I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 577 How long can the East China Sea survive after the war

Chapter 577

"Can you refuse?"

Ye Qing said lightly!
His eyes were on all the cabinets.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then immediately lowered their heads and dealt with their own affairs.

This kind of thing is not easy to express.

Do you want it or not, don't you have a B number?

They are all big men, so if you want it, you can accept it. Multiple women are not a bad thing.

The royal family has no family affairs.

It's okay to join in.

"You say you are Haifeng!" Ye Qing saw that these guys looked like ghosts, so he asked Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi replied: "There are so many halls in Your Majesty's Palace, it's a pity that there are vacancies."

"Okay, that's fine. Marriage is fine, but the princesses of various countries will be sent to Xiyuan to stay for a year or two, and they will treat foreign guests, so don't neglect it!" Ye Qing thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

Send Xiyuan first to develop a sense of cultivation. If you really don’t feel it, then stay there or send it back to your home country!
"By the way, in order to prevent the princes from all over the world from making mistakes on the way, they arranged for large armies and expert escorts, and people should watch over them, especially the Donghai Kingdom." Ye Qing thought for a while, and felt that the Donghai Kingdom's envoy team would not be peaceful.

If you want to cross the territory of South Korea, will the grass in South Korea change?

It's hard to say.

"Ding! Master, Chuyue Kingdom wants to know if Chuyue Kingdom will attack Donghai Kingdom with all its strength, Dazhou will send troops to support it, or will it fund military equipment, money and food, and is willing to spend 5 taels as a reward. Will it be sold?"

"Ding! Master, South Korea would like to know how Chuyue and South Korea will jointly attack the East China Sea. How will Da Zhou react? Will they send troops out of Luoyang to attack South Korea? Are they willing to spend 2 taels of silver as a reward? Will they sell it?"

Chuyue Kingdom wants to attack Donghai Kingdom.

Also pulled South Korea.

The two countries have been engaged for a while.

The East China Sea State is an ally of the Great Zhou in the Kanto region. It is inserted behind South Korea, and a thorn in the east of the Chu Yue State.

Pulling out the East China Sea State is definitely a blow to Great Zhou's strategy to move eastward.

"Can the Chuyue Kingdom unite with South Korea to kill the Donghai Kingdom?" Ye Qing estimated in his heart.

Then he asked everyone:
"If Chuyue Kingdom and South Korea attack Donghai Kingdom with all their strength, how long do you think Donghai Kingdom can last?"

How did it get here.

Chuyue and South Korea fought against Donghai together?
This proposition is a bit ahead of its time!
When Zhang Yi heard this, her heart skipped a beat.

A strange light flashed in his eyes.

Donghai Kingdom sent the prince and princess to Da Zhou, and reached a tacit and firm covenant with Da Zhou.

It is bound to further increase the conflict with Chuyue Kingdom and South Korea.

Everyone else is smart too.

I will understand soon.

Then start to think deeply.

"Come on! Go to the sand table map!"

Ye Qing suddenly stood up and shouted.

Cao Zhengchun immediately asked someone to carry out the sand table and put it in the middle.

This is a large sand table, with the territory of Dazhou, the land of Bashu, Turks, Beishi, and the general situation of the Kanto region.

"Donghai State has Donghai County, Xiapi County, Pengcheng County, Langya County, and Taishan County. The land is close to one state. Although the area is not large, it has a large population. There are two counties near the sea. The terrain is surrounded by hills in the north and plains in the south. It is rich in products , the strength is not weak." Bai Qi stood up, took the command stick, first pointed to the north of Donghai Kingdom and said:
"It is said that the Taishan mountain range is nearly as wide as a state, and its length and width can reach thousands of miles. It is not smaller than the Dawu Mountain in the West Man.

Moreover, the height of Mount Tai is steeper than that of Daba Mountain in the Qinling Mountains. Donghai Kingdom can garrison an army of [-] people in the northwest of Mount Tai to prevent South Korea from advancing eastward. "

"So if South Korea wants to unite with Chuyue Kingdom, it can only attack Pengcheng County in Donghai Kingdom from Beipei County.

