I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 584? Death of King Bailanqiang

Chapter 584 Death of King Bailanqiang

"Damn it, hurry up, you must not let these Zhou people go this time!"

"Damn it, burn Dang Qiang, I must kill you!"

King Bai Lanqiang almost fell off his horse when he received the news that his lair had been raided again from the subordinates who fled back from Wang Ting.

Both eyes were red and bloodshot, and all the hands were also heartbroken.

One by one, they frantically beat their war horses.

I wish I could fly to the royal court.

After they rushed back, the sky began to darken, and the smoke from the ground hovered in the sky.

Countless charred tents, tribesmen and horses lying in the blood, and the crooked flag.

Everything that happens is not described in nothing.

At the end of the west, an army that had been waiting for a long time was waiting.

The battle flag of the Great Zhou Dynasty, as well as the conspicuous clothing of Shaodang Qiang, were hurting King Bailan Qiang and his subordinates.

"Kill! Attack, tear these bastards apart!"


Bai Lanqiang's [-] army, brandishing their sabers, rushed towards Li Cunxiao and the others in the west with howls.

Li Cunxiao and others did not fight, but stood in place.

It's like watching a fool watching the Bailanqiang people charge forward.

Suddenly, the Bailanqiang people fell down one after another.

It turned out that the ground was tampered with by Li Cunxiao and others.

Numerous traps were set.

Small pits were dug in the ground and sharp objects were buried.

Caltrops were also scattered where no pit was dug.

Iron caltrops, this kind of small thing that is easy to make, portable and convenient, is almost one of the favorite gadgets used by Zhou cavalry when they go out to fight against enemy cavalry.

So this time, the middle cavalry guard used all of them.

All of a sudden, the Bailanqiang fell to the ground after being hit.

Taking advantage of this time, Li Cunxiao and Wang Leng mentioned it.

All the soldiers drew their bows one after another.


The two strong bows were released immediately, and two thousand sharp arrows flew out.

One round after another.

Zhou Gong has a long range and great power.

Four thousand arrows rained down, and another batch of Bailanqiang soldiers were harvested.

The three thousand soldiers of Shaodang Qiang who hadn't raised their bows in the back felt chills when they saw it.

Alluded to as a fluke.

If they burned Dangqiang without sincere cooperation.

The only target of these strong bows and arrows is them.

Great Zhou's weapons are far stronger than theirs.

The homemade bows they use have a much shorter shooting range than Da Zhou's.

Until Da Zhou's strong bow shot two rounds.

At this time, Bai Lanqiang's charging distance was short enough to burn Dangqiang's bow.

Three thousand bowstrings stretched to provoke anger.

The damage was actually only about the same as that of the long-distance two thousand riders.

This made those who burned Dangqiang feel a sense of frustration!

"Flat shot!"

Li Cunxiao didn't care about this, and commanded the cavalry guard to shoot another round, then turned around and ran to both sides.

As soon as the middle cavalry guards retreated, the three thousand Shaoguang Qiang were exposed, and it was also a round of flat fire, and then they retreated westward with the two thousand middle cavalry guards.

Run after hitting.

How could the Bailanqiang people who had nearly [-] casualties let them go.

They bypassed the dead and wounded companions one after another, and also split into two groups to chase westward.

"Shoot back!" Li Cunxiao was on his horse, changed his bow, and shot an arrow towards the rear.

The center cavalry guards who could shoot freely on their horses also shot back one after another.

Bai Lanqiang, who was chasing up, fell off his horse one after another.

The Burning Qiang soldiers were a little scared at first, but being chased by Bai Lanqiang was unnecessarily irritating.

But seeing Zhou Qi shooting calmly one by one, he stabilized the army's morale, and also used their superb archery skills to shoot backwards.

Although they are good at riding, they are not bad at archery.

But the accuracy is not as good as Zhou Qi.

They couldn't help looking at the stirrup Zhou Qi rode in front of him, each one envious.

The reason why Zhou Qi is powerful.

There are three treasures in the horse.

It allows them to shoot freely on the horse without worrying about falling off the horse.

Even Da Zhou's war horses can run more joyously.

They burn Qiang but they have to be careful.

The two armies were chasing, and it was clear that Lan Qiang was stronger, but after chasing, King Bai Lan Qiang and others discovered something was wrong.

It's always been them who are dying.

This chase and run almost killed 1 people.

But Zhou Qi did not die.

At most, more than 100 Shaodangqiang soldiers who ran slowly or did not fall off the horse were lost.

This gap is a bit big.

What's more, all the vigor of Bai Lanqiang has been lost.

The war horse is also going to collapse.

Originally, the horses were exhausted after rushing back from the Warrior Pass.

Now after a fierce chase, many war horses fell to the ground and foamed.

How to fight this.

"Stop! Stop chasing..."

King Bai Lanqiang is a very crisis-conscious person, so he quickly stopped the troops.

But it was too late now.

I saw a cavalry suddenly rushing out from the valley to the south.

The number is not too many, only [-] cavalry.

But these three thousand cavalry rushed like a flood of beasts.

Li Cunxiao and others, who had been running all the time, also turned around and came back again.

Two iron horses rolled over.

At this moment, even Bai Lanqiang's ordinary soldiers knew they were being tricked.

The Zhou people still have an elite that has not been used to ambush, and has not participated in the battle.

A new force that has been poised for a long time.

Although the number is not many, it is indeed deadly.

"Fight! Fight..."

King Bai Lanqiang shouted hoarsely.

But at this moment, the Bailanqiang people felt fear in their hearts.

Especially the sitting horse Yijing is not listening.

Many war horses are unwilling to move no matter how they fight or urge them.

Many directly strike and fall down.

All of a sudden, the [-] Bailanqiang army was in chaos.

"Da Zhou! Da Zhou! For Your Majesty, for Da Zhou, kill!"

Wei Qing waved his weapon and growled non-stop.

Three thousand soldiers, with only one target in front of them, shouted, while staring at the Bailanqiang people in front of them.




The two sides came into contact instantly.

The three thousand cavalry who rushed from the west rushed into the Bailanqiang army on all sides in an instant, and tore apart them.

As early as the exhausted Bailanqiang people swung their weapons to the top, they were stabbed and chopped off by the central cavalry guards who rushed over.


Countless Bailanqiang people were decapitated, trampled to a bloody mess after falling off their horses.

More Bailanqiang began to flee.

The war horse couldn't run, so he jumped on the horse and ran eastward.

Or jump directly into the nearby Yellow River water.

But soon they discovered that the water of the Yellow River was not yellow, but red.

On the bank, blood flowed into a river, and all the blood water gathered in the gentle Yellow River.

And spread to the distance.

The exhausted Bailanqiang people swam to the middle of the river when their limbs began to cramp and their whole body became weak.

After thumping a few times, they sank one after another.

Then countless dead bodies floated on the Yellow River.

King Bailanqiang also saw that the situation was not good, and rebelled southward.

However, he was soon overtaken by Li Cunxiao and others who came from the west.

Chasing and hacking from the outside, a spear was stabbed to death.

"I... actually..."

Bai Lanqiang was very unwilling. He had an army of [-], but he was defeated by thousands of Zhou cavalry.

The next thing is simple, Wei Qing continues to dash left and right in the Bailanqiang internal conflict, stirring up chaos.

Li Cunxiao led the five men, but chased Bai Lanqiang who wanted to escape outside.

The two cooperate with one inside and one outside.

In a daze, he locked all the fifty thousand Bai Lanqiang soldiers and enclosed them in this battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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