I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 585? Three new counties in Liangzhou

Chapter 585 Liangzhou newly established three counties
Attached to the Qiang Village.

Four days passed.

Not to mention Bai Lanqiang's reinforcements, there was not even a single figure of Bai Lanqiang.

"King! The big thing is not good, it is not good!"

A subordinate who was in charge of going to the north to inquire about news came back in a hurry.

This person's face was extremely pale.

Looking frightened.

Fuguo Qiang King asked: "What's the matter? Bailan Qiang's reinforcements are here?"

"King, there will be no more reinforcements, let's surrender quickly!" The man who came back said anxiously.

All the nobles attached to the Qiang state said one after another:

"what happened?"

"Be clear, what happened?"

"My lord, Bai Lanqiang is gone, and Bai Lanqiang himself is going to die." The man who came because of this cried:

"Shaodang Qiang surrendered to Da Zhou, and led the Zhou army to attack the hinterland of Bai Lan Qiang from the north of the Yellow River. The Bai Lan Qiang royal court really played tricks this time. Bai Lan Qiang was too busy to take care of himself. He had no troops and no time to rescue us."

"What...how is this...possible?" Fuguo Qiang King was dumbfounded, and sat back on his wolf-skin chair.

The people attached to Guoqiang were even more confused.

Shaodang Qiang surrendered Da Zhou.

Yaoshou, how could they do this.

"Hurry up, open the king's village immediately to welcome the King of Xiliang in the Great Zhou Dynasty. You can't fight any more. You must hurry up. Before Xiliang Wu receives the news from Bai Lanqiang, negotiate the terms with the Zhou people." Fuguo King Qiang looked up and looked at the wooden tile beam above his head, feeling ashamed.

Finally closing his eyes, there was a flash of pain.

The stronghold of Qiang king of Fuguo opened up, and sent envoys down the mountain, claiming to surrender.

This made Guo Ziyi and others who were preparing to attack also breathe a sigh of relief.

Fighting is ultimately about killing people.

It would be best if the opponent surrendered.

Ye Yu said: "Mr. Wenhe, do you think there will be fraud in the attached country Qiang?"

Jia Xu half-closed his eyes and said, "No, because Bai Lanqiang is finished, Fu Guoqiang can't wait for reinforcements, they will either surrender or be completely wiped out."

The next thing is to ignore the conditions, but Jia Xu guessed that something happened to Bai Lanqiang.

Therefore, the conditions are not lowered.

In the end, Fuguo Qiang could only cry and accept the surrender unconditionally.

At this point, Fuguo Qiang was removed from the name, and all Fuguo Qiang people moved out of their original territory and resettled in other places in Liangzhou.

The young and strong were drafted into a team, and all the nobles were taken to Guanzhong to be dealt with separately.

Three days later, the army on the western front advanced to Bailanqiang's territory.

At this time, the soldiers sent by Wei Qing and others greeted the army of the White Tiger Army.

"Congratulations, everyone. There is only one Qiang tribe left in Xishan. Take advantage of the victory to attack. I believe that the Qiqiang war will be completely over in less than half a month." Cao Zhen, the supervisor, couldn't be happier.

The sooner the Liangzhou war ended, the more stable his nephew King Xiliang's position would be.

Jia Xu said: "Everyone, I think the next battle will not be so smooth. Although there is only one Qiang tribe left in the Western Mountains, I think they will retreat westward, take the initiative to avoid the war, and migrate to the plateau."

Hearing this, everyone's original optimism and celebration suddenly subsided.

"Then according to Mr. Wenhe's plan, what should we do now?" Ye Yu asked.

Jia Xu said: "For Xishan, we should focus on appeasement, if he retreats, we will not advance.

First consolidate the Dongnu Qiang, Fuguo Qiang, and Bailan Qiang's burnt Dang Qiang lands, set up prefectures and counties, ask the court for some people to come, and enrich the border counties is the kingly way. "

Hit people Xishan will run.

It's better to leave it alone.

Let him go first.

Occupied territory, managed well, and was inducing a surrender.

Burning Dang Qiang is a good example, and Xishan Qiang cannot help but be moved.

Everyone felt that Jia Xu's opinion was reasonable.

So together, the land that was laid down was merged into three counties.

