I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 565: 9 chaos, another lottery draw

Chapter 565 Nine chaos, another lottery draw
How could Ye Qing not know the intentions of the three of them.

I don't care either.

The three left, followed by officials from Dazhou with food.

They will personally distribute food to ordinary people in Sandi.

Spread benefits to the following ethnic groups.

Instead of giving directly to their kings and nobles.

For kings and nobles, they will only raise white-eyed wolves, and will not be recognized and appreciated by the people of the three tribes.

"Your Majesty! Our conditions are so harsh, I am afraid that the Three Kings will not agree!" Xiao He reminded.

First of all, the first article, when included in the Great Zhou, the Jiudi territory will become the Great Zhou, and these kings will not agree.

Secondly, they went to the Wang Hao, but shot an arrow directly in their foreheads.

It's like killing them.

Without waiting for Ye Qing to speak.

Zhang Liangdao: "It's okay, they will agree, just spread a rumor, and they will all scramble to ask my Da Zhou for support!"

Xiao He hurriedly asked: "What rumors? It's so easy to use!"

All eyes were on Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang said with a smile: "Go to the territory of the other five kings and say that Chundi, Diandi, and Baidi all agreed to include Jiudi in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they went to the Wanghao to receive food and weapons from my Great Zhou Dynasty.

What do you say next? "

All are wise.

There was a sparkle in the eyes.

The five kings are not in harmony with Jiuchun Di, Dian Di, and Bai Di, so they will naturally believe it.

In addition, Dazhou did indeed send food to Chundi, Diandi, and Baidi, which further supports this rumor.

In order to avoid losses, the five kings must strike first, and they might unite and attack the three kings.

If the three kings can't stop them, they will ask Da Zhou for help.

At this time, it was difficult for them to agree to this condition.

"Wonderful! It's really a conspiracy. It can be said that when Chundi, Diandi, and Baidi accepted our food, or in other words, the moment they sent people to Nanzheng, they had already fallen into a trap."

People sincerely admire

Still the emperor is great.

With a little trickery, you can destroy Jiudi.

Duojia, Chunshan, and Diankang returned and reported everything that happened in Nanzheng truthfully.

The results are all uniform.

King Chundi, King Diandi, and King Baidi all sneered.

It is impossible for them to be merged into Da Zhou.

If you don't want to be the king of liberty, you should be a toast. Isn't it too busy to make trouble for yourself?
However, when the officials of Da Zhou left with the lighted food, suddenly the atmosphere of the whole tribe was not right.

Every day, I can receive harassment and attacks from the enemy's Di tribe.

"King, it's not good, Diandi is under siege, please send us to help!"

Almost at the same time, King Chundi and King Baidi received Diandi's request for help.

"What's going on, how could Diandi be besieged!" King Chundi was puzzled, and hurriedly said:
"Gather 1 people and immediately go to support Dian Di. Don't let them eat them, otherwise the strength of these guys will definitely increase greatly, which is not good for Chun Di!"

Don't do the same thing on Bai Di's side, and was about to send troops, but someone from the front came back and said, "King, something is wrong, Ma Di and Wu Di are attacking us. Pushing all the way, we are almost hitting our Wangzhai!"

King Bai Di was horrified and asked, "What is going on?"

The subordinate said: "Wang, I heard that there is a rumor circulating in Ma Di, Wu Di and other ministries, saying that our Dian Di, Chun Di, and Bai Di colluded with Da Zhou and wanted to destroy them. Wang Di not only accepted Da Zhou They will also receive weapons, and in the future, they will lead Da Zhou's army to advance westward and northward to annex them.

So... so they joined together and attacked us Diandi, Chundi, and Baidi. "

"Damn it, who is spreading rumors and causing trouble? How could such a thing be made up? Who leaked the news." King Bai Di was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on his forehead. The situation is extremely critical now, what should we do?
"Wang, otherwise, we invite the army of Da Zhou..." Someone mentioned it cautiously, but before he could finish speaking, King Bai Di gave him a hard look.

Originally, there was no collusion with Da Zhou, but if you really wanted to invite Da Zhou's army in, it would be yellow mud, and if it fell into the crotch, it would be shit or shit.

Duo Jia said: "My lord, there is only one way to do it now. First compromise with Da Zhou, cheat weapons and support, wait for us to repel or eliminate the other five kings, and then we will make a long-term plan!"

On the surface, he promised Da Zhou to develop himself first.

It's fine if you don't admit it at that time.

In this way, he not only overcomes the immediate difficulties, but also obtains the excellent weapons of Da Zhou.

King Bai Di still hesitated.

As a king, if you don't keep your word, how can you rule the tribe then.

The son-in-law of King Bai Di said: "King, even if we don't compromise, Dian Di will definitely compromise. They won't last long. As soon as Dian Di agrees to Da Zhou's request, even if we disagree, we will be classified into one of them indirectly. Changed the situation."

"Hey! All right, then go and talk to Da Zhou for a while, the most important thing is to keep Bai Di!" Bai Di Wang was right when he thought about it, he disagreed, but others agreed, and he would fall behind.

Originally, Baidi was closest to Hanzhong, and had the best relationship with Dazhou.

Don't let this advantage go to waste.


Nan Zheng!

"Ding! Master, one of the nine Di kings, I want to know whether Da Zhou will send troops to rescue Dian Di, so that I can make countermeasures. I am willing to pay 1000 taels of silver as a reward. Will I sell it?"

"Ding! Master, King Wu Di, one of the Nine Di, wants to know whether Da Zhou will support Bai Di, whether he will support weapons or send troops, so as to make a countermeasure, and is willing to pay 1000 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, King Ma Di, one of the nine Di, wants to know whether Da Zhou will support Bai Di, whether it will be supported by weapons or by sending troops to help, so as to make a countermeasure, and is willing to pay 1000 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it? "

"Ding! Master, the King of Yinping Di, one of the Nine Dies, wants to know if Da Zhou wants to annex the Nine Dies so that he can make countermeasures. He is willing to pay 1000 taels of silver as a reward. Will he sell it?"

"Ding! King Songdi, one of the master Jiudi, wants to know whether Dazhou wants to destroy the Di clan and wipe out all the people of Jiudi so that he can make a countermeasure. He is willing to pay 1000 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it or not. ?”

Finally came the response.

Ye Qing was still wondering, the system didn't give Jiu Di any information after such a big commotion.

What should come will still come.

But after watching the five kings give the price.

Can't help but want to complain.

The total is only 5000 taels, a group of poor ghosts.

"However, the news they want does not violate the principle, nor will it hinder the interests of Da Zhou." Ye Qing murmured and said immediately:
"System! Sold, everything is sold!"

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, Master, you still have XXXXXXX taels of silver and 5 chances to draw prizes!"

Ye Qing continued: "System, draw the general!"

"Okay master, now draw a lottery for you!" "

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for winning two general cards!"

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for drawing a Mingchen card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing an item card!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for drawing a merchant card!"

(End of this chapter)

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