I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 586 The Royal Library

Chapter 586 The Royal Library

"Hmph, the result is up for grabs, so tell Han Xin that the action can be bigger. Even if you can't attack South Korea, you should scare the soldiers and people of South Korea to death, and create a sense of crisis for me."

Ye Qing sneered and said:
"After sending people to the South Korean people, give me a few cases of South Korea's crimes, and expose exactly what treacherous things South Korea has done, and expose the nature of the alliance between the Chuyue Kingdom and South Korea, and tell the South Koreans that today we will deal with Allies of my Great Zhou, what consequences will tomorrow bring.

At that time, South Korea will be to blame for being beaten. "

"Uh! It's Your Majesty, I will notify the people in the Propaganda Department!" Zhang Yi led the order.

He is the minister of the Ministry of Rites, not the minister of the Propaganda Department.

Fighting the war of public opinion is the responsibility of the Propaganda Department.


After Zhang Yi left, Ye Qing went to the sand table and looked at it for a long time.

"Xihammer is basically settled, and the main strategic direction of Da Zhou will be south and north."

"The Southwest Legion has a complete economic and organizational system. What it lacks is the right time and opportunity."

"Xuanwu and Tanlang in the north are still short of manpower."

After thinking for a long time, Ye Qing said: "Cao Zhengchun proposed an imperial decree to recruit [-] Qiang soldiers from Liangzhou and transfer them to the two armies of Xuanwu and Tanlang to supplement the two armies."

"It's Your Majesty!" Cao Zhengchun drafted the imperial decree according to the order.

After the cover was printed, it was sent to Liangzhou.

The next day!

Early in the morning of Ye Qing, Fang Xuanling entered the official interview.

Ye Qing said: "Fang Aiqing, come here early in the morning, but what's the rush?"

"Your Majesty, there is an important matter that I have to announce. This matter is related to the stability of my Great Zhou." Fang Xuanling said:
"Your Majesty, the reform of the household department, if it happens by the way, will remove many officials, and there will be many vacancies in the household department.

And the officials of the family of the Cui family will also be terrified. Once the various ministries are promoted, there may be a shortage of half of the officials in the DPRK and China, which will not be conducive to the stability of our great Zhou. "

Ye Qingdao: "Then according to Fang Aiqing's wishes, what should I do?"

"Your Majesty, open a course to recruit scholars, conduct examinations across the country, select the best and reserve talents, just in case there is no danger." Fang Xuanling explained:
"After all, the Ministry of Education has not been established for a short period of time, and it is not enough to train enough talents for the empire.

Therefore, it is necessary to attract talents from the outside world and absorb talents from all aspects. "

"Well, this matter is feasible, but the scope is expanded, directly facing the countries in the east, as long as they are talents, they can enter our Da Zhou as an official." Ye Qing said:

"Your Ministry of Officials communicate with the Ministry of Education to prepare for an imperial examination for talent recruitment. The students are open to all countries in the East. Regardless of their origins or nationalities, they are selected only for their talents. There are no restrictions on the subjects of the exam. All departments in my Dazhou must Included in the scope of the examination, each department directly connects with talents from various fields, and it can be recruited individually or mixed together."

Silk!Facing the whole world, the real world.

Recruit talents from all over the world.

His Majesty is the atmosphere.

But Fang Xuanling was a little worried and said: "Your Majesty, with such a large-scale recruitment, if spies from various countries come in, then all departments in our country will be infiltrated, wouldn't there be hidden dangers!"

"Spies! Then they have to be willing to send real talents as spies. Even if they are real spies, as long as they are real talents, they should make the best use of them." Ye Qing said:

"Don't worry, Jin Yiwei and military, political and legal guards are watching, and I will accept as many of them as they come.

Don't give up eating because of choking, Da Zhou wants to go out, wants to truly stand out from the crowd, wants to swallow all the countries in the Kanto, how can he do it if he doesn't have enough mind. "

"In time, if we really annexed countries, it would be my fault if they were different. Would we also have to discard them at that time?"

"This...Your Majesty has taught you a very good lesson. It's because I'm narrow-minded." Fang Xuanling bowed to accept the order.

After Fang Xuanling went down, he communicated with the Ministry of Education. In the afternoon, Mencius entered the palace and came to the imperial study.

"Meng Aiqing, Fang Qing will tell you the matter with the scriptures." Ye Qing saw Mencius, so he put down his work.

Mencius replied: "Your Majesty, I have discussed with Mr. Fang according to the scriptures. In principle, I will cooperate well with the officials. However, I think that it is important to obtain scholars by opening courses, and it is more important to cultivate talents in our country. Using doctrine is not a long-term solution. "

Ye Qing signaled him to continue talking.

Mencius will also use doctrine.

The mind is still very open.

Mencius continued: "Your Majesty, I believe that more money and food should be allocated to the Ministry of Education. Education is the foundation of a country and the beginning of a prosperous country. At present, Da Zhou's investment in education is still low.

The school still needs to be covered, especially the basic elementary education. Only by expanding the talent base can we accumulate high-level elites. "

Ye Qing agreed with Mencius' words.

Enlightenment is the foundation and the focus.

Talent comes from below.

If the foundation is not stable, the upper pyramid will fall.

"I will ask the Ministry of Households to allocate another 100 million taels of silver to your Ministry of Education." Ye Qing thought for a while and said:
"At the same time, I will spend 50 taels of silver in Shaofu to build the Royal Library and the Royal Bookstore for Huimin. This aspect requires your Ministry of Education to recruit some talents to prepare."

Royal Library?
what is this?
never heard of that.

"Your Majesty, what is a library?" Mencius asked.

Ye Qing explained: "A library is a library, in which there will be books collected from all over the world, and strive to collect the most books in it, and there will be places for people to read and browse on the spot, or they can be borrowed.

All the people of my Great Zhou, or those who have obtained the nameplate of my Great Zhou contribution, can go in to read or borrow books. "

public library.

So bold.

General libraries are not open to the public.

The Royal Library is going to be open to the whole week.

Anyone who is qualified can read and borrow books.

This is to encourage people to learn and increase their knowledge.

Really a good move.

"As for the Royal Bookstore, it is mainly made of paper books. It connects with the Propaganda Department and prints some universal books for sale, so that the people of my Great Zhou can freely buy books, obtain books at low prices, and reduce their learning costs. Indirectly reduce the influence of the aristocratic family and weaken their monopoly on knowledge." Ye Qing briefly explained.

Since it is necessary to attack the family, it must be comprehensive.

Strike and limit from all sides.

Mencius was even more excited when he heard this.

This is for the great harmony of the world.

As an educator, of course he hopes that everyone can have access to books and learn.

It is hoped that the threshold for this kind of learning will be lowered.

It was not possible before.

But Xiaoyaofu has a mature white paper making process.

There is also printing, which has reduced the cost of books to historical lows.

Therefore, the promotion and dissemination of knowledge has become simple and efficient.

"By the way! Meng Aiqing, for the convenience of the common people or the self-studied people, I want you to take the lead in compiling a dictionary and dictionary. From pronunciation to font shape, search and interpretation should be simple and clear. As long as one dictionary and one dictionary are in the Hands, even if they are not honest, people can learn and improve themselves." Ye Qing suddenly thought of this very important thing.

In later generations, because there are reference books such as dictionaries, students can easily search, learn and judge by themselves.

The reference book is another portable teacher.

So this is more important.

(End of this chapter)

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