Yuanqiu Baqiang and the southwest of Liangzhou were designated as Wudu County; Gudao, Hechi, Xiabian, Shangluo and other cities were set up.

The former Baigou, Dongnu, and Fuguo Qiang lands were designated as Longxi County; Lintao, Zhangxian, Angu, Didao, Daxia, Heguan and other cities were set up.

The original Bailan Qiang and the Xishan Qiang that had not been defeated were designated as Jincheng County; Jincheng, Yuzhong, Yunwu, Poqiang and other cities were established.

As for Shaodang Qiang, it belongs to the Hexi Governor's Mansion.

Wei Qing established the Hexi Governor's Mansion on the basis of Shaodangqiang, and planned to build the first county-Wuwei County!


The war in Liangzhou returned to Chang'an.

Immediately Chang'an was boiling again.

"The great victory of Xihammer, the White Tiger Group Army attacked and killed three Qiang tribes in one fell swoop, and the Hexi Governor's Mansion surrendered and burned Dangqiang..."

The victorious war cavalry rushed all the way.

The people in Chang'an City were all discussing it enthusiastically.

"Are we winning again?"

"Yes, it seems that Liangzhou, the White Tiger Army, killed the Qiqiang, and the Qiang people were finally defeated?"

"Where is the Hexi Governor's Mansion? When did such a region pop up in my Great Zhou!"

In the Tai Chi Palace.

Ye Qing read the report of Jia Xu and others.

I can finally let go of my heart.

Although the Qiqiang were not big or strong, they were always sticks hanging over Da Zhou's head.

It's not fatal, but it can't make people sleep peacefully.

"Decree to reward the front-line fighters. It took less than half a month to achieve such a record. The soldiers in Liangzhou have worked hard. Those who make meritorious deeds will be rewarded, and those who are promoted will be promoted."

Then Ye Qing said again: "Zun Zuo, we will divide the three counties according to what the King of Xiliang and Jia Yuanwai Lang, Guo Aiqing, and Cao Shilang have said; we will recruit and surrender the Xishan Qiang."

"Certainly, Wei Qing established Wuwei County, recruited and burned the Qiang king to come to Beijing to be named Guiyihou..."

"Decree to move all the Han and Wei people who have been absorbed by Hongnong County since the new reform to the three counties of Liangzhou to enrich the frontier and exempt them from taxation for ten years!"

The edicts and orders are passed down one after another, and all the people are congratulated.

After Ye Qing came to power, Da Zhou was either winning or on his way to victory.

"Your Majesty! The missions of Donghai Kingdom and Bashang will arrive at the East Gate of Chang'an tomorrow." Zhang Yi came in to report.

Three days ago, the Beishi Kingdom's mission arrived.

Prince Beishi was brought into the embassy according to the scriptures.

Ye Qing said: "I know, just treat each other with courtesy!"

Seeing that Zhang Yi hadn't left, Ye Qing asked again: "What else?"

"Your Majesty, the envoys of the Bohai Kingdom traveled around the lower reaches of the Yellow River to reach Jiyin County in South Korea, and they will also arrive in Chang'an soon.

At the same time, the envoy of Wei State also poured Hehuang and was crossing Mengjin. "Zhang Yi said:

"The two countries did not send a prince, but only a prince and a princess. Your Majesty, do we want to welcome them?"

"If there is no prince, then...forget it, treat each other with courtesy, and don't talk to them about weapons." Ye Qing confessed:

"As for the lords of the second kingdom, don't send them to the palace, let them arrange themselves, don't worry about it!"

The prince was not sent as a hostage.

Not a single weapon will be given.

I have no shortage of women.

"It's Your Majesty!" Zhang Yi bowed and was about to step back.

At this time, Ye Qing shouted: "Wait, what about the South Korean side?"

"South Korea..." Zhang Yi said:

"Your Majesty, because of the frequent exercises and dispatches of the Qinglong Army in the Luoyang area, the South Korean side is quite nervous, and has sent no less than five groups of envoys to negotiate with Han Shuai.

Therefore, the South Korean side has not yet sent an envoy from Chang'an, and there is no sign of marriage. "

"I estimate that South Korea will not mention the marriage until the Qinglong Army has not withdrawn from Hangu Pass and the East China Sea War has not come to fruition!"

(End of this chapter)

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