I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 570? Zhang Juzheng's move

Chapter 570 Zhang Juzheng Makes a Move

Ye Qing glanced at Cao Zhengchun.

Cao Zhengchun understood, and raised his voice to all the officials, "Be quiet!"

All officials are silent!

Ye Qing said: "The general continues."

"It's Your Majesty!" Bai Qi said again to Shen Nuo:
"Your Majesty, although my Great Zhou has an army of more than 30, the Tanlang Group Army is stationed in Xihe, the Xuanwu Group Army is stationed in Beidi, and Gaonu City, which is a little bit restricted. The East River is empty, and there is still a lack of a strong army to garrison!"


Nearly 40 is not enough.

How much more do you want in Bai Qi, just in the east of the river, do you want to add an army before you give up?
Ye Qing didn't speak. At this time, Bai Qiyu was not surprised, and he said: "At the same time, Chang'an is the place where the capital is garrisoned. The sixteen guards in the district are too few. At least twenty guards can defend the capital and protect your majesty." !"

The officials are about to turn the table.

There is also an increase in the guards in the capital.

Add the least four guards, that is 2 horses.

Adding a group army stationed in Hedong will cost [-].

The empire will add another [-] troops.

Most of the soldiers will be drawn out.

One year's food, grass and military expenditures will be poor for a long time.

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask Bai Qi to be punished. Although Bai Qi has made great contributions to the war and the country, he doesn't know that the country's government is difficult, let alone that the country is weak and the people are poor. Trapped His Majesty in injustice!"

The head of the urged family stood up and objected.

The household department and the official department are all in the hands of the Cui family.

The Ministry of National Defense will increase its troops, and it is bound to pay for it from the Ministry of Household Affairs.

This made the family officials in charge of the money bag naturally unhappy.

So they all came out to join in.

The same is true for the bureaucracy. The Ministry of National Defense took the money, and their bureaucrats got less.

At that time, all the political achievements will be covered by the Ministry of National Defense.

When the review was made at the end of the year, there must have been complaints, all of which were useless.

"Who else objected to the general's proposal!" Ye Qing asked in a deep voice.

Baiguan, you look at me, and I look at you.

He couldn't see Ye Qing's joy and happiness, and people who had nothing to do with him dared not speak indiscriminately.

The one sitting on the dragon chair was not Ye Zhen from before.

This is Ye Qing, who is not so easy to control.

"Since there is no one, then Cui Aiqing and others have objections to this!" Ye Qing's expression turned cold and he said, "I think there is some truth in what the General said.

The national defense of Da Zhou was still a little weak, which led to the oppression of neighboring countries and the plundering of barbarians.

Without a strong army, how can a country be strong, and the frontiers cannot be protected, so there is no way to develop. "

When the head of the Cui family heard this, he felt terrible.

Sure enough, the next moment, Ye Qing said: "From now on, Cui Aiqing will be removed from her position, and Cui Aiqing will be allowed to retire and return to her hometown. At the same time, she will be demoted as Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture to Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Zhang Juzheng will be the Minister of the Ministry of Households!"

Good guy, you directly took away the official position of the head of the Cui family, and tactfully asked him to go back to his hometown to retire.

Ye Qing is going to attack the family.

As soon as the external problems were resolved, the knife began to be used internally.

As the number one family in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Cui family has countless disciples and old officials.

In the court, the tree has big roots and deep roots.

Ye Qing came up and chopped down the big tree.

It's really ruthless and fast enough, aren't you afraid of making trouble?
In addition, even the Minister of the Ministry of Finance of the Cui family's faction was also wiped out.

Obviously wanting to take back Da Zhou's pocketbook.

With the barrel of the gun, I am taking the money bag.

Chaoju Tuotuo was in his hands.

"Who is this house?"

Someone asked.

Never heard of such a person.

There is no such person in Yuan Xiaoyao.

This is another unknown person who jumped out of nowhere.

