I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 587? The Cui Family's Reversal

Chapter 587: The Reversal of the Cui Family


This... a genius idea.

Mencius bowed directly and said: "Your Majesty is wise, this act is a great good, and the minister leads the decree, and will definitely make it perfect.

"Okay, it's not easy, go down and do it yourself." Ye Qing waved his hand and said:

"I'll give you a hint. You can ask the aristocratic family to discuss this aspect, and bring in their old antiques. The merits will last forever, and the good things that benefit the present, they will not let go."

Compiling a dictionary is to leave a name through the ages.

Although these aristocratic families are lonely and boundless.

But as long as you have a little bit of profit and reputation, you will come rushing like a crucian carp crossing the river.

"It's Your Majesty! I know what to do!" Mencius bowed to leave.


A few days later, the recruitment examination jointly organized by the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Education was released.

On the same day, the list was posted on counties and counties near Chang'an Pole.

At the same time, it is sent to various places in Kanto.

There was an uproar in public opinion for a while.

"Recruiting talents through scientific examinations, my God, His Majesty wants to take scientific examinations to recruit scholars, and recruit talents from all over the world through literary examinations. What a great thing! Great news!"

"Yes, there is no restriction on background, as long as you are talented, you will be recruited on the basis of merit, so that officials will not be monopolized by the aristocratic family and meritorious deeds!"

"Not only that, it's not limited to regions, it's open to the whole world, no matter if it's Beishi country or Wei, Han and other Kanto countries, as long as they can be selected, they can be officials!"

"Your Majesty is very bold. When he was the Marquis of Xiaoyao, he recruited talents from all over the world. It is the same now."

"I can't do it anymore. The big exam is going to be in two months. I have to go back to study and prepare well!"

Just when some want to show their skills and prepare to gain fame during the scientific examination.

Suddenly someone stopped everyone: "Don't rush away, look, there is an imperial list, let's see what else is good!"

Soon the new emperor list was double posted.

"With the help of the Imperial Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Propaganda, and funds from His Majesty's Young Mansion, a library will be built in Chang'an. At that time, the library can store books from all over the world for the people of the Great Zhou, or other people who have contributed to the Great Zhou. Read and borrow!"

"At the same time, we will also set up royal bookstores in Chang'an and various counties and counties, and publish a large number of books for the common people to buy cheaply, and for students to seek knowledge and ask questions..."

Hearing this, the common people were even more jubilant and excited.

"Your Majesty is ten thousand years old, Your Majesty is mighty and mighty, my emperor is holy!"

With a crash, the people watching the list knelt down one after another.

These measures are undoubtedly paving the way for the poor and benefiting the common people.

Learning is valuable than anything else.

If you don't have the talent to learn martial arts, then reading is the only and best way for most people to change their destiny.

The emperor is opening up this shortcut for them and clearing the obstacles for them.

Who does not love, who does not appreciate.

"The majestic Great Zhou, what country can compare with it, and we are so lucky to be born in the current Majesty's dynasty..."

"I am so strong, my great Zhou, so strong is my emperor..."

As soon as the news came out, everyone rushed to tell each other.

Wanmin was excited, but the aristocratic family was crying.

Ye Qing is touching their cheese.

Books are their gateway, if this thing is taken by ordinary people, how can they build their own status and moat.

Cui family!

All the families came here one after another.

"Patriarch Cui, what should we do about this matter? If the emperor is really allowed to complete these few things, then there will be no place for us in Dazhou from now on!"

"Yeah, I can't watch these mud legs grow bigger step by step!"

"Mud-legged people are so born. It's not so easy for them to grow up. They are still from poor families. They didn't have the opportunity to enter the palace before. Now the emperor has given them a chance, and they will soon be able to snatch all the positions in the imperial palace. The threat to us is urgent now. .”

The Patriarch of the Cui family also looked embarrassed at this time.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the results of Zhang Juzheng's examination to come out, and then brought all the officials to a vigorous threat of dismissal, but the emperor suddenly punched him with such a combination of punches.

Let their line be aborted before it is executed.

"Everyone, calm down." The head of the Cui family stood up and said:
"It's useless to complain. Cui only asked one question, can we really control the current court? Can we still interfere with the decision made by the emperor and his administration?"

A series of question marks came down.

Everyone was silent.

Today's emperor is different from the past.

Relying on an iron fist to rise to power, governing the country by force, with military power in hand.

Can be unscrupulous.

Even the rivers and lakes were unified by him.

Can't restrain the new emperor at all.

As for the government, it is divided into twelve departments, one hospital, one guard and one prison, a total of fifteen major departments.

Take back all the power.

It made Baiguan lose the foundation to fight against it.

"So, if you want to overthrow all of His Majesty's political actions, there are only two ways, that is, His Majesty resigns, or the Great Zhou dies." The Patriarch of the Cui family said coldly:
"But can these two things be done?"

Everyone shuddered.

Only the head of the Cui family dared to say such words so directly.

Of course it is impossible for Great Zhou to perish.

Da Zhou is gone, and they are finished too.

Treason is no joke, the gap between benefits and risks is too great.

Not to mention now, even when Chuyue Kingdom invaded Guanzhong, no one turned against them.

Not anymore.

As for killing the king, Ye Qing will be pulled down from the throne.

Also just think about it.

The current Ye Qing's martial arts are so strong that ordinary Supreme Beings are no match, and with the protection of a group of masters, it is as difficult as heaven to kill him.

It is even more impossible to oust him from power.

Even if he is driven down, the most likely person to take the stage is the King of Xiliang.

With his temperament, he will still govern the country according to the way Ye Qing is going now.

Equal to nothing.

Might as well not do it.

"So, everyone, it's time for us to make a choice. Although we don't want to give up the interests in our hands, the situation is like this. If we don't change, we will be changed!" Cui Family Patriarch explained:

"Yesterday Mencius came to see the old man, and he said that the emperor wanted him to compile a dictionary and a dictionary, and he needed many capable and benevolent people, especially great Confucians.

The completion of dictionaries and dictionaries will be a good deed that will benefit the future and benefit the present. The names of those who participated will be printed on the front and back pages for the records of all people, so as to pass on through the ages and generations. "


Everyone stood up one after another, all of them extremely astonished.

They all widened their eyes in shock.

And this kind of thing.

The emperor is terrible.

A big stick with a knife in his left hand, and a red date in his right hand.

Really counted them all.

"So the Cui family..." Everyone looked at the head of the Cui family.

The Patriarch of the Cui family nodded: "At this time and at that time, today's emperor is different from the past, and the Great Week in the future will not be the Great Week of today. Everyone should take a long-term view. Your Majesty's ambition has never been domestic, but Kanto!"


Swallow the world and want to rule the East.

This cake is getting bigger.

If you can get a share of the pie, the benefits will be more than ten times and a hundred times that in China.

(End of this chapter)

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