I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 562 Not Many, Only 94 Enemies Destroyed

Chapter 562 Not Many, Only 94 Enemies Destroyed

The worst thing is.

The navy of Dazhou can go up the river and enter Jiameng.

As long as the military pier is repaired there, the Dazhou Navy can leave Jiangzhou.

Leave Pakistan and go north, no longer rely on Pakistan.

Ye Qing, the king of Xiaoyao, no longer had to make a detour back to Da Zhou from the east.

The atmosphere in the court hall of Ba Kingdom was suddenly quiet and panicked.

Good news, not necessarily good news.

Bahuang waved his hand, the eunuch in front of the hall, go down and let the reporter exit the hall.

After a long time, Bahuang finally said: "My lords, what do you think of the arrival of the Great Zhou envoy!"

If the war against Shu cannot be ended as soon as possible.

Da Zhou will definitely get a piece of the pie.

"Your Majesty, the envoy of the Great Zhou is probably here to take King Xiaoyao back. We can invite King Xiaoyao to discuss this matter and see how the Great Zhou treats Bashu!"

Officials from the Ministry of Rites stood up and said.

The other hundred officials also felt that this was right, and they all seconded their proposals.

Bahuang said: "Okay, then go pass it on."

There are not many people who go and come back.

"Your Majesty, the people in Xiaoyao Mansion said that King Xiaoyao took the princess out for a tour, and it will take a few days to come back!"

Bahuang's eyes were full of black lines.

At critical moments every day, Ye Qing was never found.

This Ye Qing ran out of Jiangzhou City every day, and he didn't know how he got out.

"Then wait for the envoy of the Great Zhou Dynasty to come, and ask and test it out."

Ba Huang left a word and left.

Hundreds of officials dispersed, and some confidants ran to Bahuang's imperial study.

Ba Huang said: "The Zhang family was destroyed suddenly, and the city of Jiameng fell suddenly. What do you think the country of Ba should do next?"

In front of hundreds of officials, it is not easy to discuss in detail.

At this time, the Minister of the Ministry of War said: "Your Majesty, while the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty is still dealing with the affairs of Hanzhong, take the Kingdom of Shu as soon as possible to avoid any changes!"

As long as the Kingdom of Shu works hard, it can be eaten.

You can't give Da Zhou a star.

What falls into the stomach is the truth.

Allies, this thing can change at any time.

"But now, do we have the ability to end the war with Shu in a short time?" Bahuang asked.
Who wouldn't want to be able to eat it early.

A Kingdom of Shu that is bigger than the Kingdom of Ba, after eating it, the strength of the Kingdom of Ba can skyrocket.

Is he not moved?
At that time, the capital of the country can be moved to the Kingdom of Shu.

In the past, Jiangzhou had an advantage.

However, the emergence of the Great Zhou Navy and the displacement of Jiameng City made the threat of the Great Zhou Navy to the Ba Kingdom magnified tenfold.

If the Dazhou Navy sails down the river from the north.

It can eat the entire land of Pakistan.

Just thinking about it makes one shudder.

It made Bahuang even more uneasy.

"Your Majesty, when the envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty arrive in Jiangzhou, our Ba army should take Deyang! Once Deyang is underway, it will be easy to go north and west. The first priority is to order the entire army to be dispatched to Jiangzhou. Fu water."

"Go down to Guanghan County first, and form a siege to the capital of Shu. As long as this is done, even if Da Zhou wants to intervene later, he will not be able to intervene."

Minister of the Ministry of War said: "By then, at most, Fu County and Ping Township will be lost."

"If we want to capture Guangyang County quickly, Your Majesty, we have to mobilize the supreme power of the empire and temporarily abandon the defense of Jiangzhou." Minister of the Ministry of Officials said deeply:

"This is putting His Majesty's safety at risk. If someone has bad intentions, the consequences will be unpredictable!"

Everyone turned their attention to Ba Huang.

Those who make big things don't stick to the small details.

If you want to eat meat, you must be prepared to be beaten.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution.

There are pros and cons.

It depends on the courage of the emperor.

"Let me think about it!"

