I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 583 The Awakening of King Bailanqiang

Chapter 583 The Awakening of King Bailanqiang

"It's late! You reminded me too late!"

The Fuguo Qiang King shook his head and sighed when he saw the Bai Lanqiang general coming.

A look of lamentation on his face.

"Now I, Fuguo Qiang Yijing, have been forced to Laozhai. There are no less than [-] Zhou soldiers at the foot of the mountain. We can't last long." Fuguo Qiang King said in a low spirit:

"I heard that Ye Yu took the soldiers Yijing to attack the king's stronghold of Dongnv Qiang. Now the king of Dongnv Qiang is still alive and dead. I guess it will take less than five days for Ye Yu to bring the army to join the Zhou soldiers at the foot of the mountain. With the current strength of our affiliated Qiang, we will perish in ten days."

"Don't worry, King Fuguo Qiang. My king, Yijing, is dispatching troops. He will arrive within three days. You must hold on." Bai Lanqiang's general assured him.

The Fuguo Qiang King was noncommittal, and after the generals of Bailan Qiang left, he asked:
"What do you think about this matter? Is there any chance for me to save Qiang?"

As he spoke, King Qiang took out the letter of persuasion sent by Guo Ziyi.

All the generals of the Fuguo Qiang were silent and did not speak to each other.

Whenever there is a choice, who is willing to surrender Da Zhou.

Surrender to Dazhou and there will be no Qiang attached to the country.

There will only be the Qiang people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the attached Qiang will also be dismembered, and the whole family will be moved out and scattered and resettled.

These nobles can no longer enjoy the high life.

"My lord, since Bai Lanqiang said that reinforcements would come in three days, why don't we delay the Zhou people for three days first, if Bai Lanqiang leads the army to arrive, our Fuguo Qiang will be saved."

Fuguo Qiang King said: "What if Bailan Qiang has no reinforcements?"

"Then surrender to the Great Zhou. As long as we are the first Qiang tribe to surrender to the Great Zhou, we will definitely receive the attention of the Great Zhou court, and we will definitely favor it."

Everyone has their own little abacus.

Fuguo Qiang King thought for a while, patted the chair wrapped in wolf skin and said, "Okay, let's do it like this."

The generals of Bai Lanqiang came back and reported the situation on the west road to Bai Lanqiang.

Bai Lan Qiang Bai felt dizzy for a while, almost fell down.

"Hurry up! Dispatch [-] people from our department to support the Fuguo immediately. If it's too late, the Fuguo will cease to exist."

King Bai Lanqiang was able to become the king of kings, he still had vision, and he was bold enough and decisive enough.

Suddenly someone came to report: "King! Zhao Yun's troops have advanced to the Warrior Pass, but the one who is following him is not the newcomer Wei Qing. It is Cao Zhen, Shangshu of the original military department of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and five thousand infantry!"

"What?" King Bailanqiang was startled.

It wasn't Wei Qing who was with Zhao Yun, and Da Zhou's Qingqi was dropped.

Where did the five thousand Qingqi go?

Not on the Eastern Front, nor on the Western Front.

They can go to heaven or not.

"Wait, the [-] troops don't go west, let this king think about it!" King Bai Lanqiang waved his right hand at his subordinates, and rubbed his left hand in his temple. Suddenly, a flash of lightning struck his mind.

"Not good! Wang Ting."

"Damn it, burn the Qiang king, you are a bastard, you ruin my good deed!"

King Bai Lanqiang stood up, got on his horse and said, "Gather everyone, follow me back to the royal court, hurry up!"

He was attacked by Zhou Qi once last year, and Wang Ting suffered a huge loss.

If he was attacked again this time, Wang Lanqiang would no longer have the royal court.

Not even Bai Lanqiang anymore.

Outside the Warrior Pass, they received news that Bai Lanqiang had suddenly retreated northward.

Zhao Yundao: "It seems that the Wei Dudu succeeded, Bai Lanqiang went back to save Wang Ting, the rear cavalry guard obeyed the order and followed me in pursuit."

