I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 582 The Choice of Burning Dangqiang

Chapter 582 The Choice of Burning Dangqiang
Speaking of this, Li Cunxiao deliberately dragged Yin.

The rest speaks for itself.

If you don't help, then you will be destroyed first and burned as Qiang.

Whether it's his own family or Bailan Qiang's death, after choosing, he has no regrets.

For more than half a year.

Burning Dangqiang benefited from the trade of Dazhou merchants.

The life of the entire tribe has greatly improved.

This made the Shaodang Qiang also have an advantage in the tribal exchanges with the Hexi Corridor.

It's really nice to have Da Zhou as your backing.

Not only can you make money as a second-hand dealer.

It can also enrich the life of the family.

Improve living standards.

Burning Dangqiang Yijing has tasted the sweetness.

One side is a big stick, and the other side is sweet dates.

Which one to choose.

Wei Qing didn't urge him either, he just said: "All the soldiers in the channel, get on your horses."

Wei Qing left after speaking.

Li Cunxiao also just smiled at Shaodang Qiang King, and then left holding the long spear.

"Wang, what should I do?"

Everyone in Shaodangqiang was a little impatient.

A heaven, a hell.

The Han army cavalry is ready to go.

If you don't help, then the two sides will go to war, and there will be no Zhou merchants coming to trade from now on.

And even though they had a large number of people burning Dangqiang, they might not be able to stop the five thousand Zhou cavalry.

"What do you think we should do?" King Shaodang Qiang kicked the ball over.

Everyone shook their heads for a while.

Seeing that King Shaodang Qiang was in a hurry, someone said in a low voice: "My lord, if we don't let Zhou ride over, anyway, we... can't beat him!"

"My lord, I think it's feasible. If Bai Lanqiang knows that we have been secretly doing business with the Zhou people, King Bai Lanqiang will definitely not let us go."

The next one echoed.

They are all talking about the benefits of cooperating with Da Zhou.

Shaodang Qiang Bai sighed and said: "I know all this, but you should also understand that if the Zhou people wiped out the Bailan Qiang, there would be no Qi Qiang in the future.

The emperor of the Zhou Dynasty had plans to establish a government agency in Hexi according to the classics. In the future, we Shaodang Qiang will also submit to the Great Zhou and be controlled by the Zhou people. You are willing! "

Phew, that's the nature of the matter.

Become Zhou Min and be included in the Great Zhou.

It is bound to not be as free as before.

Qiang Zhou has been fighting since the founding of the country, and it has been fighting until now.

It will end with the defeat of the Qiang people.

Everyone still felt a little uncomfortable.

"King, as long as you are willing, we are willing!"

"Yes, yes, king, even if the Zhou people wanted to rule Hexi, they would not have our assistance. Since you still have our role in burning the Qiang, it should be no problem to retain a certain degree of autonomy and appoint officials and ranks!"

You can't be an earth king, but Zhou people will have formal titles and official positions.

Not the same chic.

Seeing that his subordinates looked like this, Shao Dangqiang understood that these people had been corroded and softened by the good life.

In front of the powerful Da Zhou, they lost their fighting spirit and wildness.

Yi Jing is not enough to be an enemy of Da Zhou.

So he had no choice but to say to a confidant: "Go, tell the Wei Dudu that I Shaodangqiang is willing to borrow the way and send 3000 Qingqi to join the battle, and is willing to assist Dazhou to eliminate Bailanqiang."


"Captain, do you think this Shaodang Qiang will make excuses and submit to us?" Li Cunxiao asked.

Wei Qing smiled and said: "He has no choice, he can only agree, and he has to lend us soldiers. It will not be unlucky, but it will be burned as a Qiang. It is not so easy to take advantage of my big Zhou.

Difficult to spit out after eating. "

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw a general from Shaodang Qiang rushing towards him.

"Wei Dudu, General Li, my king said that it is my duty to help Dazhou attack Bailan Qiang. The general and the governor can freely enter and leave the land where I burned Dangqiang. When you go south, please be sure to bring my family with you. warriors."

