Chapter 573

After their wedding, they dated Bu Xiaofan for more than ten days.

Next, envoys from various countries asked to see him one after another.

And brought the sincerity of all countries, hoping to marry with Dazhou.

But Ye Qing politely declined.

For a while, some monks in all countries were puzzled.

Such a good thing, why did Ye Qing refuse.

When it was the turn of the envoys from Beishi Kingdom, Ye Qing said: "You Beishi also want to marry me in Dazhou. This is the first time between the two countries. I have to be cautious."

"Your Majesty! Now the mining and salt industries of the two countries are cooperating smoothly. Our Beishi Kingdom and Dazhou have close economic exchanges, and private marriages have also increased. The two countries should establish a close relationship! This is beneficial to both countries, please Your Majesty Don't delay." Beishi's envoy was extremely worried.

Recently, Wei, South Korea, Donghai, Bohai and other eastern countries sent people to remarry with Da Zhou, but Ye Qing refused.

He didn't know if Beishi Kingdom could be achieved.

Among the nations, Beishi is undoubtedly the weakest.

The country is weak and the people are poor.

I don't have any confidence in my heart.

Ye Qingdao: "I think that if they are true allies, they don't need to rely on the traditional relationship of marriage to consolidate mutual trust and cooperation.

Compared with Chuyue Kingdom, the first emperor and empress were the eldest princess of Chuyue Kingdom. What happened? Chuyue Kingdom said they would attack my Great Zhou Dynasty, so they attacked my Great Zhou Dynasty.

What do you mean by this marriage! "

"This...foreign minister, you are stupid, please tell your Majesty clearly!" Beishi's envoy did not expect Ye Qing to use Chuyue Kingdom as a negative example, so he was speechless for a while.

Can't really find a rebuttal.

The Chuyue Kingdom Guanzhong incident had a great impact on all countries.

Dazhou and Chuyue Kingdom did not tear their faces apart, nor did they have any signs, they sent troops as soon as they said they would send troops.

Now the trust between countries is also plummeting.

With a bad start, an example will be set. Whether other countries will follow suit is anyone's guess.

"I think that if the two countries really want to avoid wars and seize each other's land, they should be closer and closer. Marriage is the most unreliable relationship." Ye Qing said: "Don't be Beishi country. If you feel that Dazhou can be trusted, then open up all commerce and trade. The two countries should not set up checkpoints, open and tolerate each other, and allow the people of the two countries to move in and out freely, and the princes of the two countries should go to each other. Study and live in the capital of the country.”

This is this...

The envoys of Beishi Kingdom were dumbfounded.

Opening up in an all-round way, regardless of whether it is business or national borders, everything is accommodated together.

The quasi-people come and go freely.

That's okay, not all the people from Beishi came to Dazhou.

Big Zhou Fu, then the attraction will be strong.

Also let the prince go to the other country's capital.

The problem is, you, Ye Qing, don't even have a son and a half daughter, so where did you find the prince.

I know there is a prince in Beishi.

Doesn't this become one-sided?

This is hostage-taking in disguise.

"Of course, in order to show sincerity, one of the agreements reached between the two countries, Da Zhou will release all Beishi soldiers captured in Hedong." Ye Qing emphasized:

"Of course, if these soldiers don't want to go back to Beishi, they can stay in Dazhou. Dazhou is Beishi, and Beishi is Dazhou."

Release the captives!

This is what Beishi has been working hard on.

It can be said that Da Zhou didn't talk a little bit before, and he didn't mean to let go.

This happiness pie is too big.

"Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance, can you allow me to report to Jinyang!" The envoys of Beishi Kingdom knew that this matter was too great.

Far beyond his decision-making scope.

Ye Qing had no choice but to let him back down.

Returning to the embassy, ​​soon the envoys from other countries were waiting in the embassy of Beishi country.

I want to know if Ye Qing has agreed to Beishi Country's marriage request.

Beishi people are naturally straightforward.

He didn't hide anything, and told Ye Qing's request.

He is not stupid, he knows that Ye Qing dares to say that such a request is definitely not only for Beishi.

I just want Beishi to be the first to agree.

After all, other countries will definitely not agree to such a request.

After listening, the envoys of Wei, Han and other countries were dumbfounded.

What does Da Zhou think of them.

I really made myself invincible.

After eliminating the 100 million troops of Chuyue Kingdom, they began to despise all countries in the world.

Sending the prince as a proton is thanks to you, Da Zhou, who figured it out.

It is also necessary to open up business and national borders, no longer set up cards, and allow the public to come and go freely.

That is no different from having no country.

"May I ask, does your country agree?" the South Korean envoy asked.

The envoy of Beishi Kingdom replied: "Not yet, this matter is too serious and needs to be reported back to His Majesty, but..."

"But how?" Wei Guo envoy asked anxiously.

The envoy of Beishi Kingdom smiled and said: "I, Beishi Kingdom, should agree to some of the content, and Her Royal Highness the Third Princess will definitely become one of the concubines of the Great Zhou Emperor!"

Zhao Feiyan entered the palace a long time ago, what is missing now is a title.

So the envoy of Beishi Kingdom said confidently.

After speaking, he walked into the embassy of his country.

A burst of jealousy filled the crowd.

Beishi Country is really stupid and rich.

"Actually, the conditions of the Great Zhou Emperor are not unacceptable." The envoy of Donghai Kingdom thought for a while and said:
"I, the East China Sea, have never thought of being an enemy of the Great Zhou, let alone going to war with the Great Zhou. I sincerely make friends with the Great Zhou and are willing to advance and retreat with the Great Zhou. The people of the East China Sea should agree to this plan, but our country Your Highness, the princess, will definitely become one of the concubines of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

The East China Sea Kingdom does not border on the Great Zhou at all.

Either the Chuyue Kingdom is separated, or South Korea is separated.

Open customs and trade, harmless.

Even if the prince is taken as a hostage to study in Dazhou, it is still a kind of exercise.

Da Zhou's weapons are what they desperately need.

One but maybe Dazhou's advanced weapon manufacturing technology.

It can be as powerful as the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it will rise in the east from then on.

Hearing this, the South Korean envoy's expression changed.

My heart skipped a beat.

The alliance between Da Zhou and the East China Sea State can not only deal with Chu Yue State, but also deal with South Korea caught in the middle.

It is also a strategic threat to South Korea.

And if you think about it carefully, it is more than [-]% likely that Donghai State and Dazhou will reach an agreement.

The envoy of the Bohai Kingdom on the side was also a little ready to move when he heard the words.

The envoy of the State of Wei also glanced at the envoy of the Bohai State, seeing that the other party looked at him as well.

The eyes of the two were fighting in the air, and they could detect hostility from each other.

The state of Wei is also sandwiched between the Bohai state.

The key is if the three countries of Dazhou, Bohai, and Beishi reach a strategic alliance.

He Wei Guo will be surrounded in the middle.

That discomfort is stronger than that of South Korea.

Today, Da Zhou is indeed no longer the original Da Zhou.

Soldiers and horses don't have to go east to Hangu Pass, and the scriptures have restricted them.

The past is quietly changing the relationship between the countries in the Kanto region.

Wei Guo and South Korea couldn't help thinking about this.

Not marrying Yijing reveals a basic attitude of Dazhou to the outside world.

Maybe Da Zhou is going to really start to expand outwards. After throwing off the burden of the Zhang family and defeating Chuyue Kingdom, Da Zhou has more choices and more confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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