Cao Zhendao: "General Zhao, will Bai Lanqiang be deceitful? If it is a trick to lure the enemy, wouldn't it be dangerous!"

After all, Cao Zhen is a mature person.

Although he does not lead the army abroad, he is more stable as a secretary in the Ministry of War all year round.

Don't ask for meritorious service, but ask for no mistakes, everything is safe.

"Cao Jianjun's words are justified, then I will lead the rear cavalry to pursue, and you will lead [-] infantry to take over the Warrior Pass, here to guard our army and guard our army's rear;

If there is no danger ahead, we are advancing. " Zhao Yun thought for a while and said.

Cao Zhen then nodded slightly and said: "Well, I can't help guarding this gate of hell for the general. I also hope that Bai Lanqiang will really retreat and the governor of Wei will really succeed, so I, Da Zhou Xihammer, will be considered a deal!"

The two finished discussing.

Zhao Yun led the cavalry to chase after him, and Cao Zhen led the infantry behind.

"King! Zhao Yun led the army to chase him up, what should we do?"

Suddenly a general behind him ran up to report to King Bailanqiang.

King Bai Lanqiang was eager to return, and said: "You bring 2 people to intercept Zhao Yun."

"It's the king!" The general led 2 people to ambush in a nearby valley.

Only when Zhao Yun chased him did he lead the army out.


[-] people rushed out fiercely. The galloping horses and the black cloud-like enemy cavalry seemed majestic at first glance, like a mountain torrent pouring down.

But Zhao Yun has seen strong winds and waves long ago.

He raised his gun and roared, "Kill!"

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.

The two armies collided, and the only way to survive was to work hard.


Although there are many Bailanqiang light cavalry.

But the rear cavalry guards are sturdy and have excellent weapons.

The two armies fought each other, countless figures fell from their horses, and there was a fog of blood.

Zhao Yun rode like a thousand horses, brandishing spears left and right, and all the Bai Lanqiang soldiers who rushed along the way fell off their horses.

No one can be a third-rank military general.

The generals who killed Bai Lanqiang did not dare to confront him head-on.

Zhao Yun was brave, and the rear cavalry guards below all took the lead, their morale soaring.

The two armies rushed over.

Countless corpses and unowned horses were left on the ground.

Both sides check their respective teams.

The Bailanqiang people gasped one after another.

Bai Lanqiang was the main one who was killed.

A head-on confrontation, at least four to five thousand Bai Lanqiang casualties.

And Zhou Bing could hardly see any reduction.


Turning around, Zhao Yun clamped the horse's belly with his legs, Yezhao Jade Lion let out a high-pitched neigh, and then rushed towards Bai Lanqiang on the opposite side.

More than 4000 rear cavalry guards also held their weapons tightly, each with a look of sternness on their faces, and rushed over with a murderous aura full of threats.


Bai Lanqiang felt as if he had seen a ghost, looking at Zhou Qi who was three times smaller than himself, he felt a chill.

But still urging the horse to fight with red eyes.

The two sides collided again and fought together.


The royal court in the hinterland of Bailanqiang.

Thick smoke rose.

Wei Qing, Li Cunxiao and others killed by Kuohe from the north caught Bai Lanqiang by surprise.

This time the royal court also did not have heavy soldiers, and was even weaker.

And there is nowhere to escape.

Only bits and pieces fled south.

The rest were either beheaded or captured.

After the flash attack, everyone in Shaodangqiang smiled happily.

Frantically snatching everything from Bai Lanqiang.

"Report! Governor, Bai Lanqiang's main force is rushing back from the south, and it is expected to arrive in two hours!"

Exploring the horse and reporting back.

Wei Qing invited Li Cunxiao after hearing the words: "Notify those who burned Dang Qiang to rest and prepare for battle.

Jing Si, you take two thousand riders and wait like this..."

Li Cunxiao's eyes brightened after listening, and he replied: "It's the governor, I know what to do, and I will definitely complete the task!"

(End of this chapter)

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