It was about his own life, so Bahuang was not so firm and decisive.

Seeing Bahuang's behavior, all the officials said: "Your Majesty, I will retire later."


after one day!

Kuai Ma passed the news to Nanzheng.

"Bahuang is looking for me again, that's okay, then go and meet him one last time, the matter should be resolved!"

After Ye Qing explained to the generals and counselors, he rushed to Xicheng County.

From Xicheng to Jiangzhou.

when he arrives.

The navy also arrived from the north.

Ye Qing pretended to come back from the outside, and directly met Zhou Yu and the envoys he sent.

Only then did they go to the main hall of Ba Kingdom together.

"The Great Zhou Xiaoyao King has arrived!"

"The envoys of the Great Zhou enter the palace!"

All the officials of the Ba Kingdom locked their eyes on the front of the palace gate.

The first one to come in was naturally Ye Qing.

Then came the envoys of the Ministry of Rites.

After the two met the ceremony.

Only then did Bahuang say: "Your envoy has come from afar, I don't know if the emperor of Zhou is okay?"

The surname of the official from the Ministry of Rites was Liao Minglai. Liao Lai glanced at Ye Qing before replying, "Return to Your Majesty. Your Majesty is well. Thank you for your concern!"

Emperor Ba nodded slightly, and then said: "The Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty sent you to wait, but there is something you want to discuss with my Daba Kingdom."

Liao Lai said: "Back to His Majesty Ba, His Majesty has sent foreign ministers here to contact Ba, hoping to form a strategic alliance and jointly deal with Shu and Chuyue to the east!"

All the officials of the Ba Kingdom heard about Fang, and there were many discussions.

Da Zhou really had ideas about Shu.

I also want to get my hands dirty.

This is not good news.

At that moment, an official from the Ministry of War stood up and said: "This Liao envoy is very polite. I don't know how your country wants to deal with our Ba Kingdom against Shu. You must know that our Ba Kingdom is at war with Shu, so we have attacked its capital. It won't be long. will take the capital of Shu."

That meaning seems to say, don't even think about Shu.

We will be able to take Shu Kingdom and Ba Kingdom.

Just take care of the newly recovered Hanzhong.

Liao Lai saluted and said: "Before I came, I learned about it with His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang through the scriptures, and I have the same meaning with His Majesty the Emperor of our country, Zhou Ba united to respond to the Kingdom of Shu.

Da Zhou took Hanzhong, destroyed the Zhang family, communicated with Pakistan by land and water, and exchanged commerce and trade since then.

After several battles in Dazhou, we fought several times with Chuyue Kingdom in the southeast, and wiped out 100 million troops of Chuyue Kingdom.

The soldiers and horses are exhausted, and they are not enough to defend Hanzhong, so they are unable to go south to support Ba, so the affairs of Shu are all handed over to Ba. I hope His Majesty Ba Huang can understand! "

All the officials of the Ba Kingdom heard that Da Zhou would not go south and would not interfere in the affairs of the Shu Kingdom, and they were all delighted.

It is good that the Great Zhou does not get involved in the Kingdom of Shu.

But... wait.

The Great Zhou was at war with the Chuyue Kingdom.

Destroy 100 million enemies!

What are you bragging about.

The hundreds of officials from all over the world reacted, and they were so shocked that they were dumbfounded again.

Liao Lai, are you here to be funny?

If you want to play tricks, you can also score occasions.

Pretending to come to our bus country.

You are sick!
"Ahem, this... King Xiaoyao, are the officials of your Ministry of Rites always so humorous?" Ba Huang coughed, forced himself not to laugh, and looked at Ye Qing and began to talk.

Ye Qing replied honestly and honestly: "Your Majesty, to be precise, our Great Zhou eradicated Chuyue Kingdom not one hundred people, but only 94 people, which is indeed a bit of a false report.

Let Your Majesty laugh at everyone! "



Only 94 people!
Fortunately, there are only two characters, and they can boast and pretend better than the officials of your Ministry of Rites.

How can you make a false report, Ma Dan, you are multiplying by ten!
(End of this chapter)

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