I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 578? Wei Qing, Jia Xu, Guo Ziyi

Chapter 578 Wei Qing Jia Xu Guo Ziyi

After dealing with this matter, Ye Qing went back to the imperial study and asked Li Ru to be found.

"Wen You, use Jinyiwei's power to contact Donghai State and tell them that the Chuyue Congress will attack them and will unite with South Korea to make them ready."

Li Rudao: "It's Your Majesty, I'll make arrangements and send the news as soon as possible."

After Li Ru left, Ye Qing was not in a hurry to sell the information, and stared at the map for a long time.

It is not yet ripe to send troops out of the Kanto.

It is really a headache for Chuyue Middle School to have something to do with South Korea.

Three days later!
Ye Qing reckoned that the news had already been sent to the territory of the East China Sea.

Then he said to the system: "System! The two pieces of information can be sold!"

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have xxxxxx taels of silver and 2 chances to draw a lottery!"

Ye Qing said again: "Lucky draw!"

"Okay my lord, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a general card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a strategist card!"

Counselors and generals!
Is my big week going to war again?

The system will not randomly produce cards for no reason.

Every time it comes out, it is to take care of the real situation.

But Ye Qing has long been used to it, and has seen more turmoil.

No surprises either.

Only said: "System, use cards!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining the Great Han Weiqing (third rank)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the counselor card and getting Jia Xu from the Three Kingdoms!"

Wei Qing!

General of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Chase the Xiongnu in the north and regain Hetao.

Together with Huo Qubing, they are called the Great Han Shuangbi.

Another tiger general, and a commander in chief.

Jia Xu!

There are many tricks and tricks, and there are no plans left; the founding father of the Wei Dynasty.

Together with Li Ru, he is called the poison warrior of the Three Kingdoms.

Known for his vicious tactics.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for collecting all the Three Kingdoms Poison Cards, and reward Datang Guo Ziyi (second rank)"

Guo Ziyi!
Another general.

Guo Ziyi, a famous Zhongxing general in the Tang Dynasty, entered the army with high rank in martial arts in his early years, and accumulated meritorious service to become the prefect of Jiuyuan.After the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, Shuofang Jiedu envoy was appointed, led the army to serve the king, recovered Hebei and Hedong, and worshiped the Minister of the Ministry of War.

Later, he flaunted his military exploits and became king.

It can be called a legend.

Call two to three.

Just not too beautiful.

Ye Qing rushed outside and shouted, "Where are Wei Qing, Jia Xu, and Guo Ziyi!"

At the end of the sentence, Cao Zhengchun pushed open the door of the hall and said, "Your Majesty, tell your servants to bring Wei Qing, Jia Xu, and Guo Ziyi to you!"

Then three commoners walked in.

The one in the middle, around forty, has an old face, but a pair of eyes are shining brightly.

On both sides are young military generals in their 27s and [-]s, walking with wind and standing upright.

"Chen Weiqing (Jia Xu, Guo Ziyi) pays homage to Your Majesty!"

The three of them saluted and bowed, Ye Qing waved his hand, Cao Zhengchun wisely closed the palace door.

Only then did Ye Qing say: "You three lovers don't need to be polite, get up!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The three got up one after another.

Ye Qingdao: "I know that the three of you are talented. Now that the state of our Great Zhou is getting better and better and is thriving, the three of you can tell us what the empire should do next so that it can be more prosperous and prosperous."

The three looked at each other, and said at the same time: "Your Majesty, the current situation of the empire should be An Liangzhou first!"

"Oh, why?" Ye Qing asked.

Jia Xu didn't like to show off, so she took a step back.

Wei Qing explained: "Your Majesty, if Liangzhou is safe, then Xixi Chuan will be safe. If the Qiqiang go down, the soldiers can go out of the Hexi Corridor and attack and contain the Turks from the side, which will help us encircle and suppress the Turks around the Zhou Dynasty.

