I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 575 The Sub-helm of the Blood Shadow Pavilion

Chapter 575 The Sub-helm of the Blood Shadow Pavilion


Li Ru and Liu Buren stood in Ye Qing's imperial study!

"Before the autumn, there will be no major wars in my big week! Now that the domestic government affairs are also reforming, there will definitely be some ghosts and monsters who will jump out. You are all watching, but anyone who wants to stir up trouble will be investigated and dealt with. !” Ye Qing explained to the two.

Li Ru and Liu Buren bowed and replied, "It's Your Majesty!"

"How's the overseas information going?" Ye Qing asked again, focusing mainly on Liu Buren.

Liu Buren replied: "Your Majesty, the foreign lines have also been handed over to Jinyiwei. According to your instructions, capital investment has been increased, and the commander has also sent additional personnel.

I believe that it won't be long before there will be a steady stream of intelligence gathered from all over the Kanto region. "

"That's right! Your Majesty, our intelligence officers have found out that the royal family of the Chuyue Kingdom has always invested a large amount of money and personnel in the Twelve Wu Kingdoms of the Western Man, and even built the intermarriage city Wu County on the border.

Chuyue Kingdom has been studying the Western Man, probably wanting to unlock the secrets of the Western Man Dawu Mountain, to expand westward, and finally to seize the land of Bashu! "Liu Buren suddenly thought of something, so he reported the matter.

"The traitors of Chuyue Kingdom don't want to. They have been hacking the secrets of Ximan, and even want to get their hands on Bashu." Hearing this news, Ye Qing sneered:
"It's a pity that they are a bit late, don't think about Bashu, but Ximan is worthy of vigilance.

Whoever wins the Twelve Witch Kingdoms of the Western Man and the Chuyue Kingdom will win half of the country. "

Whoever gets here will have another battlefield to attack and hinder the opponent.

Relatively speaking, if Da Zhou gets it, the benefits will be even greater.

You can attack Nanyang and Nanjun at the same time.

It is estimated that at that time, Xiong Wan and the officials of Chuyue Kingdom could not even sleep well.

"Someone stole Chuyue Kingdom's information, I want to know how far Chuyue Kingdom has researched Western Man!" Ye Qing looked at Li Ru:
"Wenyou, you are here to handle it yourself. You can only succeed in this matter, not fail!"

"Promise!" Li Ru took the order.

Liu Buren sighed slightly in his heart.

The emperor still doesn't believe in his ability.

In other words, he didn't have much confidence in the original shadow guard.

In Ye Zhen's reign, Jing Longwei's political achievements were indeed lackluster.

"By the way! There are Baixiao Pavilion and Blood Shadow Pavilion in every country in the East. What progress has been made in the investigation of this aspect!"

Ye Qing believed that not only his Jinyiwei had checked these two institutions.

Da Zhou's shadow guards must have worked hard.

Li Rudao: "Baixiao Pavilion has been quiet recently, and has not made any major moves, but... it seems that it is preparing to dispatch a popular and powerful former king Chuyue Kingdom!"

Li Ruwen did not mention Dongfang Bubai cryptically.

Although Liu Buren joined Jinyiwei.

But its powers are limited.

Can only know a limited number of things.

He is not qualified to know about Dongfang Bubai.

Ye Qing naturally knew who Li Ru was talking about.

Baixiaoge suddenly transferred Dongfang Bubai to Chuyue Kingdom. It seems that Wu Linglong's status on Da Zhou's side has been elevated.

Let Baixiaoge's Dazhou sub-helm be rewarded, so I think that this side has entered a virtuous circle, and I am going to make great efforts to tackle the Chuyue Kingdom.

"Just right, Dongfang Bubai can spy on Chuyue Kingdom for Da Zhou."

Ye Qing pretended not to care and said: "As long as it is a normal transfer, there is no need to pay attention to it. Don't make trouble with Baixiao Pavilion for the time being, and dig out its headquarters as soon as possible!"

Li Ru bowed again.

