I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 579 Greedy South Korea

Chapter 579 Greedy South Korea

"Okay! Emperor Da Zhou, you are so righteous!"

The emperor of the East China Sea clenched his fist excitedly.

"Fortunately, I was one step ahead of others, and immediately reached a strategic alliance with Da Zhou, and sent the prince to Chang'an, otherwise I would have missed this information and this batch of ordnance."

"Your Majesty is wise!" The confidant minister flattered him.

The emperor of the East China Sea felt very comfortable in the photo.

"Decree to strengthen the defense of the Huai River line, make a plan to counterattack the Chuyue Kingdom's army advance, and at the same time strengthen the defense against South Korea."

"When sending people to the west of Taishan County, we must fully receive the weapons sent by Da Zhou, open up a direct channel, and transport them to Lai Tan City as soon as possible!"



In a few days!
The capital city of South Korea!

In Yusha's study room!

The Korean emperor received information from Chang'an.

"From this point of view, Dazhou will not send troops to support the East China Sea, nor will it send troops to attack South Korea, nor will it turn against us, Han, Wei and other countries. It only wants to solve the problem between Xihammer and Northern Xinjiang."

The emperor of South Korea thought about it for a while, and then said: "Come here, call Zhaohong over, and say that South Korea is willing to form an alliance with Chuyue Kingdom to attack Donghai Kingdom!"

Soon the officials who sent the order went to lead Zhaohong into the palace.

Zhao Hong was overjoyed, and he came in and bowed: "Your Majesty is wise, this time to attack the East China Sea, our Chuyue Kingdom is willing to send heavy troops to divide the East China Sea equally.

Once the East China Sea is destroyed, South Korea can continue to expand eastward beyond Mount Tai. "

"Hahaha, Zhaohong, your mouth... I hope the attack will go smoothly!" The Korean emperor said with a tangled face:

"Shouldn't Zhao Hong's law of equal division be changed?"

"Change it!" Zhao Hong frowned slightly:
"Your Majesty, South Korea has Pengcheng and Mount Tai; I, Chuyue, have Xiapi and Langya.

Isn't it reasonable for half of Donghai's family? "

In fact, according to this method of division, South Korea has taken advantage of the economics.

One Taishan county is worth several counties.

Mount Tai is so vast, he must win the East China Sea.

Thousands of miles of Mount Tai has become a restricted area in South Korea, and it has been occupied by one of its countries.

The emperor of South Korea sighed sadly: "Once South Korea attacks the East China Sea, Dazhou will definitely send troops to attack South Korea. At that time, South Korea will suffer from the enemy and suffer a lot of losses.

The pressure I have to bear in Korea is too much, isn't it normal to share a little more? "

Hehe, last time I attacked the East China Sea Kingdom, the main force was my Chuyue Kingdom, and you Korea just sent a symbolic force to contain it, and you are not satisfied.

However, as an envoy, Zhao Hong would not say it clearly, he only asked: "How do you divide what Your Majesty wants?"

"In this way, I won't argue with you Chuyue Kingdom anymore. With Yishui as the line, the west side belongs to Dahan." The Korean emperor looked at Zhaohong with burning eyes.

With Yishui as the line, nothing else has changed, that is, eight cities have been taken away from Langya County, and almost a quarter of Langya County's land has been taken away.

This bite down, but really big.

Zhaohong cursed secretly for being insatiable.

However, he still argued with reason: "Your Majesty, this seems to be too much. The essence of Langya County is in the west of Yishui, so my Majesty may not agree to it!"

Cooperating with us, we will bring you to share things, and we will send troops and efforts by ourselves, which consumes a lot of supplies, and also divides a loneliness.

"How can you say that, the essence of Donghai Kingdom is in Xiapi County and Donghai County, besides, isn't Tancheng, the capital, given to you?" The Korean emperor reminded with dissatisfaction:
"If Chuyue Kingdom thinks that South Korea is not worthy of owning these lands, then it's better to forget it. Chuyue Kingdom can fight on its own, and can take all the East China Sea into its pocket. I am happy to encourage you from the sidelines."

Depend on!
want to disembark.

The old thief is treacherous.

