I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 568: Bu Xiaofan's Real Life Experience

Chapter 568 Bu Xiaofan's Real Life Experience
But what interested Ye Qing even more.

Mozi actually has martial arts.

And the strength is not low, it turned out to be the fourth rank.

Just this point, Lu Ban almost lost his mind.

In combination with the rumors about Mohism in history.

It is not difficult to understand.

In fact, all the Mohists are masters of swordsmanship, traveling all over the world, adhering to the core values ​​of universal love, non-aggression and so on.

Go around to mediate chivalry and the like.

I don't have the ability to defend myself, so I don't think I can go far.

Without martial arts, how can you subdue others.

It was already swept away by others.

"This Mozi is interesting!"


After entering the main hall, each sat down.

The diet of Qishan Pavilion people is mainly light.

More suitable for self-cultivation.

At the same time, among all kinds of food, there are also peaches and plums.

Some are even made with peach and plum meat.

It has a different flavor.

Although it can't be full of fun, it also makes people feel at ease and have an alternative enjoyment.

After the meal, scented tea came out.

Smell the fragrance and get drunk.

"Everyone, I believe everyone already knows the purpose of my visit." Ye Qing looked at Bu Xiaofan's master Qingxuanzi, stood up, and bowed:
"As Xiaofan's elder, I am very grateful to Senior Qingxuanzi for teaching Xiaofan, and for being able to teach such a virtuous, dignified and kind Bufan, please Qingxuanzi to accept my worship!"

When everyone heard the words, they were greatly moved!
Although Qingxuanzi is Bu Xiaofan's master, Ye Qing is the majestic Emperor of Zhou.

Giving him a bow and salute is enough to give him face.

Even more, treating Qishan Pavilion courteously was regarded as an emphasis on Qishan Pavilion.

With this move, at least 50 in Qishan Pavilion will not worry about being favored.

will continue to thrive.

"Your Majesty, you are too serious. A commoner girl should not deserve such a great gift!" Qing Xuanzi hurriedly returned the gift:

"It's her blessing for Xiaofan to be favored by His Majesty, and it's also his fate with His Majesty in this life. It has nothing to do with Qingxuan, how dare he be greedy for credit!"

Hua Bei on the side wanted to say something, at this time Qing Xuanzi said again: "Your Majesty, can you move to the residence of the civilian girl, I have something to tell Xiaofan, and I need to let Your Majesty know!"

Ye Qing said: "Qingxuanzi leads the way!"

Bu Xiaofan vaguely guessed something, and his body became a little tense.

Ye Qing held his hand, held her tightly, and cast a firm look in his eyes.

It seems to say don't be afraid, everything is mine.

The two went to Qingxuan Peak alone with Qingxuanzi.

This peak is even named after Qingxuanzi.

There is the same bamboo house on the mountain. Besides peaches and plums, there are many other trees on the mountain, among which bamboo forest accounts for a quarter.

Flowing cups of curved water, a small lotus pond, a dozen small fish chasing and frolicking.

Stool made of bamboo wood.

Qingxuan said: "Your Majesty, the humble house is simple, we can only neglect it!"

"It's okay, this place is quiet, the environment is suitable, and it makes people feel comfortable. It's an excellent place." Ye Qing said with a smile:
"I don't know what Senior Qingxuanzi wants to say?"

Qingxuanzi glanced at Bu Xiaofan.

Then he looked up at his own small house, and his eyes stretched into the distance.

"What the daughter of the people wants to say today is that His Majesty should understand Xiaofan's life experience. Her father is from Zhou, and her mother is from outside Fang."

"I believe that Xiaofan doesn't know the details. In fact, her father is my brother-in-law, named Bu Mingfan, and her mother is Monsi Alexander Michaelia."

"Bu Mingfan!"

Ye Qing murmured, "Why is there a sense of familiarity?"

