Chapter 576

Prince Zhao Yong of Beishi Kingdom thought for a while and replied: "Father, if we don't agree, what will we lose?"

This question is a bit unique!

Zhao Wuji said: "If you don't agree to Da Zhou, then our [-] captured soldiers will not be released, but will stay in the east of Da Zhou, continue to build roads and mine mines! Their relatives will not be able to see these soldiers, and they should How much will there be resentment!"

"At the same time, we will also lose our firm ally relationship with Da Zhou, and the relationship between the two may begin to change and become estranged from then on." Zao Wou-ki added.

Zhao Yong nodded slightly and asked again: "Then Father, do you want to have a decisive battle with the Great Zhou Sheng?"

"Not for the time being, our foundation in Beishi is too weak. In the past, we couldn't beat Da Zhou's partial army. Now Da Zhou has nearly 40 troops, and we can't even beat Da Zhou." Zhao Wuji said with emotion:
"In just one year, since Ye Qing came out of the palace, Great Zhou began to develop rapidly, with more and more money and food, and stronger and stronger armaments. We can't compete with Great Zhou now!"

"Since we won't start a war with our face, and we dare not have a war, and we will lose [-] strong men, which will arouse the deep hatred of the people in the country, why doesn't Father agree to the request of the Great Zhou Emperor!" Zhao Yong said calmly.

Zhao Feiji was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

Looking at Zhao Yong, he was a little surprised.

Is this still my former emperor?

There have been too many changes recently.

Can't help but asked worriedly: "I promised Da Zhou, you will go to Chang'an, are you willing? Are you not afraid that you will not come back?"

"For the sake of the empire, for the sake of Beishi, there is nothing wrong with sacrificing one of your sons and ministers." Zhao Yong said:

"Besides, didn't the father find out? In fact, the emperor of Zhou Dynasty is the most well-behaved person in the world. According to his rules, as long as he doesn't cross the red line, he will not make a killing move. Everything will be done according to the rules he set. I'll do it first."

"Going to Dazhou now, I can learn. I want to learn from Dazhou about the strategy of governing the country, and I can learn the strategy of strengthening the country from this young and heroic emperor. Chang'an has a blank paper. This is what all scholars want. In the future, Chang'an will definitely be a sacred place for scholars and scholars in the world, and if you go first, you can occupy a piece of land first."

After speaking, Zhao Yong bowed his head and bowed down.

Beishi people have always been rude and direct.

The royal family is no exception.

Today's Zhao Yong is so polite, eloquent and eloquent, able to speak such profound words.

It really surprised Zhao Wuji.

Thinking of becoming an excellent emperor, Zhao Wuji was even more reluctant to send him to Chang'an.

"Father is asking you once, you really want to go, as long as you don't want to go, father can send your second younger brother or other younger brothers there!" Zhao Wou-ki emphasized, emphasizing his tone.

Zhao Yong said without a head: "My son is willing!"

Zhao Wou-ki was in a complicated state of mind, finally he let out a long sigh and said, "Alright, then you can go! With your third sister here, your safety will not be a problem."

"Thank you, father, for making it perfect!" Zhao Yong bowed respectfully.

"When you go to Chang'an, remember to restrain your temper, you are fine now, continue to maintain your current attitude, by the way, thank you for me, the counselor who stood behind you and taught you these great ways of life!" Zhao Wuji's eyes shine through With a bright glow, like a [-]-watt searchlight, it wants to penetrate Zhao Yong's body and illuminate the thoughts in his heart clearly.

Zhao Yong's heart trembled slightly, and his lowered eyes kept flickering.


East China Sea country!
"Agreed, agree immediately, as long as Da Zhou gives them weapons, I agree to any conditions, and it's just a proton." After hearing this, the emperor of Donghai Kingdom immediately made a decision.

There is no need to discuss with the ministers at all.


If there is no more, you can stand here.

As long as there are enough sons.

"It must be quick. Recently, the Chuyue Kingdom has begun to send more troops to our place. It must be quick. Let Da Zhou send us more weapons."

"It's Your Majesty, minister, let's do it now!"


Bohai country!
"Promise, I really want Da Zhou's business team to come to Bohai Kingdom. Whoever wants to go to Da Zhou, I will personally see them off and learn Da Zhou's craftsmanship. Then we will make our own crossbows and trebuchets by ourselves." !"

The emperor of Bohai Kingdom also agreed without much consideration.

However, the officials of the prince's line below said: "Your Majesty, however, Da Zhou also said that he wants the prince to go to Chang'an. I'm afraid this is inappropriate and not conducive to the stability of the empire!"

The princes and his family stood up one after another to sing the opposite.

However, other officials of the prince's family came out to sneer: "Why, the eldest son can't pay for the empire, he doesn't want to take risks, and he doesn't want to help the empire win benefits!"

"If the prince is unwilling to go to Chang'an, the fourth prince is willing to go to Chang'an, but please abolish the prince!"

"Your Majesty, please abolish the prince!"

Immediately upon hearing the words, the princes became angry, and there was another debate.

The emperor of Bohai Kingdom slammed the dragon case: "Enough, there is no need to discuss this matter, as long as the prince of Beishi Kingdom or the Taitai of Donghai Kingdom will go to Chang'an, then my prince of Bohai Kingdom will go."

The implication is that if other people's princes don't go, Bohai should follow suit.

There are still two countries in front of us as cannon fodder, so why should the Bohai State be the first to make a statement.

"Your Majesty is wise..."

Wei Kingdom!

"Wait and see the changes, and watch the reactions of Beishi, Bohai, and Donghai!"

South Korea!

"Wait and see the changes, and watch the reactions of Beishi, Bohai, and Donghai!"

"Your Majesty, Chuyue Kingdom Zhaohong has entered the capital and requested to enter the palace..."

The South Korean emperor thought for a while and said, "I called him into the palace to the Jiade Hall. I want to hear what Chuyue Kingdom wants to do?"



Zhang Yi hurried into the palace with a smile on her face.

Go directly to Liangyi Hall.

At this time, Ye Qing was having a meeting with the cabinet.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Zhang, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, asked to see him, saying that he has something good to report." Cao Zhengchun reminded in a low voice.

Still, it was heard by all cabinet members.

Ye Qing put down what he was doing, glanced at the crowd, and said, "Xuan!"

Soon Zhang Yi came in and saluted Ye Qing: "Your Majesty, Beishi Kingdom and Donghai have agreed to send the prince to our Great Zhou Chang'an, and to fully open up trade and border checkpoints."

The cabinet members were all taken aback.

Good guy, they all agreed to such a harsh condition.

What exactly are Beishi and Donghai thinking?

The crown prince enters the dynasty, what kind of celestial dynasty can have such a status.

A group of cabinet members then became extremely proud.

Most of them are from Xiaoyao Mansion.

However, there is also the humerus old Chengchen in the court.

Ye Qing said: "What else?"

He believed that such news was not worthy of Zhang Yi's eagerness to come in and report it.

"Your Majesty, at the same time, the two countries also proposed a marriage union. I hope that Your Majesty will not refuse any more, and the princess of the East China Sea is on her way, and she will go west to Chang'an with the prince of the East China Sea!" Zhang Yi explained.

Still want to get married!

This time, I don't know whether our Emperor, His Majesty, will refuse or agree.

The cabinet members turned their eyes to Ye Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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