I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 588 The Yang Family's Choice

Chapter 588 The Yang Family's Choice

"Patriarch Yang, wait a moment!"

Seeing that everyone had understood and dispersed, the Patriarch of the Cui family stopped Yang Biao.

Yang Biao stopped with doubts in his eyes.

The head of the Cui family waited for everyone to leave, and then said: "Brother Yang, I don't worry about others, but I don't worry about you!"

Yang Biao said, "Brother Cui, what is the meaning of this?"

The Patriarch of the Cui family said: "Brother Yang, you know best what you have done. Your Majesty has not moved our family today, but gave us a chance to reflect. You can't play dangerous games!"

Hearing this, Yang Biao thumped, and his heart turned cold.

Looking at the meaningful eyes of the Patriarch of the Cui family, his face also began to turn bitter.

"Brother Cui, please give me some pointers. If the Yang family can get out of danger, we will repay you." Yang Biao suddenly clasped his fists and bowed.

The Patriarch of the Cui family motioned him to sit down, and then said: "Brother Yang, don't keep your mine anymore, I think you don't want to be like the Liu family, send it to the emperor, and live in seclusion in the future!"

Yang Biao said: "This can really avoid that disaster?"

"Hmph, why doesn't Younger Brother Yang believe me? If the Son of Heaven really wants to do something to you, do you think you can keep your head?" Cui Family Patriarch said:

"Keeping you is to show all the families. He can accommodate you, so he can accommodate all the families. As long as you don't do those shady things from now on, you don't care about the past!"

Only then did Yang Biao break out in a cold sweat.

I know how many serious crimes my family has committed.

It's not that the emperor didn't find out, but he was waiting for him to plead guilty.

When he really wants to move, with his thunderous style of doing things, there is still the existence of the Yang family.

"Thank you Brother Cui!" Yang Biao bowed heavily.

Jiang is still old and hot, otherwise how could the Cui family be the boss of the family.

I am still in the dark.

After Yang Biao returned home, he called Yang Mingxuan directly.

"Father, did you call me for something?" Yang Mingxuan asked.

"Xuan'er kneel down." Yang Biao suddenly opened his closed eyes and said sharply.

Yang Mingxuan was puzzled, but still knelt down according to Yang Biao's words.

Then Yang Biao stood up, and picked up an iron rod on his right.

Yang Mingxuan was a little uneasy.

"Father, what are you going to do?"

"Kneel down, don't make a sound!"

Yang Biao walked around behind him, a trace of reluctance and pain flashed in his eyes.

But it was still a heavy swing of the iron rod.


The next moment, Yang Mingxuan's screams came out of the hall, and the heart-piercing screams drew all the soldiers outside.

"Come here, carry Xuan'er back to the backyard, don't treat his leg, just save his life!"

After speaking, Yang Biao threw away the iron rod, and left the house holding a box.


Tai Chi Palace!
Imperial study room!
Liu Buren reported the information he had just captured.

Just finished speaking, the little eunuch outside said: "Your Majesty, the palace gate will report, Yang Biao begs to see you!"


Ye Qingnian watched the little eunuch go down to pass the decree, and then turned to Liu Buren: "It seems that our Patriarch Yang has made a decision, and the treasury has lost a huge sum of money!"

Liu Buren felt a little like serving the devil.

This son of heaven wants to raid his family at every turn, and take over the wealth accumulated by the family's ancestors for generations.

Very soon Yang Biao walked in.

"Chen Yang Biao pays homage to His Majesty, Your Majesty is forever!"

Ye Qingdao: "Yang Aiqing is free of courtesy, I don't know why Aiqing entered the palace?"

"Your Majesty, I have not been able to share your majesty's worries and do my best for the country. I really am ashamed of the late emperor's favor." Yang Biao continued:
"At the same time, my ability is limited and I don't know anything about the iron industry, so that the treasure is dusty. Now I am willing to dedicate it to the Ministry of Industry, so that the Tieshan Iron Mine under the Li family's name can play its due role."

After speaking, Yang Biao put the box on.

Ye Qing gave Cao Zhengchun a glance, and Cao Zhengchun came down to pick up the box, sent it to the dragon case, and opened it.

Ye Qing glanced at the contents inside.

You are still writing books, they should all be land deeds related to iron mines.

The Yang family finally offered the golden rooster that laid eggs.

"Yang Aiqing has a heart. Since you have no time to manage these things separately, I will let someone who is capable manage them." Ye Qing suddenly smiled:
"Yang Aiqing, I heard that Gouzi had a conflict with you at home and was injured!"

"Uh, Your Majesty, it is true. The dog is stubborn and has done something he shouldn't do. He should have died. But the minister was still soft and couldn't do it, so he had to beat him up." Yang Biao was terrified.

Things to do before you go out.

The Son of Heaven knew it so quickly.

It's terrifying.

The emperor's eyeliner in the Yang family.

The emperor knows everything about the Yang family.

Fortunately, I came to surrender today, otherwise the Yang family would really be destroyed.

Ye Qing said: "Children are stupid, they will inevitably be stubborn, it doesn't matter if they make some mistakes, why get angry, as long as they know their mistakes and can correct them."

"Yes, Your Majesty has enough time to reprimand me. I'd better go back and discipline him." Yang Biao breathed a sigh of relief.

According to Ye Qing, this is the end of the matter.

"Yang Aiqing, do you know that the Hexi Governor's Mansion is newly built, and everything is lacking there." Ye Qing asked suddenly.

Yang Biao was taken aback, what do you mean?

How did it get involved in the Hexi Governor's Mansion.

"Your Majesty, Hexi Xinli is indeed lacking a lot of things. I think the most lacking thing is population, the people of my Great Zhou." Yang Biao didn't know what Ye Qing meant, so he picked a well-regulated topic.

Ye Qing said with emotion: "Yes, there are a lot of barbarians lacking my people in Da Zhou. I only borrowed [-] cavalry from Wei Qing, and I don't even have a commoner or an official. I don't know how Wei Aiqing can be there." stand."

This time Yang Biao could hear the smell of meat.

The lack of people is the second, and the lack of officials is the key.

Hexi is only newly established, so there are no officials sent here.

The three new counties in Liangzhou alone are not enough to dispatch officials.

Not to mention the Hexi Governor's Mansion.

The emperor meant something.

Yang Biao gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, I am willing to recommend myself to go to Hexi, guard the border of the empire, share your majesty's worries, and assist the governor of the guard!"

"Hahaha, Yang Aiqing is really a role model for the empire, and you are ready to play." Ye Qing laughed and said, "So, Yang Qing will be the prefect of Wuwei from today onwards. I hope that the Yang family can establish the image of the Great Zhou for the empire there, and serve the empire. Make your own contributions to the development outside the home, and create a different Yang family!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Yang Biao wanted to cry.

Not only would he want to go, but the Yang family would also move there.

This is a big gamble.

From now on, the Yang family will leave the core of power in Chang'an.

Hexi, Wuwei, the place where the birds don't shit.

Mixed joys and sorrows.

The Yang family survived, but they were dispatched to Hexi in a disguised form. From then on, they dealt with a group of barbarians, ate the sand in the northwest, and drank the wind in the northwest.

Yang Biao came back and announced the news.

The entire Yang family was blown up.

The huge Yang family immediately fell apart.

All the branches announced that they would cut off their ties with the main family one after another, and all the branches went out independently, saying that they would draw a clear line with Yang Biao's branch and stop communicating with each other.

Yang Biao had no choice but to take the shrunken Yang family to Wuwei to take root.

The matter of the Yang family also caused deep thinking and introspection among the major families in Da Zhou...

(End of this chapter)

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