I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 571 Zhang Juzheng Please Stop Talking

Chapter 571 Zhang Juzheng Please Stop Talking
Zhang Juzheng said: "Your Majesty, I think the current two-tax law is inappropriate. The collection of the two-tax law is cumbersome, and it is extremely unfavorable to the state's investigation.

When changed into a whip method! "

Zhang Juzheng made a move on the way of tax collection.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "What is a whip method, Ai Qing will explain it in detail!"

So Zhang Juzheng explained a whip method in detail, and finally added: "After referring to Your Majesty's new law, I feel that the two need to add a few more to make it perfect."

"One is to limit the number of acres of large households to no more than [-] acres, and those exceeding [-] acres will implement a stepped tax system."

"Secondly, the total amount of taxes and services collected should be limited according to the gap between the rich and the poor in each region and the total number of people.

In principle, rich people in rich land collect more, and poor people in poor land collect less! "

"That's right, Aiqing's words are justified!" Ye Qing smiled and waved his big hand: "From now on, the whole country will implement a whip method, and your household department will take the lead to do this method well."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhang Juzheng was overjoyed, the Son of Heaven is the true Mingjun.

These policies that are beneficial to the country were agreed without even thinking about them.

His eyes are like torches.

Zhang Juzheng's great ambition is being realized.

All the officials of the aristocratic family complained endlessly.

Zhang Juzheng, a bastard, single-handedly studied the law and the Encyclopedia Inspectorate, blowing their control of the central government over the Shangguan bureaucracy.

A whip attack impacted their family's local rights and disintegrated the previous power of the local family.

Yang Biao and others wished they could pull out Zhang Juzheng's skin and drink his blood.

"Does Zhang Aiqing have any other strategies to benefit the country!" Ye Qing asked again.


God!Let us go!

Do not use it!

Zhang Juzheng, you're fucking saying, I'm at odds with you.

The officials prayed secretly.

This person surnamed Zhang, don't worry about it.

That's enough.

Really enough!

Let's be soft, can't we?
But Zhang Juzheng ignored everyone's eyes.

He also said: "Your Majesty, there is one more thing, that is, the abolition of slavery. It is forbidden to keep the people of our Great Zhou as slaves, no matter in our territory or other countries and regions, it is not allowed to raise the people of our Great Zhou as slaves.

There are people in the country who keep Zhou slaves, the lighter ones will be fined and confiscated, and the serious ones will be sent to Xing.

Those who raise Zhou slaves abroad are my enemies! "

This one, Baiguan completely ignited.

One after another came out and said: "Your Majesty, Zhang Juzheng's method is feasible this time, but it is an act of making enemies externally and disrupting the country internally. Don't let him do whatever he wants!"

Hula, kneel down a large piece.

The abolition of slavery is a matter that concerns everyone in the palace.

Who doesn't have slaves.

The family of the great aristocratic family does not know how many generations.

With slaves abolished, how can each family consolidate its special status and satisfy its own selfish desires.

What's more, foreign countries are banned.

Do you want to make war on the nations?

This time the resistance was too great.

Even the generals, many people came out to oppose it.

Ye Qing glanced over, not annoyed.

What is the purpose of making meritorious deeds, but I just want to live a good life and have the special status of being a master.

Ye Qing said in a deep voice: "The abolition of slavery has an excellent starting point.

It can increase the number of free people in Dazhou, which is conducive to the increase of taxes and fills the deficit of the household department.

However, this matter is too important, and it will be put on hold for consideration by the cabinet in the future! "

Hearing this, Baiguan breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, he did not fully agree with Zhang Juzheng's words.

The emperor was not fatuous enough to be an enemy of the eastern countries.

But then Ye Qing said again: "Abolishing slaves is not feasible for the time being, but slaves can be restricted. According to the current rules, the number of domesticated slaves will be cut in half according to their status.

Among them, the new ownership of Hanzhong County is quite special. In order to be lenient to the land and its people, Hanzhong implements the law of abolishing slaves. No matter it is aristocratic family, officials or merchants, slaves are not allowed to domesticate slaves. The details are left to Zhang Aiqing to finalize! "


Hundred officials want to curse!
It is agreed not to abolish slavery!

You are conducting experiments again, and at the same time restricting slavery.

Only then did everyone want to understand what Ye Qing said just now.

Put it aside for consideration by the cabinet in the future!
It means that you can continue to restart this topic in the future.

And it is not for the officials to discuss, but for the cabinet to deliberate.

Once the cabinet has said it, it can be implemented.

The cabinet members are all decided by your emperor alone.


In an instant, Baiguan felt like his guts were bursting.

Zhang Juzheng was still a little bit lost at first, but he didn't expect that the emperor would play such a side ball.

So far, no one dared to question Zhang Juzheng.

For fear of avoiding it.

Next, the court will continue, and all departments will perform.

The Ministry of Agriculture has listed high yields of potatoes.

The Ministry of Water Resources submitted two artificial canals to be started simultaneously in Guanzhong and Hedong.

In order to build a better Guanzhong granary.

Luban's Ministry of Industry continued to build roads, connecting the counties and counties of Dazhou with concrete roads.

Li Chun wanted to build longer and wider bridges, and asked the Ministry of Education to give more places to students to study subjects such as civil engineering.

The Ministry of Commerce hopes to increase exports to the Kanto countries in order to seek more violence, attract money from other countries, buy food from other countries, and supplement the country.

The idea of ​​the Ministry of Commerce is to replace the position of the Ministry of Households in Dazhou.

It has become another independent and most important department after the Ministry of National Defense.

After a busy half day.

The meeting is over.

Ye Qing basically finished handling the important matters of each department.

Down to the rear!
Ye Qing went to Xiyuan!

Zhao Feiyan is locked up here.

The princess of Beishi Kingdom has been by Ye Qing's side ever since she was captured.

Although I didn't bring it with me often, I was kept in custody all the time and never put it back.

This is even more true when you enter Chang'an.

For everything that happened in the big week.

From the initial curiosity and shock, he is now numb.

"Ye Qing, why are you here?"

Seeing Ye Qing coming, Zhao Feiyan was very surprised.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "This is my palace, I can't come!

Zhao Feiyan said: "Yes, this is your palace, Dazhou is yours now, you can go anywhere you want, tell me what you are doing here, do you want to see if I am dead?"

"No, I want to see if you want to go back to China!" Ye Qing looked at Zhang Feiyan's place and said with a smile:

"It looks like you live very comfortably, you probably don't want to go back!"

Zhang Feiyan was overjoyed when she heard the words: "You want to let me go back?"

"When will you let me go back?"

Although Da Zhou is nice, it is not her home.

Now she has no intention of competing with Ye Qing.

Because, she was crushed mercilessly.

Not to mention him, even Beishi Kingdom is now crushed by Da Zhou.

"Who said I'm going to let you go back, I'm afraid you're thinking too much!" Ye Qing emphasized:

"I'm saying it again, from the moment you are captured, you will never leave me, and be my obedient girl warming the bed."

"You... have become the emperor, why are you still so shameless and petty." Zhao Feiyan said:
"When your Great Zhou was in trouble, all the countries in the east showed their vicious looks. I, Beishi Yi, did business with your Great Zhou as before. We won a win-win situation and didn't disturb you. Why did you let me go back? You don't lack woman!"

Ye Qing stared at Zhao Feiyan suddenly, stared at him for a long time, stared at her hairy and said:
"Wrong, I am short of women!"

(End of this chapter)

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