Chapter 569 The Great Zhou has nearly twice as many soldiers and horses

"I believe that His Majesty has the strength to fulfill this long-cherished wish!"

Qingxuanzi said: "Leave Xiaofan to His Majesty. I wish Dazhou more and more prosperity. Under His Majesty's leadership, go further, unify the East, and point the sword to the West!"

Bu Xiaofan also woke up from the shock, and looked at Ye Qing affectionately.

Ye Qing grabbed her hand: "Xiaofan, I will not let you down. After Qiqiang is wiped out, I will let the western theater advance to the Hexi Corridor, open up the road to the Macedonian Empire step by step, and clear away all the obstacles along the way." hinder."

Bu Xiaofan felt warm in his heart, and nodded lightly.

In the next few days, Ye Qing accompanied Bu Xiaofan in Qishan Pavilion.

I walked all over the mountains well.

Ten days later, this bid farewell to Qingxuanzi.

Although Hua Bei was the head of the sect, he handed over the affairs of the sect to the elders and returned to Chang'an.

Bu Xiaofan is going to marry Ye Qing, as the head of Qishan Pavilion, he naturally wants to act as a married woman
person role.

By the Weishui River!

Almost all the officials in Chang'an came.

"Your Majesty!"

Hanzhong Yiping!

The Zhang family is destroyed!

The new emperor's martial arts has surpassed all previous emperors.

Just a few months.

More than 100 million enemies have been destroyed by classics.

They repelled Chuyue Kingdom and Turks one after another.

Even Hanzhong was completely withdrawn.

The military strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty has been significantly increased several times, not only the number of soldiers and horses has increased, but also the military strength.

This made the officials also have to be amazed.

How long has it been? It's like changing the world.

Ye Qing's imperial power is unstoppable.

The seat is more secure than that of Ye Zhen back then.

In time, the nobles of the aristocratic families in China did not dare to come out to stir up trouble at this time.

One by one honestly.

Ye Qing raised his hand and said, "My dear fellows, you have contributed to this great victory. Without you, we have stabilized our Great Zhou in Chang'an, and did not cause chaos in Chang'an. You are also creditors."

When all the officials heard the words, they all felt warm in their hearts.

In terms of beautiful words, Ye Qing is still amazing.

With just one sentence, the complaints of all the officials were dispelled.

"This time when I return to Beijing, it is not only a great victory in Hanzhong Pingding, but also... I will hold a big wedding in Chang'an, and I will marry Bu Xiaofan from Qishan Pavilion at that time. The Ministry of Rituals will start preparations from now on. The procedures and etiquette are the same. Not less, I have made a decision here, and Bu Xiaofan will be my queen!" Ye Qing said decisively with a single word, incomparably domineering.

This is not a consultation, but an order.

Golden mouth and jade words.

The people were all a little surprised.

Ye Qing did not marry a woman from an aristocratic family to become a queen, nor did he seek out Wu Xun.

Instead, a woman from Qishan Pavilion should be established as the queen.

Dazhou is about to produce another old lady Dong.

Aren't you going to suppress the Jianghu martial arts and create a Dayan Wusi?

What is the reason for taking Xiaofan as the queen now?

Also make Qishan Pavilion bigger.

What does it mean.

"Your Majesty! Before the big wedding, are you recruiting beautiful women into the palace to enrich the palace!"

Suddenly an official from an aristocratic family came out and asked.

Now beside Ye Qing, there are only four women.

Maids Huanhuan, Wu Lingling, Bu Xiaofan, and Beishi Princess Zhao Feiyan, who was not released back as a prisoner.

There are only a handful of women around the majestic emperor.

It is against the way of the emperor.

This question is quite acute.

It is also worth looking forward to.

But Ye Qing raised his eyebrows slightly.

Long Yan was a little displeased.

I saw him say angrily: "No, my treasury is not rich, wars happen all the year round, people's lives are not easy, don't waste people and money, from now on, be frugal, save what you can!"

