Chapter 574: Conditions of the Blood Shadow Pavilion of the Dragon Guard of Chuyue Kingdom

Of course, as soon as Dazhou's conditions came out, there was an uproar all over the Kanto region.

This condition is really too one-sided.

It's almost domineering, with a hint of domineering.

Even the Chuyue Kingdom is full of discussions.

It is undoubtedly a good thing for Chuyue Kingdom who is hurting.

Xiong Wan asked: "My lords, what do you think of Ye Qing's remarks!"

"Your Majesty, this is Da Zhou's way of taking death. I dare to say that if Da Zhou insists on doing this, Han and Wei will no longer be his allies soon, and they will become farther and farther apart. As the conflict deepens, war will break out sooner or later."

"Your Majesty, we should take this opportunity to strengthen our relationship with the two countries, send more envoys, and further marry the two countries, so as to determine the situation of the Three Kingdoms Alliance against Zhou."

"Your Majesty, we should not only fight against Zhou with the Three Kingdoms, but we should also form an alliance against the East China Sea Kingdom. I believe that if we want to restrain the Great Zhou, we must first destroy the East China Sea Kingdom and eliminate this old enemy that hinders me in the northeast!"

In the court hall of Chuyue Kingdom, a group of ministers offered their advice and discussed how to deal with Da Zhou and Donghai Kingdom.

Xiong Wan sitting on it was extremely relieved.

This is the Chuyue Kingdom, with a stable structure of three families and five families, which can keep the Chuyue Kingdom from chaos.

It can gather strength and do one thing with heart.

"Since the ministers think that the East China Sea should be dealt with first, then we should concentrate our efforts and use three years to eliminate the East China Sea, so as to solve the troubles in the northeast of Chuyue Kingdom!" Xiong Wan waved his hand and said:

"Zhao Hong, if you go to South Korea, you must obtain the support of South Korea. To destroy the Donghai Kingdom, South Korea's assistance is indispensable. You tell Hanhuang that as long as the Donghai Kingdom is resolved, it will allow it to take an extra county."

"It's Your Majesty!" Although Zhao Hong was a diplomatic envoy, he also supported the move of the empire.

Millions of veterans of the Chuyue Kingdom died in battle, and they wanted to quickly condense the recruits into a fighting state.

Going to war is a good way.

Donghai State is a good place for military training.

When there are another million veterans, they can deal with Da Zhou again.

The incident in Nanyang County gave Chuyue a wake-up call from Yijing.

Da Zhou is not only good at defense.

At any time, you can go east out of Wuguan and enter Nanyang.

Nanyang's comfort is directly related to the safety of Nanjun.

Jiangling, the capital of the country, is in Nanjun.

It can be said that one Wuguan involves the issue of Jiangling.

National capital defense is the most direct military proposition in this era.


After coming down to court, Xiong Wan met the leader of Chuyue State's intelligence forces in the imperial study.

Yinlongwei is a secret organization of Chuyue Kingdom, responsible for collecting intelligence for the empire!

"Yin San, what do you want to report!"

Wearing a black mask, Yin said three times: "Your Majesty, we have just obtained an important piece of information that Ye Qing, the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, has suddenly raised his strength to the seventh rank, and after our research, there has been a pill in his hand that improves the strength of warriors." medicine!"

Seven products!

Xiong Wanshang seemed to have a flash of light.

There are not many emperors of the seventh rank throughout the ages.

Little Ye Qing reached the peak of others at the age of 16.

It was appalling.

"Where did the news come from? Is it reliable?" Xiong Wan asked.

Yin replied three times: "The news from the Blood Shadow Pavilion is credible, and I believe that other countries will receive this news soon!"

Xiong Wan thought for a long time, and tapped his fingers on the dragon table for a while.

Rank [-], growing too fast.

"Do you Yinlongwei have a plan?" Xiong Wan asked, staring at Yin San.

Yin San said: "Using the hands of the Blood Shadow Pavilion to kill Ye Qing, the reason why Da Zhou is so strong is Ye Qing alone. This son died, and Da Zhou collapsed. Now Da Zhou's internal affairs reform is thriving. If it is successful, Within two years, the countries of the East will be in danger.

