I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 564 Condition 9 Incorporated into the Great Week

Chapter 564
"It's great to have three scriptures!"

Ye Qing said: "Talk to me about the situation of the Di kings of each tribe!"


Ma Chao then gave a detailed account of the recent situation of the Di tribes.

After listening, Ye Qing basically understood the concerns of King Di.

There are two fundamental reasons.

One is that they don't trust Da Zhou.

The second is that there are conflicts among their kings, and some are deadly enemies.

If one side gets close to Da Zhou, one side will naturally hate Da Zhou and want to confront Da Zhou.

Ye Qing sneered and said: "Since there are three Di kings, that's enough. If you come to Nanzheng, you will let them believe in my Dazhou. As for those who want to be hostile to our Dazhou, then disappear forever!"

Ma Chao said: "Your Majesty, you want to support these three Di kings and let them annex the other five Di kings!"

"That's right, those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me are kings, no matter who they are, if they want to make me an enemy in the Great Zhou Dynasty, then destroy him." Ye Qing said:

"Now our Great Zhou Southwest Group Army has not been trained yet, and it is not suitable for war. We can only use their hands to turn this mountain forest into a sea of ​​blood. Let them fight first, and when they are tired, it is time for us to attack. gone."

Not long after staying at Baishuiguan, Ye Qing and others continued to go north and returned to Nanzheng.

In a few days.

Ma Chao came to Nanzheng with three envoys from King Di.

Out of distrust, the three Di naturally did not dare to come here in person.

However, the envoys sent were all close relatives, either brothers or sons.

It can be regarded as giving Da Zhou enough face.

"Bai Diduojia pays homage to His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor!"

"Dian Di Dian Kang pays homage to His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor!"

"Chun Di Chun Shan greets His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor!"

The three envoys visited the palace.

Ye Qing said: "Give the envoy of the Three Kings a seat!"

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor!"

The three sat down separately.

Ye Qingdao: "I believe Meng Qi has mentioned the meaning of this meeting to all the kings!"

Bai Diduo added: "Return to Your Majesty, General Ma mentioned it in the scriptures, saying that he is grateful to all the clans for their efforts in the crusade against Gangdi, and His Majesty is willing to send money and food in return."

"That's right, there is indeed such a thing." Ye Qing said: "When you go back, I will send people to escort the food and grass to your tribe, and the officials of our country will personally distribute the food to your people to reward your warriors!"

"Da Zhou pays attention to the words of a gentleman, and it is hard to chase after a horse. I thank Your Majesty for your generosity in vain!"

"I also thank Your Majesty for your generosity!"

"It's the same with me!"

The three were overjoyed, so naturally they would not begrudge the compliments.

"The purpose of inviting you from all ethnic groups to come here this time is to discuss the future of Jiudi, as well as the security and defense in the west of Hanzhong County, Great Zhou!" Ye Qing paused deliberately when he said this.

The three knew that the main event was coming.

There is no love without a reason.

Da Zhou is so generous, there must be something to ask of them.

"Although the Jiudi are of the same clan, they attack each other, so that the flames of war often affect the people of Hanzhong, causing instability in the entire southwest region." Ye Qing closed his voice and said:
"This time I came to Hanzhong, apart from eliminating the Zhang family, the other thing is to stabilize the stability of the southwest and end the status quo of Jiudi attacking each other!"

Baidi is the closest to Hanzhong, and also the closest to Dazhou.

After all, there is a big tiger by my side, and I am deeply influenced by Zhou people.

So first stood up and said: "I don't know how your Majesty is going to end this situation!"

Although Jiu Di still has eight royal tribes, they still show obedience to each other.

There will be no shortage of wars.

"The solution is very simple, that is, Jiu Di will be included in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and from then on they will all be Zhou ministers. Whoever causes chaos, whoever takes action, will destroy his tribe, kill his king, and destroy his clan." Ye Qing said domineeringly.

Hearing this, the faces of Duojia, Chunshan, and Diankang changed drastically.

All of them stood up.

Da Zhou wanted to annex them Jiu Di.

Is that nine or nine?
Are their kings still kings?

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is inappropriate!" Chun Shan's face froze slightly, his eyebrows darkened.

Ye Qing glanced at the three of them: "There is nothing wrong with it. The fact that your three films are here shows that you support my Da Zhou. My Da Zhou has always been generous. I will give the utmost to my friends and to my family members." Support, as for the other five kings, since they have chosen to become my Great Zhou's enemies, they will disappear forever!"

How domineering!
You want to destroy the other five kings.

Do you have this strength?

The places where they live are all high mountains and dense forests.

Without the assistance of the Di people, it would be impossible for Da Zhou's army to enter.

No matter how many people come, they will all be buried in the dense forest.

"However, my Dazhou has always convinced people with virtue. After all, you are your own business, and my Dazhou is not easy to participate, so if someone wants to attack the five kings, I can give weapons and food to you. Let's see who has this ambition!" Ye Qing said to Ma Chao:
"Except for the current territory of Gangdi, the other eight are not allowed to send a single soldier to advance, and the affairs of the nine must be handled by the nine. Their territory belongs to them, and no one is allowed to intrude."

"It's Your Majesty, I have already restrained my subordinates, and I will never disobey the order of the court." Ma Chao replied respectfully.

Da Zhou did not enter Ba Di's territory.

But give money, food and weapons.

It turned out to be such a method to eliminate the five kings.

All of a sudden, the eyes of the three of them became hot.

Although Da Zhou intended to instigate.

But if there is Da Zhou as the backer, it is not impossible to annex the other five kings.

It is a good thing for the headquarters to grow stronger and expand its territory.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what we have to pay to help Da Zhou eliminate the five kings!"

Now that the Yijing is so straightforward, everyone no longer hides it.

Dian Kang asked impatiently.

You must know that Diandi is far away from Hanzhong in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he does not have contact with Hanzhong.

Surrounded by other five kings.

It is extremely necessary to break through and get your own development direction.

"As I said before, Jiu Di was included in the Great Zhou, and Jiu Di belongs to the Great Zhou from now on. The Di people and the natives are all our citizens of the Great Zhou. As long as they respect the laws of the Great Zhou, they will naturally receive the protection and support of the Great Zhou!" Dian Hua Looking at the three of them, he suddenly laughed and said:

"If all three of you are willing to join the Great Zhou Dynasty, then the kings will be called kings from now on, and they will be called chieftains. Chieftains have the right to self-government, are allowed to have troops, and manage their own jurisdictions.

However, in the future, we will use my Da Zhou's script, learn my Da Zhou's official dialect, respect each other's living customs, and if necessary, respond to the call of the empire to defend our home and country. "

It is necessary to respect the Great Zhou as the main body and include it in the Great Zhou in name.

Recognize the suzerainty of Da Zhou.

The king's title will also be cut off.

This is a very unfavorable condition for the kings.

However, it enjoys autonomy and, like the original Zhang family, has its own tribal army.

If necessary, go to war for the Great Zhou.

There are really many conditions!

The three couldn't decide.

So they all said: "Your Majesty, this matter is too important to be resolved by us. Please allow us to bring your Majesty's words back to the tribe."

No matter how much he has, first get the ten thousand stones of grain and go back and talk.

The benefits in the pocket are real.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Yes! This kind of thing naturally requires the approval of the kings of your tribe and most of the people."

(End of this chapter)

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