Liangzhou An, at the same time can save a large army to fight against the enemy. The most important thing to accomplish this year is not to attack from the north, nor to go south to Bashu, but to destroy the Qiqiang and use Anxi hammer. "

Ye Qing agrees with this.

The situation in Liangzhou went young because of his appearance, which made some changes, which was beneficial to Da Zhou.

But then too many things happened in Dazhou, so there was no progress in Liangzhou.

Ye Yu returned to Liangzhou, and the White Tiger Legion was almost formed, but still hadn't made much breakthrough.

If someone else is replaced, he will replace it.

"Then what do you think?" Ye Qing asked again.

Both Wei Qing and Guo Ziyi clasped their fists together and said, "My lord, I implore you to change the commander and general."

Ye Qing turned his gaze to Jia Xu.

Jia Xu is an old man, so he immediately said: "Your Majesty, it is necessary to send more generals to strengthen the White Tiger Army.

The Liangzhou generals are the most familiar with Liangzhou affairs, so it is not appropriate to go to war. "

Ye Qing liked to hear this.

Ye Yu is the benchmark he set for the clan, and it is also a flag for him to unite the country.

Withdrawal is irrevocable.

After thinking about it, Ye Qing said: "Jia Xu listens to the order. From now on, you will take the post of Wailang, a member of the National Defense of the People's Republic of China, and go to Liangzhou to pay homage to the military advisor of the White Tiger Army."

"Your Majesty, can I refuse?" Jia Xu patted his old cold legs, not wanting to go out on business.

He is such a salty fish, how good he can be raised in Chang'an, and what merits he can make in the frontier.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "You came to Liangzhou and you are familiar with the affairs of Liangzhou. If you don't go, who else can I send?"

After speaking, Ye Qing turned off the laughing electricity, his face turned slightly cold.

Then Jia Xu said, "No!"

"Guo Ziyi, you are the deputy commander of the White Tiger Army, responsible for assisting the King of Xiliang in managing the White Tiger Army." Ye Qing turned around and said to Guo Ziyi.

"It's Your Majesty!" Guo Ziyi took a step forward to accept.

Then Ye Qing looked at Wei Qing again: "Wei Qing, I worship you as the governor of Hexi, responsible for the establishment of the Governor's Mansion of Hexi, and assisting the King of Xiliang in attacking Qiqiang and capturing the Hexi Corridor."

"It's Your Majesty!" Wei Qing received the order.

The governor's mansion is between the state and the county.

Both civil and military.

But Hexi is not from the Great Zhou.

It's just a title now.

Not even a single soldier and commoner.

But Wei Qing understood that he was going to Liangzhou to put pressure on Ye Yu's White Tiger Army.

Xihe has not been taken yet, you see the emperor sent a supervisor here, your White Tiger Army is not working hard, do you want the emperor to hang up and humiliate you?

East China Sea country!
The capital Tancheng!

In the imperial study!

The emperor of Donghai Kingdom met with his confidants.

"Your Majesty! Just now, Dazhou sent a secret envoy to remind us that the Chuyue Congress gathered an army to attack our Donghai Kingdom. Please be vigilant and take precautions."

"What, Chuyue Kingdom has dispatched another army." The emperor of Donghai Kingdom stood up abruptly.

The confidant said: "Your Majesty, not only that, this time Chuyue Kingdom has also united with South Korea, and wants to eat our Donghai Kingdom!"

"South Korea, they are crazy." Hearing that Han Lai also participated, the emperor of Donghai Kingdom was very angry, but he asked back:

"Is this news reliable?"

The confidant said: "It is said that Da Zhou used hidden spies to find out the news, and it was ordered by the Emperor Da Zhou himself."

"By the way, Your Majesty, His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor was worried about the crisis in our Donghai Kingdom, so he secretly sent arms to Donghai Kingdom three days ago. At this time, the caravan is estimated to have entered the Eastern County of the Wei Kingdom. I believe it will not be long. It will come to my East China Sea country!"

(End of this chapter)

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