I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 567?? The Qishan Pavilion is Weird

Chapter 567 Qishan Pavilion is very strange

Ye Qing reached out to hold Bu Xiaochu's hand.

Gently rubbing it with his thumb, looking at the looming buildings in the sea of ​​flowers in the distance, he said: "Master Hua said just now that there are many tigers in Qishan besides peaches and plums. What's the explanation?"

Hua Bei walked forward.

Bu Xiaofan replied: "Your Majesty, the terrain of Qishan itself is a magic circle, which is conducive to the habitat of all things. Before we lived in the pavilion and established the faction, there were wild tigers here.

Later, most of the mountain tigers were subdued, so after thousands of years of reproduction, there are more tigers here.

But as long as you don't provoke them, the tigers on Qishan will not hurt people. "

"Hehe, this has become your mountain god. If ordinary people want to offend, they have to go through the mountain tiger." Ye Qing pulled Bu Xiaofan to follow step by step, and walked slowly towards Qishan .

Soon, I went to the world of flowers and plums.

It is colorful and splendid, and being in it is just like a dream.

Imagine how romantic it is to live here all year round.

No wonder people in Qishan Pavilion generally don't come out of the mountain.

I'm here to study magic circles and the Book of Changes and the like.

The deeper he went, Ye Qing felt that the aura was getting stronger and stronger.

The whole person is more comfortable.

Involuntary exercise and breath adjustment.

A small week is added to a big week.

Suddenly, I found that the fatigue of my body seemed to disappear all at once.

Instead, it is the improvement of spirit and energy.

He observed everyone and found that everyone had similar feelings.

"Xiao Fan, you guys are really a paradise, different from the big mountain sects!" Ye Qing sighed and started to explore.

Bu Xiaofan pursed his lips and smiled: "Your Majesty, you don't have to make insinuations. I won't say anything. Anyway, if you slowly enter our Qishan Pavilion, there will be endless surprises!"

"Hmph, little naughty..."

Qishan is not very wide, but it is very long.

Vertically north-south.

The night before, everyone just stayed on a mountain ridge outside Qishan, where there is a pavilion built by people from the Qishan Pavilion reception.

And specialized management.

The night passed, I slept soundly

The next day, Ye Qing and others continued to set off, and saw many mountain tigers, who met the people in Qishan Pavilion.

So he didn't do anything unusual, just looked up at Ye Qing and the others.

Then everyone is busy with their own work.

There are also many birds of prey in the mountains, sometimes flying high and sometimes leaping out.

Then he twirled his butt and walked away again.

There are even waterfalls in the mountains, like the Milky Way hanging on the front of the river.

The mountain stream flowing from north to south meanders along the mountain road.

The mountain road of Qishan Pavilion is very stingy.

It's just a few pieces of bluestone slabs, or they were hewn out of local materials.

However, after thousands of years of rain and pedestrians, the original marks have been worn away and become smooth.

After walking for two days, he finally arrived at the mountain gate of Qishan Pavilion.

There is no grand atmosphere in the phenomenon, it is more like the front door of a small temple, small and simple.

The front door was covered with weeds and vines.

"Qishan Pavilion, welcome Your Majesty!"

No one was seen outside the mountain gate, but the voices of a hundred and ten people came from inside.

Hua Bei explained: "Your Majesty, I have a tradition of not going out to kneel in Qishan Pavilion, please forgive me."

There is such a rule!

Bu Xiaofan explained at the side: "When you go out, you have to go out of the mountain. If you don't go out of the mountain, you violate the rules of the door and you will be punished."

Ye Qing said: "It's okay, let's just go in directly, I'm really curious, what's the inside of your Qishan Pavilion like!"

With that said, Ye Qing stepped in.

What came into view were more than 100 Qishan Pavilion disciples wearing Qishan Pavilion robes.

The city is also very cramped, there is no spacious flat ground, let alone a square-sized practice area.

But along the mountain road, there are all peach and plum trees like terraced fields.

A group of people stood under the tree.

Along the hill, extend up.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Everyone saluted one after another.

While talking, the sky seemed to be raining flowers.

The peach and plum petals on the tree fluttered one after another.

The flower rain welcomes the saint, with a long artistic conception.

Ye Qing could feel that just now, the people in the Qishan Pavilion used their internal strength, and they should have weaved some small magic circles.

Only then can the surrounding tree flowers be shaken off so smoothly.

"Everyone has a heart, don't be too polite!"

Ye Qing stepped up, heading towards the top of the mountain step by step.

The flowers on the road gathered and floated down one after another, covering the mountain road and falling on the heads and shoulders of everyone.

When we reached the top of the mountain, we saw a relatively large flat land, which was full of peaches and plums like a park.

There are not many buildings on the mountain, just a few halls and two rows of wing rooms.

Everything is clear at a glance.

It is neither mysterious, nor does it have the air of a big sect.

"You Qishan Pavilion is really a monster, just like this mountain gate, the general third-rate sects have surpassed you!"

Ye Qing said with emotion.

Hua Bei said: "Your Majesty, except for the relatively strict rules of going out of the mountain gate, our Qishan Pavilion is very free.

Usually, they don't gather for meetings to discuss anything. The disciples in the sect live scatteredly, and they can build a shed, build a house, or live in a cave wherever they like.

In short, there are no restrictions, and the practice is also casual. You can practice if you like it, and you won’t force it if you don’t like it.

To put it bluntly, it's just lax. If His Majesty hadn't come today, there wouldn't be so many people gathered together. "

As he spoke, Hua Bei himself smiled wryly.

Only then did Ye Qing show a clear look.

This Qishan Pavilion is really a wonderful thing.

No wonder it's because the things you practice are different.

That's why there is such a strange habit.

"Please, Your Majesty, we have prepared a meal." A middle-aged woman in white clothes and blue hair who looked like an elder came over and made a gesture of invitation.

The woman smiled at Bu Xiaofan, then stepped aside.

Ye Qing noticed this person keenly.

Pulling Bu Xiaofan into the hall.

"Xiaofan, this is your master!"

"Hmm." When asked suddenly, Bu Xiaofan froze for a moment, then nodded.

Ye Qing said: "Your master has a title!"

Bu Xiaofan replied softly: "Your Majesty, my master is called Qingxuanzi, and his surname is Luo! Princess of the Raksha Kingdom outside the territory!"


Ye Qing turned around and cast a glance.

It doesn't quite look like an oriental face.

There is no trace of Western characteristics.

Bu Xiaofan explained: "My master's mother is an orthodox Dazhou person, and she inherited her mother's appearance. It was my master who brought me back from outside. I am both her apprentice and her daughter!"

Love mother and daughter.

Ye Qing knew it well.

There are three reasons for this visit.

One: Visit Qishan Pavilion, the strongest sect of the Great Zhou.

Two: It is Dan and Bu Xiaofan's marriage, Ye Qing will confer on Bu Xiaofan as a noble person, and after marriage, he will be the queen.

Third: What to do now is to enter the main hall of Qishan Pavilion and punch in to receive the prize.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for successfully checking in at Qishan Pavilion, and reward Mozi (fourth grade)!"


He even summoned Luban's opponent.

Mozi, named Zhai, was born in Song State in the late Spring and Autumn Period and early Warring States Period.

It is rumored that there were three confrontations with Lu Ban, but all of them ended in Lu Ban's loss. Mozi not only excels in skills, but also has his own Mohism.

(End of this chapter)

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