Liu Buren was confused when he heard Ye Qing, and when he saw Ye Qing looking over, he hurriedly said: "The Blood Shadow Pavilion has made a lot of moves recently, it seems that all the killers on the earth list in my big week have withdrawn, and even the killers on the sky list have been downgraded by more than half. , I guess, they have other purposes.

Just can't find the target. "

"Then you can find out the sub-helm of the Blood Shadow Pavilion in the eastern countries?" Ye Qing didn't expect Liu Buren to be of any use, but just asked as usual.

"Yes! The branch of Blood Shadow Pavilion in my Great Zhou is not in Guanzhong, but in Beidi County in Liangzhou. I don't know where it is!"

"The sub-rudders of Donghai Kingdom are on Yuzhou Island, and the sub-rudders of Beishi Kingdom and Wei Kingdom are in the Taihang Valley."

Liu Buren pointed out three directions at once.

Although it is still impossible to be precise to any specific point, it has finally gained something.

Ye Qing was a little surprised, the shadow guard is still useful.

"Beidi County! Why is it there?" Ye Qing recalled the map of Dazhou in his mind.

Beidi is north of Guanzhong.

Beidi County is more desolate than other counties.

Yellow sand, west wind, rough swordsman, bleak earth city, dilapidated official road.

People who come and go are easily monitored.

The Blood Shadow Pavilion unexpectedly placed the sub-helm there.

Aren't you afraid of clashing with Tumen Town?
The most dangerous place is the safest.

The Blood Shadow Pavilion is really a bold and skilled person.

"Yes, being able to find these shows that you have worked hard recently and have not slackened your own work." Ye Qingdao: "Go down to receive rewards, reward those who discover and report, let everyone continue to work hard, and strive to dig out the blood shadow pavilion. Headquarters."

"It's Your Majesty! I will do my best to carry out this matter!" Liu Buren suddenly felt that the pain on his shoulders was getting heavier and heavier.

The Blood Shadow Pavilion is not easy to check.

If you want to gain achievements in China, you can't do it in a day or two, or a month or two.

Luck is the key.

After Liu Buren left, Ye Qing said to Li Ru:
"Blood Shadow Pavilion is actually easy to investigate. The focus is still on Baixiao Pavilion. Dogs that don't bite are dangerous."

Blood Shadow Pavilion, as long as there is a mission, you can always contact the other party, and if you give enough price, the other party can be attracted.

Baixiao Pavilion is different.

What they want is not as simple as money.


North Stone Country!
Facing Ye Qing's conditions.

There was also a quarrel in the courtroom.

"Your Majesty cannot agree to this matter. The prince is the foundation of a country. How can he take risks, let alone be a hostage!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, this is one-way. This condition is all in favor of Da Zhou. It does not have any real benefits for us. We cannot agree!"

"Your Majesty, once the border is opened, I don't know how many people I, Beishi, will lose, especially those young women."

Seeing this, the supporters also stood up and said:
"It's okay for Your Majesty to agree to Da Zhou. Da Zhou is more civilized than us, and their technology is better than ours. When the prince goes, he can learn as many students as possible. By the way, learn from Da Zhou and learn from their reform experience!"

"Your Majesty, promise, then our [-] soldiers can be released!"

"Your Majesty, there is already a marriage with the people of Dazhou, and the number of people is already quite large. How much more can be increased. Besides, I, a Beishi person, have been stupid twice. I went to Dazhou to earn money and came back. Isn't it feeding me back to Beishi?" country.

This is their root, they will always come back when they go out, who dare not recognize their ancestors! "

There are reasons for opposing, and there are reasons for agreeing.

The emperor of Beishi Kingdom also had a big head at the moment.

"Scatter the court, we will discuss it another day!"

Don't feel upset, just order and disperse.

Returning to the harem, the emperor of Beishi Kingdom directly summoned the prince.

"Huanger, you have heard about Da Zhou's conditions, right? Do you think I, Bei Shi, should agree or refuse?"

The prince, the crown prince of the empire, the future successor.

What opinion does he have on this matter, as the emperor, it is a good time to investigate.

(End of this chapter)

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