Pengcheng is an important place in this county. As long as Pengcheng is guarded, the South Korean army will not be able to kill the hinterland of the East China Sea. "

"Based on the past battles of the East China Sea Kingdom, the South Korean army was unable to break through the defense of the East China Sea Kingdom in this area in a short period of time. After all, Pengcheng has Surabaya as a defense, and South Korea has no navy, so it is difficult to conquer. In my estimation, at least this side can It will take two to three months to make progress."

Everyone nodded.

Bai Qi's analysis was thorough.

Fortunately, he is my Great General of the Great Zhou.

The land of Guanzhong has been studied through the scriptures.

Then Bai Qi pointed his stick at Xiapi and said, "So the focus is still on the direction of Chuyue Kingdom. We are not afraid that Chuyue Kingdom will fight with Donghai Kingdom, but we are afraid that Chuyue Kingdom will gather the strength of the whole country and gather an army of more than 50 to attack.

Everyone, please see that the Chuyue Kingdom attacked the Donghai Kingdom. One: You can attack Huaiyin and Huaipu from the East Road, Guangling County, and break the Huai River. Threatening its capital, Tancheng! "

"Two: You can attack Xiapi City, the capital of Xiapi State, from Nanpei County. You must break through Xiapi City, or you can go straight to Tancheng and threaten its capital."

It was only then that everyone realized that Donghai Kingdom seemed to have a large territory, but once the southern part was lost, the capital would be beaten by gangs. "

The East China Sea Kingdom is not afraid of small battles, but is afraid of a behemoth like the Chuyue Kingdom, and will devote all its power to fighting a national war with it!
"Of course, if Tancheng can't be defended, Donghai Kingdom will definitely withdraw its troops and head north to the accompanying capital of Kaiyang City. Kaiyang can't defend, and continue to retreat to Yangdu. It's Mount Tai. The southern plain of Donghai Kingdom, once breached, there is no natural danger. , but there are many mountains and hills in the north, neither Langya County nor Taishan County are so easy to fight." Bai Qi thought for a while and said:
"As long as the emperor and the royal family are not taken away by the Chuyue Kingdom, the Donghai Kingdom can last at least half a year!"

At this moment, everyone finally had a rough judgment in their hearts.

Zhang Yidao: "In other words, the probability of the Eastern Sea Kingdom's defeat is relatively high. Once it retreats to Langya County and Mount Tai, it will be able to deal with Chuyue Kingdom for a very long time, which can consume Chuyue Kingdom's strength for a long time!"

"That's a good thing, let the East China Sea country drag the energy and military strength of the Chuyue country, and consume their property." Cao Zhen gloated.

Ye Qing shook his head and said: "This is not necessarily a good thing. Chuyue Kingdom can use Donghai Kingdom to train troops. When Donghai Kingdom is destroyed, the new army of Chuyue Kingdom will be trained."

"Chuyue State has resources, but what it lacks is opportunities and a strong army. If we destroy 100 million people, they can immediately arm a new army of 100 million people, so we can't give them too much time!" Ye Qing thought for a while. :
"Here, ask the Ministry of Industry to prepare supplies immediately, and transport them to the East China Sea in the name of a caravan. Go to the front line of Wei State, and you can't go to South Korea!"

Lu Buwei said: "Your Majesty, our Ministry of Commerce will cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of National Defense!"

Bai Qi said: "Your Majesty, if South Korea sends troops to Donghai Kingdom, what should we do?"

South Korea colluded with Chuyue State to bully Donghai State, that is, they did not take Da Zhou seriously.

According to Bai Qi's temperament, it's time to teach South Korea a lesson.

Ye Qingdao: "Let Han Xin suppress more bandits near Luoyang, and clean up some armed forces and sects that shouldn't appear!"

Qinglong Army, it's time to put some pressure on South Korea.

Even if the alliance between South Korea and the Chuyue Kingdom cannot be prevented, South Korea must have some scruples and cannot do its best to cooperate with the Chuyue Kingdom.

Yingchuan and Henan counties are very fat and have a large population. If you just grab it, it will be enough for Dazhou to have a good meal.

(End of this chapter)

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