Li Cunxiao was startled and looked at Wei Qing.

Wei Qing said: "Tell your king, yes, for this attack on Bailanqiang, [-]% of all captured will be given to you. After success, I will ask my majesty for your credit."

"Thank you Dudu!"

The general was overjoyed and hurried back.

Li Cunxiao sighed: "The governor's guess is accurate. The Shaodang Qiang king is willing to send troops to fight with us. They are also Qiang people. They don't want to join forces with Bailan Qiang, and they will make trouble."

"A nation without great unity is nothing more than a state of disunity. Infighting is the cruelest existence in any country, so... we should be thankful that Dazhou has a wise, generous and benevolent Majesty!" Wei Qing clamped his legs Horse belly said:

"Let's go, don't delay, go south earlier, the battlefield is better sooner rather than later."


Abandoned Warrior Level!

King Bailanqiang led his men to lie in ambush here for several days, but the Dazhou light cavalry still did not arrive.

Those who sent out to investigate quickly turned back.

"My lord, Zhou Qi suddenly slowed down in Dingxi. Wei Qing and Zhao Yun walked very slowly, not more than thirty miles a day, and they were very vigilant, sending scouts around non-stop."

Hearing such a return, King Bailan Qiang felt like he had punched cotton.

Zhao Yun, Wei Qing and the others were obviously worried about fraud on the way, so they walked slowly.

This made the person who wanted to ambush him feel powerless.

Zhou people are too cunning.

"Continue to monitor, don't act rashly without my king's order."

Going down on the horse, King Bailanqiang looked at the warrior pass who had been engulfed by the fire, his eyes became more and more gloomy.

"The people of Zhou are not making any crooked plans again, are they just trying to attract my attention so that they can concentrate on breaking through the West Road?"

After murmuring a few times, King Bailanqiang became more and more uneasy, and recruited another general to say, "Go, go to the west front, and see if Dongnu still has a state attached to it, and be careful of the Zhou people, the western front must not be broken by the Zhou people again." Now, the two were wiped out by the Zhou people, and I, Qiqiang, will really be doomed!"

"It's the king, I'm going right away!"

Bai Lanqiang's worries were not without reason.

At this time, major changes have taken place in the history of the war on the Western Front.

Ye Yu adopted Jia Xu's strategy, and Dongnv Qiang was fooled first, thinking that the White Tiger Army had really transferred the main force to attack Bailan Qiang. Seeing that the attacking Zhou soldiers were very weak, he took the opportunity to fight out and prepared to counter-kill the Zhou army. Loot some military supplies.

As a result, he was besieged and killed by Jia Xu's heavy troops.

Looking at the main force of Dongnv Qiang who was engulfed by the fire at the foot of the mountain, Ye Yu and all the generals had joyful smiles on their faces.

"It's still a great military division, showing the enemy to be weak, vain on the outside and strong on the inside. These brainless Qiang people were really fooled. They came to snatch our camp. Who would have thought that our camp was full of dry firewood splashed with tung oil."

"Yes, without any effort, the main force was wiped out. We only lost hundreds of soldiers and a batch of military supplies."

"Don't even look at it, take this opportunity to attack Dongnv Qiang and go to her old village, otherwise the military division's plan will be in vain."

Next, Ye Yu took a trip in person and led more than 1 people into the few remaining Dongnv Qiang old villages.

Losing Dongnv Qiang's mutual dependence, Guo Ziyi played in person on this side, changing the method of false attack.

All the other troops were brought up, and the soldiers rushed to the front to storm the defense line of Fu Qiang.

Fu Guoqiang doesn't have any masters, so how can he be the opponent of the second-rank military general Guo Ziyi.

In less than half an hour of the battle, Guo Ziyi beheaded six generals, and then the White Tiger Army rushed forward. Fuguo Qiang was defeated and retreated to Laozhai.

(End of this chapter)

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