I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 563 Leaving Jiangzhou and turning back to Jiameng

Chapter 563 Leaving Jiangzhou and turning back to Jiameng

Anyway, no one in Pakistan believed it.

Bahuang was very suspicious.

Ye Qing doesn't seem like a liar.

Bahuang asked again with doubts: "King Xiaoyao, are you sure, this number is a bit high, the Chuyue Kingdom is powerful and has many troops.

Even if it's 100 million pigs, if you let you kill them, you can't kill so many! "

100 troops!

Do you know how many people there are in Pakistan?
It is only 250 million people.

Your kill is two-fifths of my Pakistan.

All the other Pakistani officials covered their mouths with a chuckle.

As if watching a joke.

Liao Lai took the initiative to reply: "His Majesty Bahuang, although the Chuyue Kingdom is strong, its army is too weak, although there are many soldiers and horses, its combat power is not strong.

I don't have many troops in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but they are capable. In order to protect the country, I will risk my life and forget to die. One is against a hundred.

When Chu Yue invaded our Great Zhou, the wrongdoing came first, followed by the dishonesty. It is normal for the wrongdoing to have little help, and defeat is also normal! "

After hearing this, Bahuang was slightly delighted.

Ye Qingdao: "Your Majesty, my Da Zhou army launched a military attack and swept through Nanyang County of Chuyue Kingdom. Chuyue Kingdom has no army to stop. If Your Majesty doesn't believe it, you can send someone to Chuyue Kingdom to investigate!"

There is no border between Ba Kingdom and Chuyue Kingdom, and there is Hanzhong or the Twelve Witch Kingdoms in between. Where to check.

Isn't it what you Da Zhou said?
But listen to what Ye Qing said.

All the officials of the Ba Kingdom felt that perhaps the Great Zhou had defeated the Chuyue Kingdom, but the number of eliminations had to be discounted.

No more than 40.

But even so, it is already quite high.

The total number of troops in Pakistan has not reached this number.

Dazhou can destroy 40 Chuyue Kingdom, so it is also easy to destroy Ba Kingdom.

I'm afraid this is why the envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty boasted.

Da Zhou wanted to deter Pakistan.

Take the position of the strong.

In order to coerce Pakistan in the future.

"Okay, don't mention this matter anymore. Since Da Zhou is too busy to take care of himself now and attack the Kingdom of Shu, I, the Kingdom of Ba, will handle it all by myself." Bahuang suddenly showed the king's spirit, and ordered domineeringly:

"Issue an order to the armies conquering Shu, let them advance as soon as possible, and capture the capital of Shu!"

"It's Your Majesty!" The Minister of War replied.

Ye Qingdao: "Your Majesty, I have been bothering you for too long in Baguo, and Chang'an is also calling me back. The foreign ministers will leave tomorrow, and the future exchanges and negotiations between the two countries will be left to Liao Lai. Your Majesty, please don't worry about it! "

"Uh, I'm leaving now, isn't it too urgent!" Ba Huang was stunned for a moment, feeling a little bit reluctant in his heart.

As long as Ye Qing is here, there will be the Great Zhou Navy.

As soon as Ye Qing left and the navy withdrew, Jiangzhou was safe, but the defense and water warfare of Dajiang would depend on Ba Guo himself.

Shipbuilding began to be built.

The cooperation between the two parties has not really started yet.

In case Da Zhou repents.

What can I do.

Ye Qing replied: "Your Majesty, the foreign minister has not been here for a short time, and there are two young wives at home. If you don't return for a long time, I'm afraid there will be resentment."

Even though he knew it was an excuse, it was not easy for Bahuang to shirk.

He just said: "Alright, then tomorrow, I will personally send you off!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"


next day!
Ye Qing took Bu Xiaofan, Zhang Liang and others out of Jiangzhou City.

Bahuang personally delivered it to the pier.

The two sides bid farewell, as if they were lovers.