I, Chuyue Kingdom, bear the brunt. "

Dazhou built six group armies, and added 40 guards, and when they were all completed, they would be [-] soldiers.

Coupled with Da Zhou's powerful armaments, once the whole army goes east, no country can stop it, even the Chuyue Kingdom can easily defeat Da Zhou.

As intelligence personnel, they have more direct judgments and feelings than the officials in the palm of their hands.

Today's Great Zhou is not strong in one aspect, nor is it strong in one point.

Instead, it is improving in an all-round way.

From military to politics, from economics to agriculture.

From ordnance to transportation, from property to construction.

It's frighteningly fast.

"Can it be killed?" Xiong Wan asked again.

Is the emperor of a country so easy to kill?

Moreover, he is still an emperor with the strength of the seventh rank.

If you don't send eight-rank and high-level killers, can you succeed?
Yinlong said: "Your Majesty, we also found out that Dazhou used the Qishan Pavilion to create a teleportation circle that can move quickly. Chang'an attacked Hanzhong and destroyed the Zhang family. This formation was activated, and only then did the Zhang family break through. Han Zai's defense disintegrated the military spirit of Han Zhong.

Ye Qing was born restless, and he would definitely use this formation to go to Hanzhong or other places in the future, but the Blood Shadow Pavilion should send people to lurk in Dazhou and reach out to sneak into the teleportation formation. "

Needless to say too much about the rest, you can guess something.

It's hard to kill, but it's easy to do damage to the teleportation array.

As long as you just sit back and wait, when Ye Qing uses the teleportation array, it's even better to let him die with the teleportation array.

"So, this time, the Blood Shadow Pavilion is going to move, the strongest killer." Xiong Wan thought for a while and said, "What price do they want!"

Although he doesn't like the Blood Shadow Pavilion either.

After all, this is the institution that all empires hate.

But sometimes you have to get involved with it.

Yinsan said cautiously: "Information about Wu County and the Twelve Wu Kingdoms of the Western Man!"

Endless murders shot out from Xiong Yuan's eyes.

Wu County is the westernmost city in the southern county of Chuyue Kingdom, and it is also the city closest to Ximan.

Chuyue Kingdom has always had the idea of ​​expanding westward.

It's just that Ximan is too mysterious, and the Dawu Mountain where the Twelve Wu Kingdoms are located is huge and steep.

It is not easy to cross over.

Therefore, it is clear that the Chuyue Kingdom is close, but it is unable to develop westward.

But Chu Yueguo never stopped thinking about it.

Quietly collecting information on the Western Man, and has been researching the Twelve Witch Kingdoms.

For this reason, Chuyue State also encouraged people to intermarry with Western barbarians.

This Wu County is the product of this.

The Blood Shadow Pavilion is also trying to get Ximan, no doubt trying to grab the meat in the Chuyue Kingdom's bowl.

"Tell Blood Shadow Pavilion that the information can be given to them, and Yinlongwei can cooperate with Blood Shadow Pavilion, but Wu County can't provide it, so they can be allowed to go there." Xiong Wan thought for a long time and finally gave his own conditions.

Yin San said: "Your Majesty, I know that the interests of the empire will never be violated!"

Xiong Wan waved his hand to indicate that Yin San could go down.

After the people left, Xiong Wan stood up.

Turning to the back of the screen, he stared at the map of Chuyue Kingdom.

The Chuyue Kingdom was the largest empire among the Eastern nations.

There are also the most barbarians around.

It is not easy to expand to the north.

To the east is also the sea, which is also the bottleneck.

Xiangnan also took the land of Dongyue and Zhongyue.

The only one who can continue to attack is Xiyue, but the distance is far away, which is not conducive to conquest.

And to the west is Dawu Mountain.

Ximan near the capital is the closest, like a salted fish resting on the back of your head, but you can't eat it, don't feel so uncomfortable.

So seeing the map of Ximan's sphere of influence is particularly dazzling.

"Ximan, I, Chuyue Kingdom, will definitely reveal your secret technique. The time for your destruction is not far away. The so-called strong are just a group of dead..."

(End of this chapter)

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