland for long.

There are many miasmas in the mountains and the natural conditions are harsh.

"Hearing what you said, I still need to build a repair factory in Hanzhong. Those things are simply the nemesis for the current harsh environment." Ye Qing couldn't help smiling, but he still emphasized: "Agreed in principle, development can be appropriate, but not Excessive, the trees are not easy to grow, and the environment in Hanzhong is good, suitable for the development of the pharmaceutical industry, and can encourage the people to collect and plant under the forest.

At the same time, I will let the factories in Guanzhong enter Hanzhong to set up branch factories, expand roads, reduce the difficulty of leaving Hanzhong, and strengthen the connection between going south and going north. "

Afterwards, Ye Qing talked with Xiao He about his thoughts on governing Hanzhong.

Hanzhong is too important to Da Zhou.

Communication between Guanzhong and Bashu.

"The road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky. Although there is a shortcut, it is only used for emergency and important military purposes.

For civilian use, you have to rely on ready-made roads, and these basic hardware facilities must be done well, otherwise these places will not only fail to become the backing of Da Zhou, but will be a burden on the contrary. "

"Governing a big country is like cooking small shrimps, every one needs to be well planned!"

Being an emperor is not as easy and unrestrained as being a prince.

Although there will be various pressures in the past, those are all visible.

After taking over Da Zhou, invisible pressure came one after another.

Ye Qing occasionally sighed with emotion.

Time flickers.

Three days later, Gao Shun sent the battle report.

One hundred thousand entered Hanzhong and wiped out the army of Chuyue State.

Three days later, the news of Zhang Sanfeng and Xu Huang's withdrawal was reported.

There are no more wars and waves in Hanzhong.

"Your Majesty! Zhang's army was defeated in Gangdi, most of Zhang's children were killed, and 8000 people fled back and surrendered to General Ma Chao!"

"General Ma Chao united with the other kings of Di to attack Gangdi, and after a series of battles and victories, he reached the stronghold of King Gangdi.

The end of the war is within three days! "

Ye Qing stared at the map for a long time before nodding in satisfaction.

Just a moment later, Da Zhou's army was able to go around to the highlands in the north of Shu.

Although the army cannot go south, there is an opportunity for the latent squad to attack the northern counties of Shu from the north.

Strategically, the connection between Jiudi and Shu was torn apart.

Whether it is to attack Shu or annex Jiudi, there are conditions.

"Notify Ma Chao that after Gang Di is eliminated, all Di kings are invited to come to Nanzheng as guests. I want to have a good chat with them. If you are willing to come, each tribe will send [-] shi of grain!"

Ye Qing thought for a while and said: "Send the news of Hanzhong's recovery back to Guanzhong, so that the people of Dazhou can celebrate together."


Jiangzhou City!
"Report! Your Majesty, good news. All the counties on the front line have been recovered. The envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty went to Dianjiang and were escorted south by the Great Zhou Navy!"

The lost parts of Pakistan were recovered.

Ba Huang and everyone were overjoyed. ,
But soon everyone reacted.

Great Zhou Envoy?

Where did they come from.

"What happened to the envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty? Where did they come from!" asked the minister of the Ministry of War of Ba.

The reporter replied: "Come from Jiameng City, I heard that Jiameng City has been subordinated to Da Zhou, and now the Zhang family in Hanzhong has been attacked and killed by Da Zhou, and the whole territory of Hanzhong has been occupied by Zhou soldiers!"


Boom, this news is so exciting.

The good Mrs. Zhang is gone?
Isn't Jiameng City a neutral special city?

It will fall for a week!
Hanzhong was taken back by Da Zhou.

There will be no barrier between Da Zhou and Pakistan.

Ba Guo's idea of ​​getting involved in Hanzhong was really shattered.

Pakistan's fantasy chips are also gone.

This news is beneficial to the war, but it is a blow and restriction to Pakistan's strategy.

None of Ba Huang and the generals in the military department were happy.

(End of this chapter)

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