What a wall grass.

Seeing this, Zhao Hong had no choice but to say: "So, then follow your majesty's words, but I'm afraid that Taishan County will be captured by Dahan himself. After all, it is not easy for our Chuyue army to intervene!"

"Naturally, this matter will not bother the Chuyue Kingdom!" The Korean emperor was very happy when he heard this.

With a wave of his hand, he grabbed eight more cities. If he had known it earlier, he should have said that it was west of Mushui.

There are three more cities.



The king of Xiliang summoned all the civil and military personnel.

"This is the imperial decree of Chang'an, let's take a good look at it!"

Everyone received the imperial decree, their faces as gloomy as splashed ink.

The crowd didn't dare to say a word for a long time.

"In the north and south, all the armies have movements. Only our White Tiger Army is not only not well-organized, but also has no record." Ye Yu glanced at everyone:
"The imperial court is obviously a little dissatisfied. Not only did they send us additional military advisers and deputy commanders, but they also added the Hexi Governor's Mansion. Everyone... If we still can't make a breakthrough, then we really have to go back to take care of our children and take care of our daughter-in-law!"

"My lord, don't worry, this time we will definitely wipe out Qiqiang, so as not to embarrass the White Tiger Army." All the generals challenged each other:

"My lord, give me an order. Before Wei Qing and others arrive, we must wipe out a part of the Qiang people!"

Ye Yu waved his hand and made a move: "No need, temporarily accumulate strength. Your Majesty has a secret decree. After the arrival of Wei Qing, the governor of Hexi, and Cao Zhen, the minister of the Ministry of National Defense, we will discuss the matter of eliminating Qiqiang!"

"What, Minister Cao is coming to Liangzhou too!" All the generals were amazed.

This time the emperor was really angry.

Cao Zhen has been sent here, and if they still can't deal with the remaining Wuqiang, then both the King of Xiliang and Cao Zhen will be killed.

Ye Yu snorted and said: "Not only Cao Shilang is here, but His Majesty has also sent rear cavalry guards and middle cavalry guards to assist in the battle. Before autumn, if the matter of Nishimura Miho Nishi Hammer cannot be resolved, then this king will resign as well." The commander-in-chief of the White Tiger Group Army will surrender himself to the king, and go to Chang'an to plead guilty!"

The rear cavalry guards and middle cavalry guards were all sent.

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao will help each other fiercely.

There is really no reason for Liangzhou to procrastinate now.

You must know that these two fierce generals swept the hinterland of Bailan Gun with only two thousand riders last year.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, if this battle is invincible, we will be ashamed to see Your Majesty, and we should die to thank you."

The generals swear sonorously.

The [-] White Tiger Army, plus [-] to [-] Two Cavalry Guards, such a luxurious lineup, still can't handle a mere five Qiangs. They can really commit suicide to thank the country and repay the king's kindness.

In a few days!
Wei Qing and other troops entered Liang.

After two days of trekking, the army arrived in Ji County!
Wei Qing, Jia Xu, and Guo Ziyi are all unfamiliar generals and advisers.

Never appeared in front of the world.

Although they are very confident in this battle, the generals and officials in Liangzhou still have doubts in their hearts when they see these three.

Ye Yu went out of the city to meet the army.

After entering the city, a simple pick-me-up.

During the dinner, Wei Qing asked: "Your Majesty, this time His Majesty asked us to lead the army westward to support the White Tiger Army. I would like to ask how the White Tiger Army fought in the past few times, and why there has been no improvement!"

Ye Yu glanced at Cao Zhen, who nodded to him.

The meaning is clear, speak boldly, and speak with confidence.

Ye Yu replied bluntly: "Because last year, the Baigou Qiang was eliminated, and the strength of the Qiang Alliance was greatly damaged, so we mainly want to solve the two tribes of Dongnv and Fuguo based on the principle of first going south and then north, and first going west and then east. .

Push the line of troops to the right flank of the Bailan Qiang. If the two Qiangs can be taken down, they will go west from Heguan and Shicheng to take down the Xishan Qiang.

Such a half encirclement attack on Bai Lanqiang! "

(End of this chapter)

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