Until all the warships of the Dazhou Navy disappeared.

The officials of the Ba Kingdom were relieved.

Ye Qing has two sixth-rank masters by his side, as well as Zhou Yu's Great Zhou Navy.

If you really want to plot Jiangzhou.

Jiangzhou City is really dangerous.

Simply, Ye Qing didn't mean that.

The two countries are still in the honeymoon period.

As long as the Shu Kingdom is not destroyed, the two countries will still be an alliance.

The conflict between Ba and Zhou had to come after the destruction of Shu.

"Okay! You can finally go home!"

In the entire fleet, Xiaofan was the happiest.

"Although I can't experience the teleportation array, I'm still very happy when I think of leaving this miserable country of Ba!"

The little girl's heart naturally burst out.

Ye Qing looked at it and smiled.

"Whoever said that you can't experience the teleportation array, once you arrive at Jiameng City, you can use it to return to Guanzhong directly.

My beloved concubine, there is no need to travel across mountains and rivers. "

Bu Xiaofan smiled like a flower, and his heart was sweet.

But she shook her little head and gave him a blank look.

"Waste, doesn't the teleportation array consume energy? For me alone, it takes a lot of trouble."

Wei Lie added another sentence: "You don't go back to Guanzhong together, what should I do when I go back, I will go back to Nanzheng with you, we will walk the way we came one step at a time, so it will be meaningful!"

Step by step and go again!
Recalling all kinds of things, my thoughts are always pulled into the memory.

Ye Qing walked over and gently held Bu Xiaofan's little hand: "I will do whatever my concubine says."

After crossing the Dianjiang River, it enters the Xihan River, passes through Han'an, Chongguo, and Langzhong, and then goes northward for fifty miles to Jiameng City.

The pier for emergency repairs.

According to the scriptures, it can accommodate the mooring of warships in the water.

The Navy Dazhai has just been completed.

The logistics work is very good.

Returning to Jiameng City, there is still no city wall in Jiameng City at this time, but a wall has been built ten miles away from the north to the south.

In the future, here will be a super big city.

Therefore, the future is not planned according to the standards of small counties.

"Meet Your Majesty! Welcome Your Majesty to Jiameng personally."

Various forces in the city, as well as the army lined up to welcome them.

People from the Great Zhou Dayan Wusi had already arrived here and took over the original alliance.

The next year's Martial Arts Conference will also be in charge of the Dayan Wusi.

Looking at the familiar faces on both sides.

Ye Qingdao: "Everyone, we meet again after being separated for several months. You are all in good health, and you can live in peace and happiness in the city, happy and happy!"

The leaders of all the forces took the lead in replying: "Thanks to Your Majesty's grace, I have had a good time, and now the city is more peaceful than before.

And it's more lively, and the future Jiameng City will be even better! "

"Better, that's good. Today I come as the emperor, and you are all my subjects. I hope everyone can be happy and live a prosperous life." Ye Qing promise:

"If you have any opinions or dissatisfaction, you can send someone to find me, or tell me, and under the laws of the empire, I will fight for your interests.

I only hope that Jiameng City will be more prosperous, and I hope that after you join the Great Zhou, your life will be better than before.The great unity of the world, without disputes, is my hope and goal of Da Zhou. Today, I also hope that this is your hope and goal. "

"It's Your Majesty!"

Everyone clanged back.

Suddenly, I feel that there is something more on my shoulders, which is called responsibility and burden.

After staying in Jiameng City for a day, Ye Qing, Chu Xiaofan and others set off to continue northward.

When I arrived at Baishuiguan, I met Ma Chao.

Ma Chao reported to him: "My lord, Diyi was wiped out by our thunder just now, and its land was included in Hanzhong County. At present, there are three Di kings who are willing to go to Nanzheng to meet His Majesty."

Nine times, one was wiped out, and there were eight left, not even half of them.

It seems that there are still some difficulties to solve Jiu Di.

(End of this chapter)

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