Those with only eyesight noticed that a middle-aged man in civilian clothes was slowly approaching from the back of the hall near the door.

The man was in his 40s, with an upright face and a dignified manner, with a breeze in his sleeves, and his steps were steady and neither hurried nor slow.

It's the same the first time.

When he arrived at the front, he bowed to Ye Qing: "Thank you, Your Majesty, I have received the decree!"

"Your Majesty, Zhang Juzheng is a grassroots man with no virtue and no merits. How can he be the Secretary of the Household Department? I think it is inappropriate!" Yang Biao stood up and said.

The family is of the same line, blending with each other.

One honor and one honor.

One loss and one loss!
The head of the Cui family was dismissed, and the Minister of the Household Department was lost.

After that, the life of the Yang family will not be easy.

So Yang Biao was the first to stand up and express his support.

If they don't fight now, they will be dealt with one by one by Ye Qing in the future, and the family will not have the right to speak in the court.

Ye Qing stared at Yang Biao with frost on his face.

Yang Biao felt a little fearful from being stared at, but he still lowered his head and resolutely participated in the performance, without retreating.

"Zhang Aiqing! Someone doubts your talent, what do you think?" Ye Qing asked Zhang Juzheng.

Zhang Juzheng replied: "Your Majesty, I feel that the household department is the most suitable for me, and I am fully competent, and within half a year, I will reverse the household department that has been in deficit, making it the real money bag of my great Zhou!"

So arrogant!
For half a year, I wanted to turn the account department, which had been losing money, into profit.

I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet.

Ye Qing asked: "You are the Minister of the Household Department now, what are you going to do?"

"Your Majesty, first of all, the Ministry of Accounting needs internal reforms! Examinations are established, and the Encyclopedia Inspectorate is established. The Encyclopedia Inspectorate is drawn from various ministries, or directly recruited by the examination. The Encyclopedia Inspectorate internally monitors all officials of the Accounting Department. Report to the cabinet and participate in the power of His Majesty.

So that officials at all levels of the Ministry of Households dare not slack off, no matter if there is concealment, they dare not dereliction of duty and accept bribes. "

"If the Encyclopedia Inspectorate is feasible in the Ministry of Households, it can be extended to all ministries to supervise and inspect all officials and improve the administrative efficiency of officials at all levels!"

After hearing this, the officials were completely blown away.

So cruel!

It’s not enough to come up with a test method at the beginning, but we need to set up an encyclopedia inspectorate, not only to inspect the household department, but also other departments will gradually implement it.

With this change, each ministry will use the pattern of the king's internal self-examination.

In the past, when officials of various ministries committed crimes, they usually solved them by themselves, and the power was in the hands of the minister or the ministers.

Now the Encyclopedia Inspectorate wants to divide the power in the hands of Shangshu and Shilang.

Even Shang Shu and Shi Lang were inspected.

Not only is the power deprived of part of it, but it is also restricted.

Always have eyes behind you.

Using outsiders to stare at them, how to use private power.

The emperor has another knife.

All the officials were bloodied.

This Zhang Juzheng is really a ruthless person.

With a single stroke, the ills of the Celestial Dynasty for thousands of years were eliminated with a knife.

"Hahaha, good! Zhang Aiqing's words are reasonable and very much in line with my wishes. This law is very beneficial to the country. I allow you to implement the test method and the Encyclopedia Inspectorate in the Ministry of Households." Ye Qing said with a final word:

"If the implementation of the policy has good results, the examination method will be implemented nationwide in the future, and the Encyclopedia Inspectorate will also be assigned separately to form an inspection department!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Zhang Juzheng thanked him and said again: "Your Majesty! I still have another way!"

and also!

The head of a hundred officials is big.

Yang Biao and the others also had some fear in their eyes.

This Zhang Juzheng still has things to do.

Examination into the Law and Hundred Courses Inspectorate, the experience has caused everyone to suffer a lot.

What the hell is going on.

Ye Qing said: "Zhang Aiqing, please tell me!"

(End of this chapter)

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