Qingxuanzi said: "Your Majesty, he was the first genius of my Great Zhou more than 30 years ago. He entered the rank at the age of ten, reached the sixth rank at the age of 15, and reached the eighth rank at the age of 17. He once gained a great reputation in the eastern countries."

"More than 30 years ago."

No wonder it's somewhat familiar.

It was only then that Ye Qing remembered that he didn't know who had mentioned it.

More than 30 years ago, Ye Zhendu was just a prince, not even qualified to compete for the throne.

Belonging to the dynasty of the first emperor.

Because there is such a genius.

The pressure on Da Zhou doubled, and various countries dispatched masters to suppress it.

Bu Mingfan, who had made a name for himself in the east, suddenly evaporated overnight and disappeared without a trace.

It was only then that Ye Qing realized that this Bu Mingfan must have left the customs to venture into foreign countries in the Western Regions.

And it succeeded, and married a foreign woman as his wife, and gave birth to a daughter, Bu Xiaofan.

Of course, he also recognized a righteous sister, Princess Qingxuanzi of Raksha Kingdom.

But Bu Xiaofan opened his eyes wide.

Because of this Bu Mingfan, there was another name in the stories she had heard since she was a child.

Hanbanni Zorro.

A very powerful visitor from the east swept across one hundred and eight cities in the west.

He likes to attack slave owners, rescue slaves, and is a hero.

She turned out to be his daughter.

What shocked her even more was not Bu Mingfan's identity.

It was the mother Monsi Alexander Michaelia.

There is a country in the West where the royal family can use the four characters Alexander in their names.

Because this is the creator of this country.

is a great emperor.

So my own mother is a royal family.

Whether a princess falls in love with a commoner, whether in the West or the East, it is controversial.

Generally no good results.

Qingxuanzi saw that Bu Xiaofan was lost in reverie, and knew that she had guessed the identity of his mother, so he said directly to Ye Qing: "Xiaofan's mother is a princess of a powerful empire in the west called Macedon. Brothers love each other and are not blessed.

The emperor of the Macedonian Empire sent countless masters to pursue the two, trying to capture Mengsi Alexander Michaelia back.

So the righteous brother fled eastward with Mengsi Alexander Michaela, and kept fighting with each other.

In the end, she was injured and disappeared. After her mother gave birth to Xiao Fan, in order to prevent Xiao Fan from being killed by the people of the Macedonian Empire, she begged me to take Xiao Fan in, and she returned to the Macedonian Empire on her own initiative.

Originally, she wanted to exchange herself for Xiao Fan's life, but the people of the Marcheton Empire still knew of Xiao Fan's existence.

I continued to send people to hunt him down, but I had no choice but to take Xiaofan to Dazhou..."

Speaking of this, Qingxuanzi choked up and could no longer speak.

Bu Xiaofan came back to his senses and explained to Ye Qing: "In another version of the master's story, a hero from the Qishan Pavilion appeared here and rescued the second daughter who was fleeing.

But this hero's battlefield is in the yellow sand, leaving only a nameplate of Qishan Pavilion.

Relying on this nameplate, the two daughters survived in Qishan Pavilion and lived a happy and stable life ever since. "

The twists and turns are bizarre, and a little bloody.

Ye Qing looked at Qingxuanzi, who was about to cry, with admiration and sadness in his heart.

I'm afraid that the hero who died in the battle was Qingxuanzi's husband.

He is also an outstanding disciple of Qishan Pavilion.

By chance, I also went west to explore.

Maybe even Bu Mingfan's follower friend.

Ye Qing stood up and said to Qingxuanzi: "Senior has suffered, don't worry, senior, I will settle your regrets for you. The bones of the hero who died in Huangsha should be brought back to Dazhou. They are Pioneer of the Westward Expansion."

"Xiaofan's father, Zhen, will also send someone to find him, and his mother will also be rescued and brought back. The whole family should be reunited and tidy!"

"I swear, I will definitely clear the way to the west..."

(End of this chapter)

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