After speaking, Ye Qing motioned for the army to set off and head towards the west gate of Chang'an.

The officials looked at each other in blank dismay.


What kind of madness is this.

When the emperor, who is not the queen official, there are countless beauties.

You have a record, and you are lucky enough to have one person. This Wu Linglong is still from a singing club, so she will definitely not be able to make it to the stage.

"Your Majesty, why did you reject them? For the sake of the royal family's inheritance, Your Majesty should take some concubines." Bu Xiaofan persuaded:

"Your Majesty, even for the stability of the land, you should choose a few dignified and virtuous women from Wu Xun and his family.

Choose princesses from various countries to marry, so that my Dazhou can be stable. "

Hearing this, Ye Qing stared at Bu Xiaofan for a long time, shook his head slightly and said, "Xiaofan, you must know that I married you not because I admire your looks, but more because I have feelings for you. I am willing to share the bed with a woman who has nothing to do with me, and I will not give up my principle because of the so-called interests behind it.

If anyone in the country dares to mess around, I will kill him and destroy his family.

If countries become enemies with our Dazhou because they have no marriage, then our Dazhou will destroy their countries until they are no longer qualified to raise chips. "

"Your Majesty, you... have a true temperament, if all the emperors in the world are like you, how lucky they would be!" Bu Xiaofan leaned against her, feeling that she was the happiest and luckiest woman in the world.

Ye Qing gently patted Bu Xiaofan's shoulders.

The next day!

Hundreds of officials go to court!
Ye Qingduan sat on the table and glanced at the officials.

"My lords! I am not in Chang'an these days, so there are important events in the country to report!"

Although there is a cabinet that handles state affairs, there are still many things that need to be expressed in front of Ye Qing.

The general of the Ministry of National Defense Bai Qi stood up and said: "Your Majesty! The minister has a statement!"

"Quick play!" Ye Qing raised his hand, motioning for him to continue.

All the officials also watched over.

I want to hear what the Ministry of Defense has to report.

Separated from the Ministry of War to form an officer system corresponding to civilian officials, this is the first time and the only top general of the Ministry of National Defense to come forward.

I don't know what this general Bai Qi, who was killed halfway, can say.

Bai Qi said: "Your Majesty, under the Ministry of National Defense, the formation of each army group in each theater has been completed or is in the process of formation.

Among them, the Suzaku Army has 5 people in place, the Yaoguang (Pojun) Army has 5 people in place, the Qinglong Army has 5 people in place, the White Tiger Army is still short of [-] and needs to be supplemented, and the Xuanwu Army is still short of [-]. Fourteen thousand needs to be replenished, and the Tanlang army has twenty-six thousand and needs to be replenished. "

Of the six group armies, three have been formed, and the other three are short of manpower.

Among them, the Greedy Wolf Group Army lacked the most.

This army is led by Luo Cheng, and its subordinates are composed of Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry and other soldiers.

The total number of six army groups has reached 24 soldiers and horses.

In addition to the 1000 people of the sixteen guards.

The total standing army reached more than 32 people.

It is more than double that of Ye Zhenyi.

The officials below couldn't help discussing in whispers.

"If all the six armies are fully staffed, I will have nearly 38 troops in Dazhou, and with the navy, it will be nearly 40!"

"Si! With so many soldiers and horses, where does the military expenditure come from? There is no place to increase taxes this year!"

"That's right! Hanzhong has been exempted from taxes for a year, and the states and counties in Dazhou have almost no taxes to collect. By the end of the year, the treasury will be empty. If there is a war, it will not be able to support any war!"

A group of hundreds of officials began to worry about their gray hair.

When Ye Zhen was here, the country owed money and food to the aristocratic family and major merchants. The debt has not been paid off yet, and now it has nearly doubled its military strength. Da Zhou will not be able to bear it!

(End of this chapter)

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